Fully Sphereical case design

Jul 12, 2005
I've been thinking about making a spherical case design for years, but never really had the tools to design it. The most i could do is draw rough drafts of possible hardware configurations on either graph paper or Flash. I wish i knew CAD design so i could put my ideas into 3d and move parts around, but until then, i'll just have to work with what i have.

Here's my design, i made a nice rough draft of it using flash, and having the ratio be one inc to every 10 pixels. In all, this case will be about 17" in diameter if i fit everything right (i took a ruler to the parts inside my current computer and basically rounded it to the nearest half inch. hope that's accurate enough.)

http://www.myfilebin.com/userfiles/everfalling/other/case design 2.swf

Basically i'd like any and all input on this, especially because i dont have any experience in modding. mostly because of the lack of money to buy stock cases and fiddle around with them, but also i dont know how to work metal at all.

What i need help on would be things like:

-the positioning of the parts. Where's the best palce to put hte HDD's/Optical Drve/PSU considering where the motherboard is. And would cables reach where the parts are. I've thought of putting a liquid colling system in to save space, as a heatsink and fan would take up too much room.
-case frame design. does it look sturdy enough and are there proper supports and such
-airflow. This is all pretty cramped, and though i have the air flowing from vents at the bottom to a vent at the top (powered by maybe 3 or 4 fans mounted on all sides of the vent), i'm worried about turbulence and dead air spots.
-Fabrication. This is one of the hardest thoungs, becuase i have no idea where i'd be able to fabricate a 17" diameter sphere out of aluminum. And it's not just two halves of a sphere, it's two third pieces with a center 1/3 cylender for the mobo housing.

So, yeah, any help at all, even saying i've a crazy fuck is very welcome. I know this'll be very expensive, but i think the design is at least helf the battle on this.

EDIT: i've added a quick design of what the base would look like and how airflow would work.

EDIT: Thanks for the help everyone. i made a new thread in the Worklog section here to track my progress: http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?p=1027966705

comment there from now on
i'll try htat. but i'd kinda like a more perminent program, seeing as i prolly wont have the resources to actually make this for a while...
It's a cool idea. However, IMO the second you add some legs so it doesn't roll around, the coolness of the sphere is lost.
You could flatten the bottom out along the mobo. That way when it is sitting on your desk it looks round but won't roll around on you.
PCJ said:
It's a cool idea. However, IMO the second you add some legs so it doesn't roll around, the coolness of the sphere is lost.

I disagree. carve little grooves in your desk and bow it so the computer can roll back and forth :)
i was actually thinking of a base for this that it would rest on. think of a wide, low pointed cone, then lop the top half off and make the top concave. then set the case on that.because the air is being taken in through the bottom, the cone base would have shafts leading from the houtside to the center, allowing air to rush into the middle and then upwards.
Nakamori said:
I disagree. carve little grooves in your desk and bow it so the computer can roll back and forth :)

Then how would he connect the wires to it?
You could give it a stand like a LCD monitor has, with the hookup ot the stand on the back and the sphere could "float" above the desk, much like a LCD screen does. From most lines of site you would not be able to see the stand.

It would have to be a strong stand depending on the wait of the sphere with internals, but it could also be movable, which would easily add style points.
ninethreeeleven said:
You could give it a stand like a LCD monitor has, with the hookup ot the stand on the back and the sphere could "float" above the desk, much like a LCD screen does. From most lines of site you would not be able to see the stand.

It would have to be a strong stand depending on the wait of the sphere with internals, but it could also be movable, which would easily add style points.

ha. a floating sphere. have to say i idn't think of that. interesting. only thing is, the stand would have to be clamped or bolted to the desk or floor to stand up, or else it would have to rest on a platform benieth the case itself, or else the center of gravity goes all whichaway and it falls over.
Vacuum formed clear plastic painted inside metalic. fins someone with the equipt and make form.
the plastic would have to be very thick for that to work, what with the metal frame inside and all. no, i want to make this an all metal case. it might make it heavier, but it'll be jst that more stable. plus, i'm looking to paint it black and shiny with red highlights. orb of doom or something :p

What would be better, try to find premade sphereical items (like kitchen mixing bowls and such), pounding sheet aluminum into concave shapes (not sure how i'd do this for the center cylinder though), or making some kinda mold for it to pour in the metal?
Everfalling said:
i'll try htat. but i'd kinda like a more perminent program, seeing as i prolly wont have the resources to actually make this for a while...

simple; wait 'til it expires, then delete the registry key & reinstall. Works with 3DS max :D

