converting a real pic to a drawing


Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 11, 2003
i have seen my friend scan a pic of a real person then fiddle around with it for a bit and it looks like a hand drawing. how does he do this. he says its a secret.
If you could provide us with 'before' and 'after' images we might be able to help. ;)
Flash MX has a trace bit-map feature which changes a pic into a vector image, which can look like a painting. Otherwise I say he's messing around with filters in photoshop.
he told me hes using photoimage photoshop airbrush and bryce. i think im not going to find out it sounds to confusing
i can 2nd the info about flash MX,,, ive done that a few times for a friends site. we all took individual pics and then i traced them on different layers and made it look like we were all in a group picture.. looks like a cartoon image of yourself
A photo software filter that makes it look like it was a drawing, similar to this ?


Yeah ... nice edge detection there Slugworth, that is definitely the basis of a pencil drawing! ;)
i dotn know how the heck i figured this out ... i think i read a tut ... but then improved upon it ... im not sure .. but here goes.

take your image. make it black and white *layer style of color overlay of black works*
duplicate the layer *ctrl+j*
invert color of duped layer *ctrl+i*
set duped layer to color dodge
add gausian blur to the right amount, the more the smoother, the less the "etchier"

works awesome for me, gl
MadJuggla9, that was a DAMN FINE post!

Thanks for the tip, the effect looks über-schweet! ;)
So did we at least answer the question the thread's author had ? (i;m certainly no graphic artist, but that sounded like what was going on)

Nice job on that too MadJuggla9 :)
Wow MadJuggla, thats bad ass! I tried it out and heres what I got. The "Penciled" one has the brightness and saturation played around with a little bit too. Turned out real well. VERY nice tip there, made sure it found its self into my "PhotoShop Notes" folder :D



Also just found out WSFTP doesn't like Service Pack 2, had to use the Internet explorer FTP client :eek:
MadJuggla9 said:
take your image. make it black and white *layer style of color overlay of black works*

OK...what do you mean by this??? you mean change the mode to greyscale or something??? :confused: :eek:
Metallica_Band said:
OK...what do you mean by this??? you mean change the mode to greyscale or something??? :confused: :eek:

Thats what I did, changed it to greyscale and then copied the layer, and followed the rest of the instructions.
MadJuggla9's HB Goodness:

1. Convert image to monochrome.
Using Desaturate, or Convert to Grayscale, or L-channel of Lab image.

2. Copy image to a new layer.
Using Rectangle Selection, Copy and Paste, or Duplicate Layer.

3. Invert Layer 2 .
I don't use Photoshop ... so I cannot tell you exactly how.

4. Set the Blend Mode of Layer 2 to Colour Dodge.
You should know where to do this.

5. Apply an n-pixel Gaussian Blur to Layer 2.
Using Gaussian Blur Filter, play around with the pixel range for desired effect.
When I do the color dodge it basically almost whitens out my entire screen. I have to set the Opacity of the new layer to like 40%. Thhen the gaussien blur hardly makes any diff. Am I doing something wrong with teh color dodge setting?