Open 802.11b and VPN


May 4, 2003
My friend and I have a quandry for the people of the [H]. If you are on an open wireless network and you VPN into your network. Could someone sitting around collecting packets get all of the information that you are sending through the VPN?
Depends. Assuming you're implementing ESP, then no, they can't see the contents. If you're just using AH then they'll still be able to see the contents of the packets.

Check out the info in this thread. Good stuff!
vxspiritxv said:
I use MPPC/MPPE on my VPN. I assume its more secure than WEP.
Mmm, acronyms.

Depends on what you use for authentication. Read my short paper on VPN, it touches on this point. I wrote this with VPN over wireless in mind, but its sorta outdated now that 802.11i has been ratified, although it still holds true for VPN over the internet. (the part I'm referring to in the article is with PPTP)

For more info on securing Wireless, check out Boscoh's post in this thread: