Is it REALLY this unbalanced?

It's garbage. Was soooo looking forward to this, but I gave up.

EA has a real shot with Battlefield BC2 and Medal of honor to take a chunk of the player base. I know there are millions waiting for a replacement to CoD because of this shit..
it is just a noob playing again noobs

It is easy to exploit players like this and shut them down.

I have never played this on Console, that video is of a console play and it seems that console users can do nothing more then spam with noob tubes because of the lack of aiming skills

I play on PC and I enjoy playing the game, it has its issues sure but still enjoy playing it... tell BF BC2 comes out :D preordered :cool:
Why is this guy wasting his time with one man army pro? I have that class, and it seems like a waste of time for his purposes. Why not use scavenger? That's what I do. Instead of waiting for a class swap, you just walk over someone that's died (and they're everywhere). There are times where I set claymores like it's my job. Of course when a game is as lop-sided as that one was, the other team is going to get murdered. What was that, 3 against 9? That's not freakin' news.
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the problem with scavenger is that you would have to go into the "kill zone" or get closer to the enemy. With one man army he is able to hide in the back while he changes classes and tube some more.
the problem with scavenger is that you would have to go into the "kill zone" or get closer to the enemy. With one man army he is able to hide in the back while he changes classes and tube some more.

If I remember right, you can pick up supplies from dead allies and enemies alike. If a claymore goes off, there will certainly be supplies sitting there to replenish the claymore with. I quarantine and deny entire buildings doing that.
What was that, 3 against 9? That's not freakin' news.

At 3:17 he brings up the player list. 9 VS 9, so it wasn't unbalanced teams in terms of number of players.
Hahah yeah this goes on in the PC version as well. OMA and Tubing can get you an easy 10-15 k:d ratio (especially on Domination where you can tube a point from across the map). It's incredibly lame but people will keep doing it as long as it's in the game.
At 3:17 he brings up the player list. 9 VS 9, so it wasn't unbalanced teams in terms of number of players.

They fill up, but if people see someone, or a team, with a high kill score, and people on their team with high deaths, they'll drop, so you have one team that's constantly searching for new players. I have had that happen to me on the 360 before. I played half a game of domination by myself when a party came in and sucked really bad (claiming guys on the other team were cheating), so they quit, then another party came in, and they quit. I still managed to squeak out a good game of something like 22-14, but when I would die, I was by myself. I could hear the people in the parties talking about quitting, then leaving, then the new party saw I was losing (obviously), so they played a minute then quit. Towards the end of the game, a couple people had come into the game, but they had hardly any kills or deaths. It just happens.

There are plenty of youtube videos of guys getting really crazy high kills with hardly any deaths, and they don't use one man army pro. They just play really crappy people and have a good game. Some games I do extremely well in, and other times I take the award for the crappiest player logged into the game. Not saying it doesn't need some tweaks, but no game is perfect.
Yeah it's pretty unbalanced. Going up against crap like this is why I stopped playing it.
I have no sympathy for anyone that bought this game.

We all knew the score before they released, they were doing utterly retarded things like removing dedicated server support, and somehow the continuation of them being massive retards is a surprise?!?!
you dont have to put up with those kind of players.. all you have to do is leave the game and find anonther.. it wouldnt take 2 minutes to find one.. same thing with cheaters or hackers.. but since i play in console, ive never seen any hackers or cheaters yet.. i know they exist, but have not yet encounter them..

All in all, i'm enjoying the game..
I have never played this on Console, that video is of a console play and it seems that console users can do nothing more then spam with noob tubes because of the lack of aiming skills

I play on XBOX360 and my accuracy is quite good... 21.5% man. Hardly ever use the noob tube.
Dedi servers would have fixed this on the PC, just sayin'.

how? He's just exploiting something that infinity ward designed, it's not like he's using an aimbot or wallhack. It sucks to be on the recieving end of it, but he's not cheating.

as for people who think its exclusive to this title, you obviously haven't played many multiplayer games (dedicated server or not). We were playing TF2 last night and ended up winning 33 of 35 rounds. We literally STEAMROLLED them almost every time... playing as a spy, which usually has a pretty short lifespan (especially since I'm pretty new to playing spy), I got something like 54 backstabs and stayed alive for close to 15 mins.

likewise, I've played and got absolutely slaughtered because there were a lot of beginners on the team or people were doing their own thing instead of working together.

It's just the nature of the beast if you get stuck on a team that's not all that great vs a team of above average players, which happens from time to time
MW1-PC also had issues with game balance and consolitis - but tweaked dedicated server cfg files and promods fixed most of the issues.

MW2 has no dedicated servers, no mod tools, and 99% of the cfg cvars are now cheat protected or disabled - thus unlike MW1 PC players no longer have control over the game and are thus forced to play people using all the noobification implements (such as demonstrated in the video).
Between MoH and BFBC2, I dont think MW2 will lose all its audience, but it WILL lose a chunk of em, BFBC2 is just around the corner too!
Unless you were an admin, it wouldn't of mattered anyway.

