Alright, BF2


Supreme [H]ardness
Dec 27, 2004
Fuck it, enough is enough!! I installed their bullshit patches (which, apparently, no servers have done, since there seems to be no more than 10 non-full servers at any given time), I still get "There is a problem with your network connection" messages every 2 minutes. Most recently, I was CTD after one of those messages. Jesus tittyfuckin Christ, 2 year olds banging on keyboards could write better net-code than these jagoffs!! I'm sitting here on my last day off, trying to have an enjoyable day, and this shit sucks nuts! I paid $50 bucks to be a game tester. I thought that went the other way, where the testers were paid. The sad part is, the fuckin game worked fine until a few days ago, but then it just went tits-up. I installed the 1.02 patch, and it's stilled fucked.

I was one of the people who had no problems with the game, until recently. I was one of the guys who saw everyone else's frustration, and said, "Damn, glad that's not me." Well, now it is me. This bullshit game is fuckin' fucked, and I'm fuckin' pissed. So, no, I won't be buying their bullshit expansion pack. I'd return this steaming pile of shit, but I'd feel bad if someone else bought it. So it'll just gather dust till the 1.99 patch comes out around 2008. Maybe I'll be able to join, and stay in, a game by then. Back to CS:S for me. Ya know, everyone bitches about Steam, but I don't get CTD randomly, I almost always ping in the 20's (wait, I do that in BF2 also, buy I'm warping around like I'm on a runaway bungee cord--go figure), and it flat-out fuckin' works.

PNut, out <<big middle finger in the air to everyone involved in the dev process of this "game"
I get between 8-10. If I uncheck "Not Full" on my filters, I get 20-30. Not like the the "Not Full" filter works, or anything.
Yeah, I also get 400-500 ranked servers if not more, with the patch.. But I've never had any of the problems like CTD and stuff as everyone seems to have heh. From my experience, the game is perfectly fine :p
Zallek said:
Yeah, I also get 400-500 ranked servers if not more, with the patch.. But I've never had any of the problems like CTD and stuff as everyone seems to have heh. From my experience, the game is perfectly fine :p

Your day may be coming, too. I had zero problems with it until just before I installed 1.02. Silly me, I thought that would fix it, not maintain the staus quo--or make it worse. At least before, when I lost connection, I just got booted to the server menu.
Well, I'll still enjoy shouting "I've got 5 terrorists headed southeast on Bakalakadaka Street!!" when playing against the MEC.
I agree about feeling like a beta tester. and i stay frim on this .... I will not purchase another EA game EVER for any console/pc. dude my english sucked on that put.
PNut12345 said:
......Jesus tittyfuckin Christ, 2 year olds banging on keyboards could write better net-code than these jagoffs!!...

Jagoffs is such a Pittsburgh word...I love it. This rant reminds me of the movie A Christmas Story...."my father worked in profanity the way other artists worked with tapestry and clays"...or something like

Incidentally, I keep getting the network connection lost message too. I thought it was me even though I changed nothing. I had no idea it was a patch problem.
the game runs perfectly fine for me.. try re-installing again... i get over 2000 servers running the newest patch, so i dont know what your talking about...
I've actually seen ADSL modems that have blocked all but around 100 servers from coming up in CS... It was a VisionNet 202ER. I set it to bridged instead of router mode, ran it into a Linksys router, programmed the Linksys, and all the servers came back...
i suspect it's all a PLOT

anyone logged into gamespy who registered with a birthday in a month with an 'R' in it will get random untracable crashes and errors.


(subliminal msg to follow)

BUY a -*NEW*- nVidia card!
upgrade your ENTIRE system!
Send your $money$ to the Global Techno Conspiracy Capitalists!
I just downloaded all-seeing eye; I'll see if that works. If not, I guess I'll reinstall. I've kinda cooled off since my original rant, but that doesn't change the fact that this situation is hoplessly mired in cowshit. Fuck EA and DICE both. EA for pushing this shitbox of a game on an enthusiastic public, and DICE for not having the tesicular fortitude (i.e. balls) to stand up and say, "Hey, Asshats in EA Marketing Division, the FUCKING GAME'S NOT DONE YET!!!!!!"
Go figure, no fucking joy. "Unable to connect. Check your internet connection" or some such shit. If I uninstall, does it give me the option to save my profile? I ain't trying to start over as a fuckin' Private again.
PNut12345 said:
Go figure, no fucking joy. "Unable to connect. Check your internet connection" or some such shit. If I uninstall, does it give me the option to save my profile? I ain't trying to start over as a fuckin' Private again.

Yep, it'll keep your profile right where it's supposed to be. Then reinstall and your profile will not get overwritten. Your points wouldn't be lost regardless of how you uninstall. That info is kept in EA's great, wide-world of useless data servers.
Funniest thread ever!!!!!! o wait you finally get in the game only to be clobbered by artillery! GAWD that pisses me off. LOL i cant breath...
I've been clobbered by arty, many times. That's cool.

Back to the point: I reinstalled, and now my patches fail when I try to run them. This must be a sign from God that I'm supposed to become a man of the cloth now, give up all my worldly desires to play this FUCKING game. Oh, well. There's always the option of that great equation: game disc+microwave=oh-so-satisfying sparks.
I get a couple hundred ranked servers with the new patch. However, the new expansion sounds like they add a zip line and the maps that going to be in the origional game and call it an expansion pack that will cost at least $20. Another thing is that the UNLOCKED sniper rifle can't hit anything. With the regular rifle, I could get headshots from a long way away if the target was stopped. With the unlocked rifle, I can't get a headshot on a stationary target at medium ranges while prone.
PNut12345 said:
I've been clobbered by arty, many times. That's cool.

