Let's talk about "Community"

Everyone has a place and no one puts people down for the role they play in the community. Everyone is appriciated (or teased) equally. n00bs can ask their questions without being mocked for lack of experience, but encouraged to learn more and ask more questions.

chileman said:
Everyone has a place and no one puts people down for the role they play in the community. Everyone is appriciated (or teased) equally. n00bs can ask their questions without being mocked for lack of experience, but encouraged to learn more and ask more questions.

I think in terms of new users, this place is the best. It's exactly the opposite here as normal places. Here you are treated well until you are embraced, then you get picked on. :)

I really feel a family vibe here, that's why I post here the most. I consider all you guys my friends.

Rich Tate said:
I think in terms of new users, this place is the best. It's exactly the opposite here as normal places. Here you are treated well until you are embraced, then you get picked on. :)

I really feel a family vibe here, that's why I post here the most. I consider all you guys my friends.

Yeah, guilty as charged, we save the hazing until after we've figured you can take it. ;)

The fact is that we're all here for a specific reason, be it points, or something else. We're one team/family fighting toward a couple of different goals. Be it beating Aussies (how dare they bring Fosters over here) to coming up with a cure, it's what makes this team tick.

We may go O/T alot, but it's all about letting loose and having a good time while doing something important. :D

p[H]ant0m said:
Yeah, guilty as charged, we save the hazing until after we've figured you can take it. ;)

The fact is that we're all here for a specific reason, be it points, or something else. We're one team/family fighting toward a couple of different goals. Be it beating Aussies (how dare they bring Fosters over here) to coming up with a cure, it's what makes this team tick.

We may go O/T alot, but it's all about letting loose and having a good time while doing something important. :D

Another excellent point. I personally do it because my fiancee is a cancer survivor. But the hook of posting points, and the competition is great as well.

I also love the contests/events for folders only.

The DC Forum is [H]ome.

Where we come to get things off our chest. From sickness affecting ourselves or others, things in our personal lives, professional lives, or just in general. A place where gender and race does not come into question, rather we find there are only two types of people in this world.

Those who fold. And those who do not. (Must Borg Them!)

Beyond those simple guidelines, the technical side is always there, as many of us can nod our heads in agreement. We (people like unhappy_mage) can program the hell out of a computer, others who can help debug those programs, or others who just have the "know how" to answer any question that anyone asks in the forum. While at the same time, many of us barely understand the concept of Protien Folding, what it REALLY is (besides a pretty picture in EM3) and have the ability to explain it to someone face to face.

Our community, the [H]orde, is like Distributed Computing itself.
There is not just ONE person who is the team, the community, or the [H]orde,
it is ALL of us, lots of small parts to make something really great.

Oft times we get caught up in the "race" for "first", the point totals, races, or other minor things, but when you look at how much money, time, effort and how much of ourselves and our life that we, and those who have gone before, have put in this project, it probably outshines many other area's in our lives.

In conclusion, the [H]orde is a place where I can call home. A place I can go (so long as the forums are not dead) no matter what mood I am in, and instantly feel better about myself. To know that I am part of something bigger then myself, and something, that someday, will help even one persons life.
We help people out when they need it. Whether that is through parts for boxen, help getting something running again or just being there for another member when they find out the "news" about someone they care for. I've lost count of the number of people in this forum that have had that happen.

There is something in this forum that you can sense but can never explain or properly describe. It's just a feeling you have.

While we do have fights, arguments and disagreements, most people do not get bent out of shape over it. We are all here as a group and we stay that way. Some people leave and new people come in but it's always the same.

KodiakStar said:
The DC Forum is [H]ome.

In conclusion, the [H]orde is a place where I can call home. A place I can go (so long as the forums are not dead) no matter what mood I am in, and instantly feel better about myself. To know that I am part of something bigger then myself, and something, that someday, will help even one persons life.

I think that sums it up quite nicely. We're a part of something so much larger here than any of us probably realize. Yeah we do stuff because we enjoy it, or it interests us. But the thought that someday something one of ours PC's could do might turn the tide against something as far reaching as disease is just awe inspiring. This is just our little corner of a much larger world, and there's not another corner that'd I'd want to be part of than ours right here. :D

Wow, I wanted to contribute to this thread... but you guys have said it all. chileman and K* specifically captured my sentiments exactly.