I'm not defending the game as that's an obvious flaw they need to patch, but like I said, it's not something exclusive to cod... If you end up on a stacked team (or a team full of noobs), you're going to see similar slaughterings regardless of game, server type and end user configuration files
All they need to do to fix it (I say "fix" loosely) is gray out any class that has one man army pro in it as a class perk. Then you would no longer be able to continue with this repetitive reload. I use one man army pro all the time, and if you pick a class that does not have that perk, you are stuck with that class until you die.

I played last night with a whole team of knifers. They were doing that high speed run and knife. I swapped to my class with scavenger, and this other guy and I took up residence in this one building. I set up three claymores going up the stairs, and we both took a window. They couldn't run fast enough to get through three claymores, and with scavenger, I could always reset my claymores from their dead body supplies. It took them a long time to kill me, but it put an end to that knifing crap.

To me, that's game balance. You don't run around high speed knifing every one, then I won't claymore the ever-loving sh*t out of you.
I tried this build on PC last night. I think it does have to do with it being on a console vs the PC. I normally run like 25-35 and 8 on most of my games, with the OMA setup as he described It went up a tiny bit. But it was rather boring to play. I do agree that the chuck norris bomb is pretty cool, I didn't know danger close did this for killstreaks. I might have to setup another class with it.

Also the patch stopped hacks for about 2-3 hours, last night they where back to full force.

IWNET improving your multiplayer experience since 2009!
how? He's just exploiting something that infinity ward designed, it's not like he's using an aimbot or wallhack. It sucks to be on the recieving end of it, but he's not cheating.

as for people who think its exclusive to this title, you obviously haven't played many multiplayer games (dedicated server or not). We were playing TF2 last night and ended up winning 33 of 35 rounds. We literally STEAMROLLED them almost every time... playing as a spy, which usually has a pretty short lifespan (especially since I'm pretty new to playing spy), I got something like 54 backstabs and stayed alive for close to 15 mins.

likewise, I've played and got absolutely slaughtered because there were a lot of beginners on the team or people were doing their own thing instead of working together.

It's just the nature of the beast if you get stuck on a team that's not all that great vs a team of above average players, which happens from time to time

Nope he wasn't cheating - but this unbalance is just OFF the charts - the difference between TF2 and this is that in TF2 one person can't make THAT much of a difference, as long as the other team is working at a TEAM. In this example, this guy could have been all by himself, and he probably would have STILL spawnlocked the other team, and from what I saw, there was NOTHING they could do about it.

Your example about the knifing runs is an example of good balance - there was a tactic to counter the other teams tactics. How would you have countered this?
Nope he wasn't cheating - but this unbalance is just OFF the charts - the difference between TF2 and this is that in TF2 one person can't make THAT much of a difference, as long as the other team is working at a TEAM. In this example, this guy could have been all by himself, and he probably would have STILL spawnlocked the other team, and from what I saw, there was NOTHING they could do about it.

Your example about the knifing runs is an example of good balance - there was a tactic to counter the other teams tactics. How would you have countered this?

you have to keep in mind you're looking at one extreme case which is not representative of typical gameplay. i've personally witnessed this kind of domination in COD4, or at least something similar and of the same order of magnitude. as said above, it's the nature of the beast.
I agree; 21% is actually pretty good for the game. I always lay down a little covering fire here and there if I'm playing with my friends. That drops your accuracy quite a bit if you do it even just a few times per map. However, even if you don't do things like that it's still a decent mark for accuracy in a game where spray can be king.

edit: I'd also like to point out that IRL, I think it's something like 250k rounds fired per insurgent killed in Iraq. If you want to complain about realism and arcadish balance, you might want to consider the alternative first lol (though I agree that this particular kit needs to be changed immediately after watching the video)
I agree; 21% is actually pretty good for the game. I always lay down a little covering fire here and there if I'm playing with my friends. That drops your accuracy quite a bit if you do it even just a few times per map. However, even if you don't do things like that it's still a decent mark for accuracy in a game where spray can be king.

edit: I'd also like to point out that IRL, I think it's something like 250k rounds fired per insurgent killed in Iraq. If you want to complain about realism and arcadish balance, you might want to consider the alternative first lol (though I agree that this particular kit needs to be changed immediately after watching the video)

In regards to Iraq we call that Violence of Action at work, people who worry about K:D ratios or Accuracy only care about games and not real life.
haters gonna hate. Im a casual MW2 player, only level 40, and i still enjoy every minute.
haters gonna hate. Im a casual MW2 player, only level 40, and i still enjoy every minute.

Same here, level 67, haven't been able to prestige yet. Haven't ran into any hackers yet either.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
He's on the better side of a stacked team. If he is on the other side, it would of been a different story. Yes he said that he tried it on the other side but thats false because there is no way to change teams in a full game.
If he is on the other side, it would of been a different story.
Yeah, no. He would've done the exact same thing, the team didn't matter. You vastly underestimate how easy it is to tube. He himself would stack any team he was on. It's pretty hard to capture those points when someone Chopper Gunners your face right at spawn.
create a class with stinger, scavenger, coldblooded, and ninja (or something else). switch to that when air support becomes too much. it will net you a lot more xp and help the entire team.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device