Got took on ebay.

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Limp Gawd
Jun 5, 2004
Not sure what forum this goes it so plz move accordingly. I placed a bid on an ebay auction for a x800 video card. I didn't win the auction so I emailed the auctionier (he had like 1500 positive feedback) and asked if we could still make a deal. He said fine. I paypaled him the money and he replied the next day saying the package is sent and gave me tracking number and all. I get the package today and open it. There it is my x800 all nicely wrapped like you would see it in Best Buy (even had the cellophane still on it). So I take off the cellophane and open the box. Empty. Nothing inside. I got took. I called him and left a message and emailed him twice. No responce. I am aware that this could be a mistake. The guy has

Feedback Score: 1323
Positive Feedback: 98.7%
Member since Sep-26-03

P.S. Is there anything I can do at this point? Thanks.
Make sure you save the link or screen shot it - he probably did.

I see a LOT of ebay adds like this:


Be the first with a x800!

Specs: "bleh bleh bleh"

{then at the bottom} This add is for the sale of the box pictured only.

OR This sale is for the information where to buy a X800 only.

I am serious. What is even more odd, the guy would have like 20 people bidding high when it clearly says "Box only" or "Info only".

And its legit - the warning is there.

Lets hope he just got you a shipping anomoly.


I don't see anything about box only or info only. This ended outside of Ebay between me paypal and the guy. So ebay will do nothing about it. I emailed paypal and they replied with some generic pretyped responce saying they aren't responsible. I guess its over with. I can at least call the BBB and report his buisness. He's a pawn broker.....
As an eBay Associate, HardForum may earn from qualifying purchases.
Well that is mail fraud. What I would do is call your local police, and ask them what to do. They will most likely set you up with the correct agency for this problem.
As for paypal? Can't you file a refund? or something like buyer protection?
paypal will do shit. i filed a complaint on someone who scammed me and they did nothing. if he still has the money in his paypal account (which i highly doubt), then there might be a slim chance of getting it back. but i am pretty certain he took it out of his account already.
As stated in our User Agreement, PayPal's Buyer Complaint Policy only
applies to the shipment of goods and does not apply to disputes about the
attributes or quality of goods received. Therefore, we regret to inform you
that we are unable to reverse this transaction or issue a refund.

Thats what I got from paypal when I reported the situation.
Even if the fucking promised goods weren't even in the box? I think I'll stop using Paypal now.
redhate said:
Not sure what forum this goes it so plz move accordingly. I placed a bid on an ebay auction for a x800 video card. I didn't win the auction so I emailed the auctionier (he had like 1500 positive feedback) and asked if we could still make a deal. He said fine. I paypaled him the money and he replied the next day saying the package is sent and gave me tracking number and all. I get the package today and open it. There it is my x800 all nicely wrapped like you would see it in Best Buy (even had the cellophane still on it). So I take off the cellophane and open the box. Empty. Nothing inside. I got took. I called him and left a message and emailed him twice. No responce. I am aware that this could be a mistake. The guy has

Feedback Score: 1323
Positive Feedback: 98.7%
Member since Sep-26-03

P.S. Is there anything I can do at this point? Thanks.

Im going to tell you right here, right now YOU ARE FUCKED! This has happend to me before, but in a different way. I sold someone an Motorola Accompli 009 Cell Phone, and we insured it for 800$...apparently the stupid mailman left it on the porch when he SHOULD have got a signiture (its their policy for insurance over $500), and of course, the guy said he didnt get it even though we all know he did (He haas a gated area, it was left beyond that point). So we ship another one......a week later, his check bounces from the one we sold him and we cant do anything about it because the 2nd one we sent wasnt through ebay. You are FUCKED, if its not through ebay, you are SCREWED.
Yeah, thats what i've been thinking all along. I'm starting the 'buy redhate a video card fund' taking any donations. I use my vacation pay to get that.. theres no way I can afford it now... Thanks for the replies.
Just received word from the seller and he says that it had something in it before it left and he is filing a insurance claim or whatever with fedex. What a relief.
a releif i doubt youll get anything out of this deal. but hey lets be optimistic here.
If your gonna use ebay references buy it through ebay otherwise their is no protection. Yeah he has 1500 ebay references but they were all through ebay and that means if he rips someone off ebay will take the money out his bank account.
I went back through the guys history of ebay sales - he seems to be some sort of warehouse broker or something. He has sold everythign from bulk cleaning supplies to 4 dollar pliers to $500 yard blowers.

Hope it works out.

Man that sucks, lets hope his claim with FedEx comes through and you get a refund or the card you paid for. In a way its also a lesson to some who might try to work a deal out side of e-bay because the auction has ended or offer the seller a little more than what another seller won it for. Its just not a wise thing to do. And hell if I buy a $400 card on e-bay instead of newegg to save a few bucks. :eek:
Lets not beat-up RedHate.

I am sure his lesson is learned.

If not, here is my feeling towards Ebay:

Its poop.

Buy what you dont care about from Ebay - but when it comes to cutting edge technology by it off the street.

Much safer and you at least know whos kneecaps to snap if it goes bad.

I bet who ever X-rayed your box loves Ebay....

M3ltd0Vvn said:
Lets not beat-up RedHate.

I am sure his lesson is learned.

If not, here is my feeling towards Ebay:

Its poop.

Buy what you dont care about from Ebay - but when it comes to cutting edge technology by it off the street.

Much safer and you at least know whos kneecaps to snap if it goes bad.