Everyone seems to be a part of one big family here - newbs and old timers. Through thick and thin, even after arguments etc., everyone still sticks together for the cause.


Dark Ember said:
Wow, I wanted to contribute to this thread... but you guys have said it all. chileman and K* specifically captured my sentiments exactly.

Everyone seems to be a part of one big family here - newbs and old timers. Through thick and thin, even after arguments etc., everyone still sticks together for the cause.


Don't worry about someone already stating the way you feel. Put it in here anyway. There will be differences in what everyone says and it will not be a repeat. It's part of the "Community Feeling". Every person has their own take on things and it all meshes together.

Well in that case, I guess I will expound upon what I already said.

The friendliness of users in this forum is unreal. It seems that with everywhere else you go (not just on the hardforums, but forums in general), people will ask for help/advice/whatever and 1 of 3 things happen: either nobody replies to the thread, the poster gets made fun of for lack of knowledge, or a flame-war breaks out between everyone else posting in the thread and commpletely jacks the original meaning.

I think that is what separates this sub-forum from the rest. I have never EVER seen any of what I just described above happening in here. Everyone is welcomed with open arms, and because of the nature of the projects new users are encouraged rather than discouraged to keep posting and contributing. It seems that whenever anyone has a question, there is always someone there with an answer and willing to help out, no questions asked.

This leads to another point: this forum isn't just about giving help to people. Its about encouraging people to become part of the team and contribute in any way they can. I think the fact the threads tend to stray off topic now and then tend to help build the community atmosphere. Its not so cut and dry that way - adds a bit more flavor to the forum and makes it more interesting to read and hang out and participate.

And myself, I love the friendly competitions we have with other users on the team as well. For me, that ties the rest of the "community" atmosphere back into the point of the forum: Distributed Computing. Its fun to have friendly competitions with new and old users, and encourages more active particiaption both in "trash talkin'" and in overall CPU output.

So, for me, I would say that welcoming everyone, flavorful threads, and friendly competitions are really what transform DC from a subforum into a community. :)

Fold On!

The DC forum to me is a place to challenge me. Whether I'm trying to debug the service installer, help someone with fold-server, or just think up a witty repartee to marty's latest antics, it's a place that gets me thinking. People ask questions sometimes that drive me to do something - "Why isn't there a simple way to install the console?" or "Could someone make a small linux distro?" or even "My fold-server box is broken, help...". All of these things bring me back - I started something, now it's time to keep a commitment to it. But it's not a ball and chain around my ankle, it's a place where I can experiment, and nobody gets mad when I screw up.

In fact, much of it ends up sigged.

But at least I deserve it :p

It IS the personality of the participating members that makes the DC forum a special home for many. I've been around BBS's since my 2nd Commodore64 in 1984, so I've learned to recognize a friendly place vs. flame city/testosterone hell when I see it. So I'm an old guy now, but still trying some new things and the environment here is very conducive to asking questions and learning ... Hell, I even find K*'s apparent love life interesting :D . Which brings up the obvious fact that the way members here give another member a hard time is very family-like, not malicious like on many other boards (I mean forums).
The very fact that the DC forum is very personality oriented makes the issue of off-topic posts (aka spam) harder to deal with, as we all want to interact as if we were all in the same room. I've tried the paid-subscriber forums here, but they do not have the same community feel... it's a difference of interest with a different mix of audience.
This place is DC because of the members that post here, it is the collective enthusiasm of all the people that post that keeps me coming back and my enthusiasm for the cause up. This place keeps me on my toes because I never know what to expect when I read the threads, and in general I have a great time everyday scanning what everyone has contributed. DC is the place where I go to talk to others that share a similar desire to help the scientific community in everyway possible, and the DC forum is the only place where I'll find people who fully understand why I keep 4 computers running when I use only 1 everyday. Other things that make this the DC forum for me are the awesome guides, OS's, desktops, pictures of boxen and stacks, and the fun of answering questions posed by new members.

-MN Scout
besides the above mentioned reasons (of which i agree with)

It doesn't smell in here like it does else were
(and you guys keep posting pics of ur wifes :) )
Whiny, smelly, and always asking for things?

And remember, only Oedipus would go fantasizing about Mrs. Moose.

