Needs quick reply box

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5thed. it helps to just type a reply out quickly rather than load an additional page for that job, so i guess it would reduce server load somewhat, too.
Vertigo Acid said:
Also, what happend to post count and titles?
Click on name for post counts.. Titles is already there if you don't see it under your name..
I also agree a quick reply would be great. It should reduce server stress due to the much small size of the reply script.
Put me in for a ditto here too. Quick reply should help make things go a touch smoother, and I just plain like it.
Quick Reply == the baddness.

Too many hasty responses causes genmay type problems. This isn't a spamming board i hope?

If you have something meaningful to say then you will take the time to click "post reply".
Agree with the quick reply.

Also, in regards to post count, I understand why yall took it away, but how come its still available via the profile page, doesnt that cancel out the reason for doing it in the first place?

Anyways, kudos all around, looks good.
The reason for removing post counts was because of the load it put on the server.

So no, having it in the profile doesn't defeat the purpose.
Bruce said:
The reason for removing post counts was because of the load it put on the server.

So no, having it in the profile doesn't defeat the purpose.

If that is true, then my bad, I thought it was removed because people were just posting to drive up their post count...
Post count was removed mainly to discourage spamming. It still determines your title though. Since the post count is not prominently displayed, I don't think it really carries the same motivation to drive it up...
I think if it is REALLY worth posting, you can click the post button. :)
Bennyb said:
Quick Reply == the baddness.

Too many hasty responses causes genmay type problems. This isn't a spamming board i hope?

If you have something meaningful to say then you will take the time to click "post reply".

I disagree. I can still say meaningful things in the quick reply box. Ive noticed that alot more forums are doing it now. Now thats not to say we have to jump onto the bandwagon. But quick reply would help. I think that pretty much all of us know the VB code for most of the things we want to do in a post so it would in fact not hurt to have it at the bottom since we dont need to always load a page with all the commands and things. Also, a quick quote feature, if there is on on vb3, would be nice too to go along with quick reply. That way you can just go down the page, hit quick quote and just type in all that you want to say when you get to the bottom.
On a local forum I moderate, a fairly large one, 200 people almost, we came up with a half and half decision. We turned on Quick Reply but it isn't always there, you have to click a box on each page to page the quick reply box drop down. It seemed to help the useless posts of just "Blah" ect...

So it's kidna there, kinda not. Best idea we had for it :)

BTW, I dont know if Genmay does it this way of not as I dont visit it.
Quick Reply is baaaad, too many oneliners that way.

I tend to call Quick Reply for SpamBox.

Teh Bad.
Thanks for the input. The quick reply box will not be a feature we support. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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