WLAN autoconfig and 60-second wifi polling


Jan 11, 2009
I have this issue and it's driving me nuts with my HTPC!!!

I'll be watching shows and exactly every minute the adapter polls, causing a stutter in my playback. This ONLY happens with my linksys wusb600n adapter. All my other laptops, with G and N adapters (non linksys) work just fine. This is a proven "bug" and the only way around it seems to be with 3rd party programs running in the system try to stop the minute interval polling.

This is annoying though. I don't want to have "extra" software just to fix a stupid bug that should've been fixed by now. Are there ANY other options aside from my selling this adapter and buying a different brand? Is there any setting in the registry that I can change? thanks.

there isnt an option to turn it off if you go into the device manager and right click on it and click properties?
i think its under a tab called advanced or something.

Beyond that i'd sell it and buy something else.
there is no option to turn it off.

the adapter is on craigslist but i was hoping this software issue could be fixed with a registry tweak or something.
I remedied some of the problem. I am posting a new thread specific to that. Can a mod delete this thread? thanks.