Did i just say that? You can't prove anything!
how simple is it to use? i remember actually opening autocad and just looking at it like a deer to headlights. i've also worked with bryce, which is the exact opposite, i can use it, but not for anything technical.
Maybe you could get two metal bowls, like a salad bowl or something of that nature. They have flattened bottoms so you could use one bowl for the bottom and then hammer out the top bowl so it is completely round
Ysg said:
Maybe you could get two metal bowls, like a salad bowl or something of that nature. They have flattened bottoms so you could use one bowl for the bottom and then hammer out the top bowl so it is completely round

it's possible, but although concave, salad bowls are rarely hemisphere. Meaning, if you were to put two together, you'de get a fat UFO shape instead of an entire sphere. Also, being that i need the case to be at least 17" in diameter, i donno if they make bowls that big.
i just thought of a cool idea that might work :D

2 spheres, parts and wires in the inner phere that DOESNT move, the outer sphere moves freely and has funky designs in it, dont know how you would make it work but meh :D
17" diameter would be close to the last-generation iMac. A donor iMac would provide a great skeleton for the top half (including the curved CD tray cover and the swivel LCD arm).

For fabrication, this would be less complex than a motorcycle gas tank. Any chopper or hot rod place should be able to throw one together on a French wheel in a few hours.
0mega said:
i just thought of a cool idea that might work :D

2 spheres, parts and wires in the inner phere that DOESNT move, the outer sphere moves freely and has funky designs in it, dont know how you would make it work but meh :D

ok, but if the outer sphere moves freely around, it would have to be seamless covering the inner sphere. this means nothing goes in and nothing comes out. So i dont think it'll work...
Zamboni said:
17" diameter would be close to the last-generation iMac. A donor iMac would provide a great skeleton for the top half (including the curved CD tray cover and the swivel LCD arm).

For fabrication, this would be less complex than a motorcycle gas tank. Any chopper or hot rod place should be able to throw one together on a French wheel in a few hours.

interesting idea with the imac. only thing is, the way this is setup, the optical drive comes out vertically, and i need both sides of hte sphere to be able to open.

As for the chopper shop, i was thinking that too, but i donno any place like that near me... i'll find out though... wonder if they'll cut it for me too. i need it in thirds, two semi hemispheres and a central cylinder. hmm... ok so we have ideas for how to make the sphere...

EDIT: just called two local machine motocycle shops. none of them have an English Wheel, and none of them think that if i were to find someone with one, it would be any cheaper than that website that sells them (about $800-$900 for a mat finish 18" diameter)

now does anyone have any suggestions or input on the way i arranged the actual parts? like, if they'de fit, or is something too close to anothre thing that would cause alot of heat?
Nifty idea... just made sure you get that base made first... and keep it away from stairs... :)
Spheres are kind of easy once you know the steps.

Try this:

from jparchitectus on the 'pushpullbar forums'
To make a full Sphere just group and copy, rotate, then combine.

Scale to your desired size using measure tool-

Go Control Shift D - Debug

Select segments in path, select shape, go to Debug, and finally select Extrude along Path.

Good Luck!

Here is a link to a sketchup model to get you started or give you an idea of what it is doing:
(it is a file on that pushpullbar forums and you have to register) (unless I can email the 9.5k file to you)
nvm. i got it... but it still wont work for me. i guess i donno enough about how to manipulate things in this... is there a way to download a premade sphere?
your sphere case is a cool idea.....what if you were to build the base something like this:




a bit rough, but it was a quick layout. That would allow plenty of air to enter through the base.
hey you could get it airbrushed to look like Saruman's magic seeing glass ball thing from lord of the rings. Damn that thing looked cool
DaMiEn said:
hey you could get it airbrushed to look like Saruman's magic seeing glass ball thing from lord of the rings. Damn that thing looked cool

now THAT would impress the ladies......
well I suppose that depends on what kinda ladies you're after...but my computer sure as hell isn't the first thing I show girls I'm tryin to pull..
sarbz said:
your sphere case is a cool idea.....what if you were to build the base something like this:




a bit rough, but it was a quick layout. That would allow plenty of air to enter through the base.

dude, i love you. tell me how to make that and i'll be eternally greatful o.o

seriously, i've been wanting to figure out how to do JUST THAT, but i donno hte right program or how to use it.
disco ball? have it hang from your ceiling, dangling by the power and monitor cables. extra points for wireless keyboard/mouse/ethernet
ha ha. yeah that'd be interesting. make removable skins for it. socca rball one day, 8-ball the other XD
sarbz said:
your sphere case is a cool idea.....what if you were to build the base something like this:

Ya know, a small Weber barbeque grille might provide the domes for that. Their site says they have an 18 1/2" model.
Zamboni said:
Ya know, a small Weber barbeque grille might provide the domes for that. Their site says they have an 18 1/2" model.

yeah, but look at the domes. they're all wonky and misshapen. i need a near perfect sphere. closest thing it seems i can get to buying wanna these is from the engineering website on page one. but those are upwards of 900 bucks, plus who knows how much shipping coming from NZ.
updated the concept file. added some measurements for reference, fixed the size of the center column, altered the DVD drive, and widened the ventilation shaft.