Batman Arkham Asylum Demo Released...


Dec 12, 2004
Alright folks, bare with me here.

For those that have been keeping an eye on this fantastic looking game, know the demo was scheduled to be released on PC/PS3/360 simultaneously tomorrow.

These demos are sometimes released (especially via PSN) earlier to UK'rs, and this one is no different.

Batman Arkham Asylum has been released via the UK PSN (playstation 3 network).

Don't fret kiddes, the US is not technically excluded from downloading this...following these instructions and you should be downloading it in no-time:

1. Go to Create New User for the PS3 then make up a name (I chose Ryuuie UK).
2. Go to the PSN section and create a new PSN account.
3. Select your country as United Kingdom and then go on with the installation process. You will need to use another e-mail OTHER than your main PSN e-mail.
4. It will ask you for your address, I just used:
kings road 32
City: London
Country: England
Postal Code: LS1 6AD
5. Then finish up and go to the PSN and download the UK demo. You can log off of the newly created account, go back to your main account, and the demo will not stop downloading.

One of the developers has released these "tentative" release times today for the other platforms:

With regard to other live times, the information I have is as follows:

- PS3 (PAL only): Thursday 6th August, 8-10am PT (4-6pm GMT) Huzzah!
- PS3 (NTSC only): Thursday 6th August, 11.30pm ET (4.30am GMT+1)
- X360 (worldwide): Thursday 6th August, 4.30-8.30pm PT (00.30-4.30am GMT+1)
- PC (worldwide): Thursday 6th August, 11.30pm ET (4.30am GMT+1)

(but this is all obviously subject to change and the official line is the demo will be out on the 7th).

I will try to update this post as more confirmation on other platforms comes in.

You can now find the demo on the US PSN Store, Xbox Live Marketplace, and for the PC via "Nzone":

You can now find the demo on the US PSN Store, Xbox Live Marketplace, and for the PC via "Nzone":
thanks for the info. Im downloading PC demo from Nzone at 1.7 MB/s. Nvidia is one of the few sites that gets remotely close to utilizing my 20 meg connection.
Just played the PC demo..IMPRESSIVE!!..1st time Ive seen PhysX settings and a reccomendation for what card you should have(260GTX seemes to be the min to run PhysX)..Options are plenty for video and performance..Nice job!
well the game installed fine but when I try to play I get this. :confused:

Stopped working

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: CLR20r3
Problem Signature 01: bmlauncher.exe
Problem Signature 02:
Problem Signature 03: 4a65eeb5
Problem Signature 04: System.Management
Problem Signature 05:
Problem Signature 06: 49cc5f67
Problem Signature 07: 25e
Problem Signature 08: 2a
Problem Signature 09: System.TypeInitialization
OS Version: 6.0.6002.
Locale ID: 1033

EDIT: well I gave up and installed it on my Windows 7 partition and it works there. surely I cant be the only person with this issue on Vista though.
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Just played the PC demo..IMPRESSIVE!!..1st time Ive seen PhysX settings and a reccomendation for what card you should have(260GTX seemes to be the min to run PhysX)..Options are plenty for video and performance..Nice job!
where are you getting those options? I dont see any of that and in fact there isnt even a video option to change the res or any graphics settings for that matter. am I that blind??

why are you so impressed? the game feels and plays just like a freaking kiddy console game. I hate games that have points and silly glowing objects that dont even fit into the world. I like games that feel somewhat realistic or at least movie like. graphics are great but thats it for this one.
why are you so impressed? the game feels and plays just like a freaking kiddy console game. I hate games that have points and silly glowing objects that dont even fit into the world. I like games that feel somewhat realistic or at least movie like. graphics are great but thats it for this one.

Were you seriously expecting realism from a Batman game?

I honestly was very impressed by the game. The combat feels so natural and the stealth gameplay isn't half-assed at all.

Everyone should check it out, it could very well turn into one of this years best titles.
Were you seriously expecting realism from a Batman game?

I honestly was very impressed by the game. The combat feels so natural and the stealth gameplay isn't half-assed at all.

Everyone should check it out, it could very well turn into one of this years best titles.
well based on some of the videos and the way the graphics looked I wasnt expecting a kiddy game. the combat was okay I guess but I didnt play it very long.

so did you get it to run on Vista? also where are the graphics settings for the game because I cant find them...
Video settings are in the Launcher when you first run the game under settings.. They are out of game. If you started the game already go to the folder with the .EXE's and run the launcher one again.

I got pretty much 60fps all the time with all settings on High including AA16. Turned off Motion Blur and PhysX too. Running an 260GTX
well based on some of the videos and the way the graphics looked I wasnt expecting a kiddy game. the combat was okay I guess but I didnt play it very long.

so did you get it to run on Vista? also where are the graphics settings for the game because I cant find them...

I actually played it on my PS3, but I'm currently downloading the PC demo.

But I still don't understand your complaint of it being a kiddy game. So they highlight useful/important objects... it's more of a pacing thing. Otherwise it'd turn into a game of mashing the "Use" button on everything. In fact, if anything, I suspect this will piss off many kids since you die extremely fast to enemies wielding guns.
I actually played it on my PS3, but I'm currently downloading the PC demo.

But I still don't understand your complaint of it being a kiddy game. So they highlight useful/important objects... it's more of a pacing thing. Otherwise it'd turn into a game of mashing the "Use" button on everything. In fact, if anything, I suspect this will piss off many kids since you die extremely fast to enemies wielding guns.
having points and other things like that come on the screen kills immersion of the cool environment. I wasnt talking about normal objects glowing but I was referring to the big green question mark you find when you go in the vent. after that I lost interest because I hate that type of stuff.
having points and other things like that come on the screen kills immersion of the cool environment. I wasnt talking about normal objects glowing but I was referring to the big green question mark you find when you go in the vent. after that I lost interest because I hate that type of stuff.

