12 Things You Can Never Say in the Office

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
BusinessWeek wants to keep you from looking old and stupid with this list of 12 things you can never say in the office. Oddly enough “Intranet” is on the list but “Hey baby” isn’t.

We've put together a list of outdated tech terms, phrases that you shouldn't be using at work anymore because they will make you seem old. This is especially true if you're looking for a new job. For example, on an interview, you should be talking about "cloud computing," not "ASPs" even though they are basically the same thing.
My only complaint is #4. RSS isn't a push technology *OR* an evolution of push technology. It is completely a pull tech. Push is still very relevant and desired, but not on PCs anymore. It has moved to cell phones because push requires *LESS* bandwidth than pull. RIM built a business off of pushing to cell phones.

Also, the link in the OP is broken.
list is lame.

we support 1000's of thin clients and each company we support has an intranet
When I interview people and they spout off a checklist of cool words to try and impress me I have the opposite reaction.
Yeah, I use terms like ILEC and CLEC almost every day, along with Intranet and Push.....

Seems the author is a little out of touch or is just ignorant on most of the technology she is writing about.
Same goes for Thinclients.....

** I could have added this in the previous post but I have no "edit post" button or "delete" button available.
12 Reasons Businessweek is probably close to the end of its life cause we're getting shitfaced and writing stupid articles

1.) We made a article about words that aren't used in our office, cause we're stuffy old businessmen who "surf the web" for porn all day while playing wastebasketball.

2.) Did we mention the thickness of our magazine due to ad revenue losses has dropped by 70%?

3.) Ah yes, print media, we're cutting edge baby! - Circa 1904

etc etc etc ;)

For real, that had to be the worst piece of "journalism" I ever read, and god only knows that as long as Paul Krugman is alive, that's a tall order to leap overtop of.
Funny how they get these dumbasses who are clearly not computer professionals to write lame articles about computing....

1. My LAN is not a VPN, in fact - it is quite real.
3. To say that there is a difference in the perception of surfing or browsing the web is stupid; also, I'll use the term Google if I am in fact "Googling" something.
6. What if I am infact speaking of a PDA and not a smartphone?
8. Sure, but I don't Tweet anywhere other than Twitter.
9. I too talk of thin clients all the time, and to suggest that instead one should refer to a different technology that is similar in concept (and longer to say) when I am speaking of thin clients... I dunno.
11. And what about people who get a relatively minimum cell plan and get billed $50 for a few long distance calls. I'm pretty sure it matters to them,

This article fails.
Seems the author is a little out of touch or is just ignorant on most of the technology she is writing about.

Actually, it sounds like the author is a person who had no clue what any of those terms actually meant until she looked them up because she heard them all the time. Now, she's pissed because she had no clue what they meant and looked like an idiot in front of a bunch of people and so she's railing against those terms because she doesn't think the people who use those terms are "hip".

Truth be told, I swear I'm going to beat the shit out of the next person who uses the term "cloud computing". I'm so goddamn sick of hearing that term and it seems like most of the people who use that term jizz every time they say it; especially since they use it over and over and over even if it has no place in the discussion.

And in the spirit of the author, we are reminded, that we should refrain from using certain terms how ever relevant, because one must always strive for sounding like a 15 year old.

But who am I to judge, I dont twitter or facebook, and the other day I used the word intranet... yeah I practically have one foot in the crematorium oven.

Did anyone EVER call the internet the "infobahn"!? WOOT!!
VPN is Virtual private network, its encrypting data between two points enough that it is private. It is often used to connect remote users to their business's intranet.
VPNs can also used to setup connections between two businesses.
Kind of funny, we use ASP here at work. In fact, there's a whole team dedicated to ASP support. Don't think it's going away as its a hot item in the marketplace. We're providing ASP to pharmacies and hospitals all over the world.
My only complaint is #4. RSS isn't a push technology *OR* an evolution of push technology. It is completely a pull tech. Push is still very relevant and desired, but not on PCs anymore. It has moved to cell phones because push requires *LESS* bandwidth than pull. RIM built a business off of pushing to cell phones.