Back to the point: I reinstalled, and now my patches fail when I try to run them. This must be a sign from God that I'm supposed to become a man of the cloth now, give up all my worldly desires to play this FUCKING game. Oh, well. There's always the option of that great equation: game disc+microwave=oh-so-satisfying sparks.

Obligatory questions: 1. Did you install it in the default directory/partition? 2. Do you have at least 2gb of free space on that hard drive/partition NOT including the page file? 3. Did you restart after your initial install of BF2?
man im special

original install = no servers on server list

patch 1.01 = servers

patch 1.02 = servers

EA hasnt picked on my intel machine :p
LOL, fuck me running. I just logged in, and now I have ONE FUCKING SERVER AVAILABLE TO PLAY ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck EA, fuck DICE, fuck computers, and fuck the fucking interfuckingnet!!!
WhyYouLoveMe said:
Obligatory questions: 1. Did you install it in the default directory/partition? 2. Do you have at least 2gb of free space on that hard drive/partition NOT including the page file? 3. Did you restart after your initial install of BF2?

No, yes and yes. I installed to the F drive (my SATA drive), the same place it was earlier.
And why is it that when I run the 1.02 patch, it tells me I'm installing the 1.01 patch? Neither one of them (1.01 or 1.02) works, by the way. It just says "patching failed", then tells me the game was patched successfully. Goddamnit!
Uninstalled and reinstalled--again--and I still can't install the 1.02 patch. I give up. Fuck it. Oh, when I uncheck "Same Version Only", over 900 servers pop up. When I check it, the most I got was 4. That's right, fuckin 4. Fuck fuck fuck, fuckity fuck fuck fuck.
Anyone have any idea why the 1.01 and 1.02 patches will NOT install now? This is so fucking frustrating.
Well a fuck-a-toot-toot to you to!

Anyway, save the controls setting in your My Documents // BF2 folder (thats only because setting the controls is a MAJOR pain in the ass). Uninstall EVERYTHING including profiles, restart box, then reinstall, then restart box, then install patch 1.02 (but get a copy from a different vendor, sounds like you got a 1.01 patch named wrong). Might as well restart the box agian just to piss you off.

Make sure all the above are on the same hard drive... and on the same drive as Windows if that is at all possible.

In closing, fuck, fuckity, fuckaroo!
That could be the problem. Windows is on C drive (PATA) and I installed BF2 to F drive (SATA). I'll try that, and fuckaroo to you, too :D
Well, installing it to C worked. I can now see 400-500 servers. Yay!! Still sucks that it's on the slower drive (yes, I did notice a difference in load times, PATA vs. SATA). And it remains to be seen whether or not I'll still be able to enjoy a full game. Oh well, this was an afternoon well spent. Back to work tomorrow, no more BF2 till Friday. Kick Ass!!!!
PNut12345 said:
Well, installing it to C worked. I can now see 400-500 servers. Yay!! Still sucks that it's on the slower drive (yes, I did notice a difference in load times, PATA vs. SATA). And it remains to be seen whether or not I'll still be able to enjoy a full game. Oh well, this was an afternoon well spent. Back to work tomorrow, no more BF2 till Friday. Kick Ass!!!!

Why is your o/s on your slower drive? That maketh no sense.
Dear Dice and EA,

Somehow a quote from my favorite war movie is here appropriate:

'You had best unfuck yourself before I unscrew your head and shit down your neck!'

Actually that 1.02 patch (or is it 1.01 :rolleyes: ) fixes many critical problems - the game is still max bugged, but with only thirty+ hours of experience, now at least I know how to work around the non-critical ones.

The netcode is still for shit.
WhyYouLoveMe said:
Why is your o/s on your slower drive? That maketh no sense.

I just bought and installed the SATA drive, and I haven't gotten around to reinstalling XP just yet. For me, that's a long process, and I need my brother's computer to transfer info to. But soon, very soon.
Haha. I actually found this thread entertaining. Maybe its because I can relate to the frusteration or that I like to hear people curse EA and Dice. Maybe, its because installing a BF2 patch is like playing Russian fucking roulette. Either way, good luck man. I figure V 1.46 has a fair chance of being tolerable.

(maybe EA should have started the patches at 1.001)
If you guys are really desparate to play. Try using server browsers such as Gamespy.

Good thing mine isn't broken yet.
PNut12345 said:
And why is it that when I run the 1.02 patch, it tells me I'm installing the 1.01 patch?

That is because to patch a POS game, you need to have a POS patch. WTF? How hard is it to configure the installer with the correct version number. LOL!!

Good thing the game is damn fun otherwise I wouldnt own such a POS. My gripe is that the damn thing keeps reoptimizing the shaders every damn map if I have my docs on a fileserver and use offline files. Every other piece of software works fine with offline files except BF2. Go figure...

Clowning said:
If you guys are really desparate to play. Try using server browsers such as Gamespy.

Yaa, thats all I want.. a software that is ranked in the top 5 most offending spyware.
It's current list puts Kazaa at the top, with GameSpy Arcade, Download Accelerators Plus, Ezula, and rounding out the five.