Cause the game forces you to pick them up!!!
Cause the game forces you to pick them up!!!
well duh. lol. it just doesnt fit into the surroundings and therefore kills my interest. I like games like HL2 and such where your surroundings feel real and its more like a movie not a game.
having points and other things like that come on the screen kills immersion of the cool environment. I wasnt talking about normal objects glowing but I was referring to the big green question mark you find when you go in the vent. after that I lost interest because I hate that type of stuff.

Its a giant question mark because it gives you the profile for the freaking Riddler. It makes sense in context. The other special items like that will probably all look different and make sense based on what it gives you.

well duh. lol. it just doesnt fit into the surroundings and therefore kills my interest. I like games like HL2 and such where your surroundings feel real and its more like a movie not a game.

Its a comic-book game....
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Its a giant question mark because it gives you the profile for the freaking Riddler. It makes sense in context. The other special items like that will probably all look different and make sense based on what it gives you.

Its a comic-book game....
I know the game itself is based on the comic book. my movie comment is for how I like games to "feel" so that really has nothing to do with it.
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I know the game itself is based on the comic book. my movie comment is for how I like games to "feel" so that really has nothing to do with it.

Its not supposed to feel like a movie. That's the problem. This isn't Half-Life, you can't expect every game to be like that. Just doesn't work that way.
Its not supposed to feel like a movie. That's the problem. This isn't Half-Life, you can't expect every game to be like that. Just doesn't work that way.
okay you are making this too complicated. lol. I didnt know how the game would play UNTIL I tried the demo. NOW I know after trying it that it is NOT the kind of game I like. I may pick it up down the road when it drops way down in price though.
okay you are making this too complicated. lol. I didnt know how the game would play UNTIL I tried the demo. NOW I know after trying it that it is NOT the kind of game I like. I may pick it up down the road when it drops way down in price though.

Yeah. I was making it complicated, but you have to expect that after your first post completely slams the game for no other reason than that it doesn't appeal to you.
Game of the year (GOTY)? The best Batman game ever? I liked the game a lot, though the demo was very short. GeForce 8600 GT does not run the game very well even in a small window mode but that was not a surprise...

I have a 4850 and it runs smoothly, is it worth getting an nvidia card to run Physx?
Played, loved :) Combat system and smooth animation are really cool

PhysX effects looks good too, all new APEX and stuff
Composed a comparison video -

I remember when City of Heroes came out 5 years ago boasting about having Ageia PhysX support and I laughed in its face as well as the faces of every other game since then to have PhysX support. It actually seems to make noticeable differences even just in these few examples in the demo, particularly the steam and fog particle effects. I guess I'm glad I have an nvidia card right now with onboard PhysX. Perhaps it's a sign of things to come with other games in the future as well.
can anybody help me get this thing playing on Vista?

well the game installed fine but when I try to play I get this. :confused:

Stopped working

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: CLR20r3
Problem Signature 01: bmlauncher.exe
Problem Signature 02:
Problem Signature 03: 4a65eeb5
Problem Signature 04: System.Management
Problem Signature 05:
Problem Signature 06: 49cc5f67
Problem Signature 07: 25e
Problem Signature 08: 2a
Problem Signature 09: System.TypeInitialization
OS Version: 6.0.6002.
Locale ID: 1033

EDIT: well I gave up and installed it on my Windows 7 partition and it works there. surely I cant be the only person with this issue on Vista though.
Played fine on Vista x64 SP2 here. 190.38 on my GTX 260.

I did install DirectX before installing the demo, so maybe look into that.
Played fine on Vista x64 SP2 here. 190.38 on my GTX 260.

I did install DirectX before installing the demo, so maybe look into that.
nope didnt work. I had the same prob with Lost Planet last year and just like the Batman game it worked fine in Windows 7 too. all other games launch and play fine so I am stumped.
I just played through it and really enjoyed it. Parts of it are a little patronizingly simple, but dealing with the henchmen in a stealthy way kind of reminded me of Hitman. Looking for creative and effective stealth routes to deal with multiple targets without alerting them was what made that game fun for me, and it kind of felt like that. The combat flowed well and while it felt a bit hack-and-slashy (without the bladed weapons of course) it was still entertaining. The graphics were impressive for UE3 (definitely better than Bioshock and Mass Effect) and it never dropped below 50 FPS on my Q6600 and GTX 275.

It's got the grubby prints of console port all over it, but I forgive that most of the time when it seems like they at least made a conscious effort to make it work well on the PC, unlike say GTA4.
whao...the youtube video looks awesome!

guys...comment on the games please..

bleed our eyes with sick screenies if you are kind enough...........
whao...the youtube video looks awesome!

guys...comment on the games please..

bleed our eyes with sick screenies if you are kind enough...........

I'm currently uploading the second part of my run through the demo to Youtube so that is killing my internet connection. Have a podcast to do soon, but I'll run through the demo again after that and get some good screens.
so you can't enable anti aliasing if you dont have an nvidia card?

im not paying for this
Very cool game. Graphics are gorgeous. Even ran good on my meager vid card.
Looks awesome, and getting a good 1 MB/s down on steam. Wondering how my aged 8800GTX will hold up.
forget about Physx and AA for sure if you are at 1920. I get around 40fps with sig rig at 1920x1080 max settings, 2x AA, and Physx on the middle setting.