Also, the link in the OP is broken.

My thoughts exactly
purebooyah... when i first started at my job i hated thin clients. but then it makes life 100x easier since they only can screw up their citrix session... rather than their pc and a citrix session.
I have always held BusinessWeek on the same level as RedBook. Shit I will never read.
I sure am glad I'm not the only one that was stupified at #1. Its a really bad thing if people have a probelm with the first point.

Right now I'm sitting in a lab looking at one machine count up tons of disk errors and remotely looking at my desktop in another building 10 miles away and there is no VPN between us and I'm working on an intranet site and should be looking at WSUS soon (but its verison 3 so its not technically a intranet website persey)

List Fail?
What she doesn't know is the WWW is internet but the internet is not the WWW.
WWW = websites on servers on the internet
Internet = network of servers out "there".
I still say that I "Surf the internet", even though I haven't heard anyone saying that for years, when describing what I do all day to people who ask. I don't know what else to use, I can't say I browse the internet because in my language it's not called a "web browser", but instead "web reader" and saying that "I read the internet" sounds even more stupid than surfing, makes it sound like it's text only like 15 years ago.
People, keep up with your buzzwords or the suits may figure out you know nothing that they expect you to know in a way that they don't know.
stopped reading #1.... wtf... how does VPN replace intranet? while i agree that people are starting to call things that aren't intranets intranets... but still... VPN != intranet....
stopped reading #1.... wtf... how does VPN replace intranet? while i agree that people are starting to call things that aren't intranets intranets... but still... VPN != intranet....

EXACTLY what I was going to come on here and say. Author loses any and all credibility after making such an ignorant statement.
LOL, I just walked in on someone doing ASP report yesterday with shouts of "Leave me alone!" I felt very sorry for them, might even shed a tear. This list made my day, sad really (I LOLed at VoIP getting old fast).
That's about a dumb-ass list. Wishing it away won't make it so.
What is she smoking, and is it legal?

Let me go tell everyone to stop using the therms intranet and thin client. After they're done laughing at me, I'll tell them "No, I'm serious. BusinessWeek said so."
If i ever end up in an office typing stuff or talking on the phone, i really will just end up just ending it, that type of work environment is not meant for humans.
If i ever end up in an office typing stuff or talking on the phone, i really will just end up just ending it, that type of work environment is not meant for humans.

But then Dilbert would not be so funny! :p
What is she smoking, and is it legal?

Let me go tell everyone to stop using the therms intranet and thin client. After they're done laughing at me, I'll tell them "No, I'm serious. BusinessWeek said so."

Online journalism has brought us more quantity but less quality it seems.
Horrible article.
No one in the work place cares about these things.

I thought it might be an important article, where I would have to keep my mouth shut about something or get fired.
No, keep my mouth shut, or I might sound 25.

Great. I am 25, so I don't care if I sound that old.
Glad I'm not the only one who choked on a good number of the "words". PDA? We have quite a few that are useful and not phones... but I guess being a "smart phone" doesn't require it having a phone in it. Sounds smart.

Thin client eh? Yeah, we have a couple hundred. Or I thought we did. I guess we don't know. Going to be some sad people when they find they don't actually have computer access anymore. I'll just show them this article though - then they'll understand.

And I'm certain the staff members will be THRILLED to know that there's no special account code needed for "long distant calling" anymore - since there isn't any such thing and they should now be able to call whoever without Accounts Payable going nuts.

I'll have to print off a copy for the business office so they understand it all now too. Wait... "print" is still a viable word too right?
More like 12 words you tried to use to act like a tech and people sniffed you out as a dumbass. So here's 12 more words you can use to hammer in the fact you don't know jack!
#1 is just wrong. A private IP network is not a VPN.
#2 is mostly wrong. You generally provide access to a private IP network via a VPN link.

The guy is obviously clueless. A manager perhaps. Or a manager moonlighting as a tech writer.