AtomicMoose said:
I think of you all as my children..... really, I do. :)
well, daddy, ur daughter, not the toddler, needs a loan to buy a new car so I can pick up some dead beat man and bear his children.

I will so though that you guys are really helpful and funny to boot. I still havent gotten my new rig working yet but I thank you all for the advice and the express attention to my issue.

After a sixteen hour day it's the first place I check out after the mail, I found out about folding while looking for something else, so I have stayed with the people who brought me into the light. Learned how to make Linux work and how to fold on it, from people who were not selfish about their time and were very patient with the fact that other than turning it on I knew nothing about Linux.

I help others as much as possible, have received parts for boxen and shipped a bunch more to help others get their boxen and networks up and folding. I don't post alot because of the hours worked and trying to get the house fixed up to sell, so I can cut the two hours of commute off of a very long day anyway.

But when I got the call about Dad having a tumor and needing surgery, and having to convert a room for him in three days time, because they wanted the tumor out immediately (five days from discovery to surgery) being totally worn out and scared for him and Mom, having to take him to the hospital and then letting the family all know what was going on , while mom had to stay where they live and run the business that they have. THIS FORUM let me vent my worries and fears and came back with the strongest support and well wishes that anyone, from real family and all my friends and family friends gave me.

At a time that I was wrung out emmotionally, the help and support from the members of this group was what helped me get through the seven days of dad's surgery and recovery till he could at least go home to finish recovering, Then the second surgery and recovery came, and the support was just as strong and helpful.

You are family and thank you all for being there, not only for me, but for all the other people who also have had their version of this.

I started folding because It is my way of fighting the dragon who had caused alot of pain to people I know, Now I will never stop the fight, and I will help those that I can that need what little I can give.


Carl Somerton

AtomicMoose said:
I think of you all as my children..... really, I do. :)

The vast and far reaching ramifications of that statement take my mind to places you can’t even imagine, or want to ;) :D
AtomicMoose said:
I think of you all as my children..... really, I do. :)

So I take it means that half the team has a really sick and twisted Oedipal complex??


p[H]ant0m said:
So I take it means that half the team has a really sick and twisted Oedipal complex??


I finally had to look this up...

Dictionary.com said:
Greek mythological character. In Greek mythology Oedipus was the son of Laius and Jocasta, the king and queen of Thebes. Because at his birth an oracle had predicted that he would someday murder his father and marry his mother, Oedipus was abandoned by his parents, but he survived to maturity. Through a highly improbable series of circumstances, he fulfilled the prophecy: he unknowingly slew his father and later married his widowed mother, thereby succeeding his father to the throne. When the truth was eventually revealed to all, Jocasta committed suicide and Oedipus blinded himself.
AtomicMoose said:
I finally had to look this up...
You had to look up Oedipus the King? How did you manage to miss this? I've had to read it all the way through three times for school so far. I'm shocked that anyone could have not heard of this...

unhappy_mage said:
You had to look up Oedipus the King? How did you manage to miss this? I've had to read it all the way through three times for school so far. I'm shocked that anyone could have not heard of this...

You know... it could just be the denial talking! :)

unhappy_mage said:
You had to look up Oedipus the King? How did you manage to miss this? I've had to read it all the way through three times for school so far. I'm shocked that anyone could have not heard of this...

Never had to read it....I was never really interested in Greek Mythology anyway....


There will be no presents, no MommaMoose, and no loans for slutty reasons.
How about a loan for house-buying? because... well... I need a house dammit! :D

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

The "Help Randy get a house and start his life" Fund.... Somehow I don't think I'd get many donations :D

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

OSUguy98 said:
The "Help Randy get a house and start his life" Fund.... Somehow I don't think I'd get many donations :D

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

hey, you never know with the internet.... :)
AtomicMoose said:
Never had to read it....I was never really interested in Greek Mythology anyway....


There will be no presents, no MommaMoose, and no loans for slutty reasons.

I'm still raiding the fridge and you can't stop me.

Btw, Little SmokeRngs wanted me to tell GrandpaMoose hi for him. :eek: :p

AtomicMoose said:

There will be no presents, no MommaMoose, and no loans for slutty reasons.

aww man... and here I was going to ask for a loan to start a strip club. Thanks AtMo... Thanks a LOT! :mad:
