LCD Monitor Cleaning Solution

You will find that most manufacturs will tell you;

a damp soft cloth with mabe some mild soap. also never spray liquid on the monitor/LCD, dampen the cloth...
pre-moistened individually wrapped eye glass cleaner towletts.
Make sure you're using a towel that is COTTON or a derivitive of cotton. Anything based on paper products can and will scratch your screen. My other hobbies are cars and pinball, and in BOTH arenas, when you're cleaning, waxing, or polishing, they always tell you NEVER use anything paper-based on metals or plastics. (Except cleaning glass, newspaper rocks for that.)

Stick with water, and if needed a VERY small amount of soap. I have also used certain non-ammonia based window cleaners. If you can find one that is glycol/alcohol based, these seem to work well for the fleet of laptops I administer. Obviously, spray lightly on the cloth (not onto the monitor directly).
No, Paper, cotton, chemicals, or pressure, and distilled water (only if absolutely needed) to avoid streaks, your not even supposed to use liquids. I have found like other guys, moisture from breath and soft cotton cloth works good. turn cloth frequently, one grain of grit and its all over. To much rubbing might remove anti glare coating so try not to make habit of cleaning. Someone here did mention no gloss acetate film as a PDA like protector for screen. You would think 3M or someone would be all over screen protectors for big LCD's by now. I know these cleaning methods sound extreme but I dont want to find out what mucks up my screen, forever. OUCH:(
I've used an eye glass cloth with no liquids. Worked for me. The cloth was "Fellowes Perfect Clean". $6 from their website. Here the description:

This is truly dry cleaning! With the gentle microfiber fabric, you can remove dirt, oils and other contaminants from your PDA without ever getting it wet.
  • Made of ultra micro-fiber™
  • Won't scratch surfaces
  • Cloth can be washed and re-used
  • Optical grade cloth is safe for PDAs, CDs, eyewear, glass, monitors (including TFT/LCD)
For my HDTV I use distilled water and kim-wipes. The kim-wipes are lab grade cleaning papers (kind of like the eyeglass ones) used for optics and such. If you have a really gunked-up one, you can add a few drops of something like ivory liquid (pure soap) and then reclean with only he water. You can get kim-wipes online.