Can I get Windows Media Player 10 to play OGG music files???

Oct 23, 2002
Hey there...well a while ago I wanted to get WMP10 to play MPC music...well you guys helped me out with I wanna play OGG music on WMP10...anyone know if tehre is a way to do this???
C'YA :cool:
I'm too lazy to change my sig and I wanna use WMP10...I have a plugin that I use that I like and that isn't made for anything else...I'll change my sig after I'm done with finals...I'm doing it right now but I like to listen to music while I'm doing my projects and I wanted to listen to some Doom remixes that are in OGG format...
get with the program! :D install and use foobar2000.
seriously, foobar2000 kicks butt.
by the way, what sort of plug-in is it that you're using in windows media player? perhaps it's something that foobar can do as well.
that old crappy thing??? it's just a cheap fake surround sound plugin. foobar has an add-on that will simulate surround sound.
I hate you I'll have to go install this crazy named software that I'll prolly like...just another piece of software to keep up with...:rolleyes:...I'll check this thing out...but SRS (NOT the one that came with WMP) enhances stuff...and I'm too much of an idiot to figure out how the hell these equilizers (see I can't even SPELL it right) work...SRS was the first thing I ran into that made my music sound even cooler so that's why I stuck with it...we'll see if this new thjing works as well or better...stay tuned...
C'YA :cool:

BTW...I was just kidding about hating you in case your brain didn't figure that out already...I luvz ya a not-so-gay way that is...

EDIT: WTF...this thing isn't even at version ONE yet...still in beta stages eh??? I'm skeptical long has this been in development (besides since 2000 :rolleyes: )
ah, don't worry about its version number. it's a solid piece of software.
by the way, get the version from this site:
it's a "special" version that includes some additional plug-ins/add-ons that you might find useful. it also includes the surround sound component as well. the regular version might not. i'm not a 100 percent sure.

by the way, foobar 2000 also supports media functions in keyboards. so if you have one of those fancy shmancy keyboards with those multimedia functions you can use it to control foobar.

Rock On!!!
I wouldn't worry about software that's not past the 1.0 milestone yet. Check out the program MediaPortal; it's an all-in-one program for HTPC's, and when i first noticed it at, it was more polished and nicer looking than most commercial products.
Hi lots of ppl is recommending Foobar2000.

So can anyone tell me briefly what's so great about Foobar2k vs. Winamp 5?

Does it allow radio streaming?

One of the best things about Foobar ... and it is also one of the worst things.
Is there are so many options that allow you to get the absolute best performance out of your hardware.
At the same time it can be a major pain to figure them all out.
Such is the caveat with a piece of software that allows you to customize everything.

Don't judge something before you even try it...... :p

Part of the reason it has been suggested 5 times in this thread is cause it really kicks the llamas ass. :D
Foobar is pretty shit if you ask me but thats probably becuase i dont know what i am doing. I'll stick with winamp
mc_P said:
Foobar is pretty shit if you ask me but thats probably becuase i dont know what i am doing. I'll stick with winamp

Why call something crap, when you turn around and say you don't know what you are doing? You just invalidate you comment...
foobar > *

Not only do you have many options, but it can do anything winamp can do to the sound. There's a plugin called convolver that generates effects based on samples :cool: there a tutorial or something to show me wtf is going on in Foobar??? How the hell do I work this thing and all the awesome things you ppl are saying it can do??? And how about instead of saying "Foobar has a [insert plugin] that does [insert function of plugin]" or "Foobar has this cool plugin that [insert cool plugin function]" how bout including a link along with that...anyone wanna go thru the previous post and include links with whatever plugin these ppl were refering to cause I have no idea...Foobar needs a better interface's SO non-n00b user friendly...
Metallica_Band said: there a tutorial or something to show me wtf is going on in Foobar???
ROFLMAO.... why did I know that was coming?

Metallica_Band said:
How the hell do I work this thing and all the awesome things you ppl are saying it can do???
Wanna give us an idea what kind of hardware you have?
Then we can help you out a little. ;)

Metallica_Band said:
And how about instead of saying "Foobar has a [insert plugin] that does [insert function of plugin]" or "Foobar has this cool plugin that [insert cool plugin function]" how bout including a link along with that...anyone wanna go thru the previous post and include links with whatever plugin these ppl were refering to cause I have no idea.

Just imagine for one-second if the developers actually had links to each "plugin" on their site.
Oh wait there is no need to imagine it cause they do. :p

It gets even easier.... cause the "special version" already has most of those components packaged in it. ;)

Metallica_Band said:
Foobar needs a better interface's SO non-n00b user friendly...
Such is the caveat with a piece of software that allows you to customize everything. ;)
If you still want to be lazy and use WMP, works great and supports other formats than just ogg vorbis as well.

If you want to bite the bullet and use a powerful media player, foobar2000 isn´t actually that hard to understand. Under the preferences dialog is pretty well where all the fun stuff hides. If you just use the drop down menus to open and play files, it´s rather simple to use, (press the triangel to play, the || to pause and ¨open¨ to open) albeit not quite as pretty as WMP. But then again, how long do you spend staring at your music anyway?
WMP is pretty ugly.

btw, what is this SRS thing that you guys say enhances your music in a good way? For foobar?
Foobar is one program that I'd recommend sticking to it, and actually learning how to use it. It's great, and the ability to customize it once you get used to how it works is wonderful. Foobar, for me, can do anything with audio besides rip CD's, which I'm hoping somebody addresses with an EAC plug-in soon =]

BTW, if somebody wants my foobar fully configured [you'll probably just have to change the output plugin to directsound instead of ASIO] I can email it to ya. Somewhere somebody has a link for it too, so if you want it, do a search =]
what are some things that you can do with it that you cannot do with WMP? can you upmix from stereo to 5.1? with the sub and everything? i have tried the upmix DSP from stereo to 4 channel, and others, and i cannot seem to get them to work. I am just looking for a good, no BS player for my comp now that i have nice speakers.

have external denon amp, using external in from audigy 2 zs
Seraphim974 said:
what are some things that you can do with it that you cannot do with WMP? can you upmix from stereo to 5.1? with the sub and everything? i have tried the upmix DSP from stereo to 4 channel, and others, and i cannot seem to get them to work. I am just looking for a good, no BS player for my comp now that i have nice speakers.

have external denon amp, using external in from audigy 2 zs

Are you using the analog 5.1 outs? You really should just run a digital coax to your receiver and use its DSP modes to get 5.1 . The DAC's in your receiver will kick the crap out of the Audigies, and you'll have to string less cable. Also, there is a stereo to 5.1 plugin for foobar. I'm getting a pair of Ref100 center channels soon to set up a 6.1 in my room - already a ridiculous notion, given that my room is small and I have to sleep in it also - so I've not really tried it yet. I also have to install my Audigy 2 that I bought, get it to play nice with my Emu 1212M, and rearrange my Ref2's [85lbs each] desk [at least 140 w/ monitor] and sub [another 140lbs] Needless to say, I'm not too thrilled to have to move everything around, but it has to be done at some point. Getting more to the point, AFTER I've resorted my room, I can tell you what I think of foobar's 5.1 surround sound plugin... but now I'll need a 6.1 =]