SSH port switching in FC3


Limp Gawd
Apr 2, 2002
I've been using linux (FC3) for a good 30 someodd hours now and have been making steady progress thanks to a guide I found (, however now the time has come to set up my first stand alone server (I'm running FC3 on two machines, one for testing, the other for serving). I got it installed and Apache is happy (proof: but I can't open port 22 in my router's firewall (there's a thread in networking about this problem) so I'm trying to work around it by following the instructions google found me ( to change the SSH port on the server to something else (that I can open on the firewall), I didn't know how to restart the SSH listening software to make it take the changed files, so I just rebooted the whole kit-n-kabootle, and it still only listens on 22. Any ideas?
I didn't even look at the link, but on my system it's /etc/ssh/sshd_config , change the Port line, and make sure it's not commented (no hash on the front). Then reboot or restart the sshd service (it'll probably be called sshd, anyway, it is on Mandrake; service -f sshd as root).
That worked beautifully... I think, I can no-longer login via LAN on 22, but when I try it on the new port it says "No route to host". It's open in my WAN firewall, but I don't know if the port is open on the server. Also, on FC3 the command is service sshd restart (thanks for the hint).
service blah restart works on Mandrake too, actually, -f is just an alternative that involves less typing :). Dunno if it works in FC3-land. Not sure about the no route to host error, though it could indicate you have a firewall somewhere (hardware or on the FC3 machine) which is dropping the port in question.
That's my suspicion, that there's one on the FC3 server, but I don't know how check that much less open ports.