Host a Windows 7 Launch Party, Get Free Stuff

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Microsoft wants you to host a Windows 7 launch party. While we rarely pass up an opportunity to host a party around here, I can honestly say I’ve never had an “OS” launch party. Who knows, it might be fun. Hit the link if you are interested, you can win free stuff too.

Apply online to host a Launch Party. Choose a day from October 22-29 and if you're selected, you'll not only receive a special Signature Edition of Windows® 7 Ultimate but your very own Windows® 7 Party Pack.
I find it stupid and laughable. Is this official from Microsoft? I can understand a party for like the PS3 at launch but one for an OS is extremely unnecessary.
Pick a theme, then upload photos and videos, chat with other hosts, blog your experience, and download fun favors all from your personal House Party page.

Yeah no thanks.
Hey, why not! I signed up since all it requires you to do is invite 10 people to your house to check it out. They even leave it up to you to serve alcohol or not. And I have 10 friends who are not completely stupid when it comes to computers so why the hell not.
I signed up to host one for the hell of it. I am trying to get everyone I know to switch to Windows 7, why not have a party, lol.
Are you fucking kidding me? I have to click on English (not Espagnol) when I click on the USA link.
Are you fucking kidding me? I have to click on English (not Espagnol) when I click on the USA link.

Dude, don't get me started.

I have 2 t-shirts made with the saying.. "ENGLISH motherfucker..Do you SPEAK it!" If you lived in Miami,Fl (little Cuba) like I do, you'd understand my frustration.


Also - lol

I have enough relatives nearby that I can just call them up and have a normal party and call it a Windows party.
Yep, applied for it to take place in my residence, maybe they'll send me over 160 packages for me to harvest. :p
wow imagine all kinds of basement dwellers on a nerd party like this.... don't forget to bring a t-shirt in leetspeak and a binary watch :)
Signed up for it. Lots of family and friends in town that would love any reason to get together for free food.
I'm "doing it" just for the free copy of windows :D

Heck - I get nothing and I'm still doing it. I love Win7. I can finally tell my family that, yes, they *should* move to this new Microsoft OS (something I couldn't recommend with Vista).
I think all my friends would love to have a Windows 7 launch party.

I think all my friends would love to have a party.

I think all my friends love to party.

My friends party.


I'm in :D
well have a party and say its about windows 7 when you wake up hours later in vomit, you get a free copy!

or create 10 gmail accounts for your 10 friends you "invited" and party by yourself... poppin pimples and crying to the cure
well have a party and say its about windows 7 when you wake up hours later in vomit, you get a free copy!

or create 10 gmail accounts for your 10 friends you "invited" and party by yourself... poppin pimples and crying to the cure

Wasn't there something about opening yourself up for a press drop by?
I signed up for it. October's the month of my birthday, my brother's birthday, my dad's birthday, my aunt's birthday, my brother-in-law's anniversary, my mother-in-law's birthday, my father-in-law's birthday, my in-law's anniversary...plenty of things to get get together for. Might as well include Windows 7 while I'm at it, especially since I'll be upgrading my dad and wife's laptops to 7 anyway.

Didn't do a press drop by, opted out of that. There's a difference between inviting my friends and having complete strangers dropping by.
How many of you folks wanna gather somewhere on the central coast and have a big [H]ard|LAN and have Microoft (pun intended) split the bill? :p

I can read the headlines: BIG [H]ard|LAN, brought to you by microoft!
Next thing you know, Microsoft will want people to take a shot of whiskey whenever they release an Update on Windows Update.

I just invented a new drinking game.