I bet who ever X-rayed your box loves Ebay....


or mabie

you cant really handle the fact of common sense to go through ebay not outside

because when you think about it, when you have ebays kinda helps

and when you use it right, you can make a ton of money; or find what your looking for

and typing like this is really gay.
On the Ebay Link, it says auction ended early as because the item was lost or broken. Read the fine print at the top of auction. Has everyone seen this.
To me, it looks very bad.. How could he say he sent you something when this says the item in the auction was lost or broken. If he had more, would he not have fulfilled the auction?

...Call Ebay. If This Was Through Ebay Not Outside Of Ebay, They Will Do Something Or Else Ebay Woudnt Exist...

Its called education, son. Look into it.

Nice that someone comes here for help and you still find a way to call someone "gay" out of topic.

Nice one junior, or $1mPLmind or whatever you call yourself today. ;)


Tell me you bought it with PayPal funded by a credit card.

If so, do a chargeback.

If not, here's why you should never ever ever ever (ever) buy something without a credit card.
yeh if u purchased via credit card via paypal,. just do a chargeback. i sold my mp3 player for over £100 once and i forgot to send it. paypal just took the payment off me and fined me $25 for some reversal charge. the geeza got his 100 back and even asked me to still send the item to him when i clearly had problems sending it due to postal strike.

the guy did a charge back via his credit card and so paypal obviusly had to refund it. and the end person who incours the charge is the seller/ ie. it was me :mad:
I went back on Ebay and read his negative feedback. In all cases the negative feedback was due to him never shipping the product period.. Also did you see again on Ebay that the auction ended because item was lost or broken? If it was lost, gee no wonder you got an empty box. This definately sounds like fraud to me.
it's you're own fault, you're not allowed to make deals outside of ebay like that...
there are some links to the FBI in a thread in this section, I suggest you get in contact with them.
You unfortunetly are not covered under Paypal's buyer protection program, or eBay's for that matter due to you not buying it on eBay itself.
BUT, eBay will take this very seriously and his account will be locked if he doesn't rectify this situation, and usually paypal will keep an eye on him, though you will get nothing back from him most likely.
Appreciate the comments, I sure learned my lesson. I just hope others don't make this mistake.
it's you're own fault, you're not allowed to make deals outside of ebay like that...

Well, inside or outside of Ebay, he still used Paypal to commit fraud. I would tell the guy to get another sent out NOW, and he can get his insurance money when he gets it. If you have the guy's mailing address, contact the police in Warren, MI, and see if they can do anything. I would definitely post ebay feedback ASAP, that what it's there for.
S0mE0nEsMiNd1 said:
because when you think about it, when you have ebays kinda helps

Have you ever been ripped off on eBay? They don't do a god damn thing...they "investigate", and then if the seller is at fault, they *might* suspend the user's account, but that's pretty much it. I've never heard of anyone actually being able to take advantage of this "insurance" eBay offers on transactions.

PayPal is pretty much the same way. In my current situation (thread somewhere in this forum), I know neither one is going to do a damn thing for me, I'm probably going to have to involve law enforcement.
twyztyr has it exactly right. A couple of years ago I got ripped off of eBay for about $850 from someone that had a 'perfect' rating of over 100. eBay wouldn't do anything other then suspend the user's account while it was investigated. PayPal wouldn't do anything for me, can't remember the exact reason why they wouldn't help. Hell my credit card company(CitiBank) also wouldn't do anything for me because I used PayPal and was going through them as a third party to purchase the computer.

There was myself and one other guy that got taken. The other guy actually got in touch with the police in Spokane but they never did anything other then fill out a report.

Live and learn. Took me quite a long time before I bought anything else on eBay and I always pay the extra few cents it costs for PayPal's protections crap you have to pay for now.
What the hell?

Know your rights as a customer. The Fair Credit and Billing Act of Act of 1974 absolutely and completely guarantees you against fraudulent charges over $50. Read the act; there is no restriction on how you buy an item. Look at your credit card terms; that'll probably be extended to $0. That's why you use a credit card. If you just allow your credit card company to charge you $850, you deserved it.
still i think you should be able to get a refund, because in my case the guy also paid me outside of ebay. he had paid me direct into my paypal NOT throgh ebay and still he got a full refiund off me.
it's you're own fault, you're not allowed to make deals outside of ebay like that...
It is never someones fault is someone steals from them.
We'll it was very unwise of me to deal outside of ebay like this or outside of anything that can help me when I get screwed by the seller. I checked paypal, my money was sent directly from my checking account. Credit card was the backup fund source.

To update everyone the guy has contacted me and said he filed a claim with fedex. After close inspection of the box I noticed it says 'This box is for promtional use only. This box does not have any contents'. I called the guy up and said that and he told me to 'keep that between him and me' and that fedex would give me my money.
Kind of weird how it doesnt mention the ATI name anywhere in the auction... .
redhate said:
We'll it was very unwise of me to deal outside of ebay like this or outside of anything that can help me when I get screwed by the seller. I checked paypal, my money was sent directly from my checking account. Credit card was the backup fund source.

To update everyone the guy has contacted me and said he filed a claim with fedex. After close inspection of the box I noticed it says 'This box is for promtional use only. This box does not have any contents'. I called the guy up and said that and he told me to 'keep that between him and me' and that fedex would give me my money.

Gee doesnt that sound fraudulant!
redhate said:
To update everyone the guy has contacted me and said he filed a claim with fedex. After close inspection of the box I noticed it says 'This box is for promtional use only. This box does not have any contents'. I called the guy up and said that and he told me to 'keep that between him and me' and that fedex would give me my money.
Wow, so his entire business plan involves ripping FedEx off on insurance money? Isn't that just lovely. Wait till you get your money (if you do), then report him to their lawyers.
i just got emailed saying that an auction ended early because of the suspension of the bidding for x800 visiontek
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