Pre-quakecon GTG for [H]'ers Aug 6


Limp Gawd
Jan 9, 2003
Hey all, with Quakecon just around the corner and many fellow [H]'ers coming to texas from all over, I decided to put together a Pre-qcon gtg/lan party in anticipation of the awesomeness that is qcon and the [H] workshop. We will be holding this shindig at The Source Gaming Center and are specifically inviting any forum whore's and [H]'ers that are from out of state that want to get together before the event to put faces to handles. Registration and all details should be posted on soon, but I thought I'd give yall a heads up before anything official is announced. LAN will be on Sat Aug. 6th from Noon - 3am. Primarily BYOC, but for anyone who wont have their rig, the nice people at The Source have given us a discount on renting their [H]ardware for our event. Hope to see you there!

(sticky please?)
We are also doing a movie night on tues night same location for anyone who wants to grab a bite to eat and catch a flick on the projector/surround sound. everyone bring a movie and we will vote on what to watch.