A new twist on an old idea


Aug 19, 2003
First a shot of the inside.

And a few from the outside.

As you can see, for those of you who are worried about the cardboard smoldering under heat, I have added a fan so that plenty of oxygen is available so it can actually burn.

That is [H], not just making a case out of cardboard, but covering everything in aluminum foil, and even covering the cd drive.
Lookin' good! Is that metal tape or did you like super glue aluminum foil on there or something?
How can you go from that badass chair to cardboard?! I LOVE IT! :p
Come on, a cardboard case is just like a moped. We all want to ride one, we just aint gonna admit it.
And here all this time I thought a cardboard case was like a fat woman, we've all had one but wont admit it :)
you should tkae that cardboard to a metal store, and get it cut like that, then make a metal case out of this, because this stuff looks good IMO.