just spent 2 hours building an IR Receiver, what now? (software)


Sep 26, 2003
what software do I use to control it? I tried installing winlirc, but it just keeps telling me "Winlirc failed to initialize"

I don't know if i'm just misconfiguring it or what, but if someone could kick me in the right direction, that'd be great

edit: i loaded the sample config file, and i'm going through the learning process, but it won't pickup anything. is there a way i can test to see if this thing actually works or not?
Not sure how to help, but any chance of pics? :D I was considering building one myself until I realized that my mobo has no com ports (end up buying a usb-uirt) but I think it would be cool to have one for my main PC.
I don't think hyperterminal will work. It uses "real" serial communication, meaning that it actually uses the DTR, CTS, and other pins than just TX and RX.

winlirc works, but you have to configure it. Try changing com2 (default) to com1, which you are more likely to have. Sreenshots of the configuration page would be helpful, and a picture of your homebrew unit would be cool.

I used winlirc and a homebrew IR blaster a few days ago, worked fine, but the serial port doesn't have enough juice to give me more than about 8 feet of range. :(
If someone could go behind me to make sure I got all the right parts, and make sure I understand the way of connecting everything please?

This is a list of the parts I used

IR Receiver: Radioshack Catalog #: 276-640
38khz, Infrared passband: 940nm

4.7µF Capacitor: Radioshack Catalog #: 272-998

+5V Fixed-Voltage Regulator 7805: Radioshack Catalog #: 276-1770

4.7kohm 1/4W resistor: Radioshack Catalog #: 271-1330

1N914/4148-Type Diode: Radioshack Catalog #: 276-1122

And here is a mspaint of how I soldered everything together.


There are a few things I may have messed up on.... do Diodes or Resistors have a postive or negative side? Do they have to go a certain way? How do I tell which end is which if they are supposed to go a certain way?

On my capacitor, there are "Arrows" pointing 1 way, there's no Postive or Negative side, I was told the arrows show the path of electricity ... I'm assuming the arrow points towards the end that's negative? Could someone check to see if my IR receiver would work for this? I tried to match up the recommended specs (38kHz, 940nm)

hope I did an OK job... thanks for any help
Diodes have direction... ---|>|--- should mean the line is on the right.
Resistors dont have a direction.
Your capacitors sound like those ceramic things and thos dont have polarity (i think)
oops, i put the wrong capacitor, the one I have IS polarized. the one i bought is not listed on their website. but it looks the same as the one i posted.

except it is polarized, and there are arrows running along it showing the direction
So how did this work out in the end? I just realized that my M7NCG doesn't have the dual VGA (I was certain it did for some reason) so i've got a free com port. Combine that with the dead usb-uirt I just had to RMA, and i'm starting to think this might be a good idea...
it worked out perfectly!! I couldn't believe how easy this thing is. You just have to have a basic knowledge of circuitry. The only thing that was wrong with mine was the Diode was backwards. I found this out after looking up information on all the various parts.

Believe me, it's incredibly easy lol....
If you want I could build you one, and you could paypal me a couple of bux for the parts and shipping. it's pretty cheap ... I have left over resistors and diodes, so I'd just have to get a new Sub-D connector & Box & eyeball.

I'll post pics of it later today, mine is the same as the one in the tutorial except 1 thing, I used a spare usb cable, but the ends off, and have it so I can put the eyeball anywhere (since it's connected via 5 ft cable) and still have it plugged into the serial port...
under the 2nd sticky, the 2nd post, the 3rd section, there are 2 or 3 tutorials on how to build a simple lirc device.

it allows you to use software such as winlirc, girder, uICE, etc to control your computer via any IR remote control
I'm glad that nothing was really wrong with it, might have to ask you later on to build one for me (kind of lazy but I wouldn't mind doing it myself, lol). :D
So where are those pics? ;)
I think i'll build one tonight :) Pics will follow. I'll just resell my new usb-uirt when it gets here if it works out well, or email the company and ask them to just issue a refund instead of shipping a new one. Freakin $54 for a usb remote controller :(

Edit: Looks like they have a girder plugin for a LIRC adapter, this should be cool as long as there are no lag problems. Could always set girder to a higher priority if needed.
Got my parts, starting the layout and soldering now :cool: Cost including tax was $12.77
i have a crappy camera, so here are some pics...



I used a plastic Sub-D box, so it won't short or anything
I don't see the 5v voltage regulator? On mine its so dam big I can't use the casing :( If this works I intend on integrating this into the case, so there won't be a need (i'll run a 9 pin cable inside and mount it in the front) but still...

BTW just tested mine, I attached the ground pin of the IR receiver to pin 1 :p, fixing it now and will report back.
Works great :) The reciever is so strong that it works from the back of the case even though I have no line of sight to it! :eek: I'm still going to route it either under or inside the case though. Pics will be here momnentarily (breaking out the camera now)
if your voltage regulator is like mine, it's a black square, with a metal piece standing off of it with a screw hole..

I broke the metal piece off :p

it fits in sideways


Now what i'll do is somehow encase the thing and make a plug for it so I can extend the reciever a long ways, i'll stick it to the front side of the case for now but later i'll mount it internally somehow. Would be a bit easier if I didn't have hidden drive bays, but i'll find a way. I'm not against even soldering the thing to the motherboard pins themselves, but the whole problem is integration into the front panel...

edit: woot! got it all shoved in, hard to explain but it works! i'll take a pic in a few minutes.
Yeah, I already glued it shut so I can't post pics, but the whole thing including the full voltage regulator (with metal heatsink) fit inside, it was a tight fit but i've got 3 wires running out about a foot in length to the IR receiver. I'm thinking of making some sort of adapter though so I can unplug it as needed, it's a bit short anyway.
Allright i've hit a brick wall. Works great when testing with winlirc, can't get the generic girder plugin to work and I can't figure out the winlirc girder plugin.
Allright so it's been determined that these adapters work natively with girder if you use the Igor plugin, although for me each command seems to be sending twice :confused: so i'm working on that still...
make sure you only have 1 device selected (not Igor AND winlirc plugins both)

double check by looking under plugins, and count the checkmarks. select ONLY igor plugin. then deactivate/activate.

also, it *might* be the remote you are using. If you are using some kind of universal remote, try changing the brand to something more common, like Sony. That's what I'm going to have to do, because the setting I have my remote on now, the volume buttons won't take because it's a different signal everytime.

thanks for your help with girder, it's a great program compared to the others