Brian's X1800 Launch Predictions


Limp Gawd
Jul 11, 2004
Here are some predictions, from information collected around the net:

DISCLAMER: Predictions may be wrong. Do not take internally. Void in Alabama.

  • The X1800XT will be faster than the GeForce 7800GTX by a decent margin, similar to the X850XT-PE vs. the 6800Ultra
  • The X1800XT will end up significantly faster in some synthetic benchmarks
  • NVIDIA will launch new drivers that close this gap in an attempt to spoil ATI's launch party
  • The X1800XL will be nearly as fast as the 7800GTX and will present stiff compeition for the 7800GT
  • Availability of X1800XT cards will be spotty at best
  • CrossFire cards may or (more likely) may not be tested by reviewers, but they will not be generally available
  • Overclocking the X1800XT will be difficult with the stock cooling, but with vapor-phase or watercooling, it will have more headroom
  • The X1800XT will draw a lot of power, more than the 7800GTX and potentially more than the 6800U.
  • NVIDIA will get a 512M 7800GTX out the door soon
  • A board partner* has informed me that the X1800XT will be exactly 86.5% faster than the 7800GTX in Quake 4

* Board Partner referrs to the drunk guy who lives down the hall from me
bsoft said:
* Board Partner referrs to the drunk guy who lives down the hall from me
So if he lives down the hall from you, then you're probably still living on campus. And if you're still living on campus, then you're probably a brand new freshman. And if you're a freshman, then, well, I don't need to say anything more. ;)

But maybe you're onto something.
Can't go wrong with the drunkards, they can see the future don't cha' kno'?
bsoft said:
[*]The X1800XT will draw a lot of power, more than the 7800GTX and potentially more than the 6800U.

You would think not since it's on .09 micron vs. .11 :confused:
bsoft said:
Here are some predictions, from information collected around the net:

DISCLAMER: Predictions may be wrong. Do not take internally. Void in Alabama.

  • The X1800XT will be faster than the GeForce 7800GTX by a decent margin, similar to the X850XT-PE vs. the 6800Ultra
  • The X1800XT will end up significantly faster in some synthetic benchmarks
  • NVIDIA will launch new drivers that close this gap in an attempt to spoil ATI's launch party
  • The X1800XL will be nearly as fast as the 7800GTX and will present stiff compeition for the 7800GT
  • Availability of X1800XT cards will be spotty at best
  • CrossFire cards may or (more likely) may not be tested by reviewers, but they will not be generally available
  • Overclocking the X1800XT will be difficult with the stock cooling, but with vapor-phase or watercooling, it will have more headroom
  • The X1800XT will draw a lot of power, more than the 7800GTX and potentially more than the 6800U.
  • NVIDIA will get a 512M 7800GTX out the door soon
  • A board partner* has informed me that the X1800XT will be exactly 86.5% faster than the 7800GTX in Quake 4

* Board Partner referrs to the drunk guy who lives down the hall from me
I will agree on most of the points however I am positive you are wrong on a few...

[*]Overclocking the X1800XT will be difficult with the stock cooling, but with vapor-phase or watercooling, it will have more headroom

I believe that the x1800xt will have very good OCing on air. Stock speeds are 625/1500. I believe that most people are going to get just over 700Mhz on the core and 1700Mhz on the memory. I come to this conclusion after seeing people talking about OC's on

[*]The X1800XT will draw a lot of power, more than the 7800GTX and potentially more than the 6800U.

The x1800xt is a 90 nanometer part and will use nearly the same or a little bit less power than the 7800GTX.

[*]A board partner* has informed me that the X1800XT will be exactly 86.5% faster than the 7800GTX in Quake 4

It would be nice to see ATi really improve on its OpenGL performance, but I have big doubts because even the Xenon GPU in the Xbox 360 does not outperform the 7800GTX so how could the R520 possibly do this? I am assuming that you meant this as a joke so anyways...
It would be nice to see ATi really improve on its OpenGL performance, but I have big doubts because even the Xenon GPU in the Xbox 360 does not outperform the 7800GTX so how could the R520 possibly do this? I am assuming that you meant this as a joke so anyways..

How do you know the Xenon does not outperform the GTX ? The Xenos (not xenon) is a very powerful chip, especially if you are running 4x AA. The 10MB EDRAM on the chip lets it do up to 4xAA with virtually NO performance hit. I bet running at 4xAA the Xenos is more powerful than the GTX possibly more powerful than the RSX.
I did a google search recently and found a hardware site that
has X1800 vs. 7800 game benches. Why are people speculating
when the info has been in cyber for a while?

Nvidia scores higher.
thylantyr said:
I did a google search recently and found a hardware site that
has X1800 vs. 7800 game benches. Why are people speculating
when the info has been in cyber for a while?

Nvidia scores higher.

Because that was stuff that was not based on anything real. Those were give to HA and then posted. No confirmation on what it was ran on. Some reviewers that now have the x18000xt and have siad flat out SS numbers were wrong...
Stereophile said:
You would think not since it's on .09 micron vs. .11 :confused:

That held up well for the Prescott vs Northwood.. wait, the .09 draws WAY MORE power than the .13 Hmm perhaps AMD.. nope the .09 draws close to the SAME AS the .13 Hmm perhaps IBM wait the G5 is TOO HOT to make a laptop version of.. hmm well I guess .09 is not inherantly better for power than .11/.13 in most cases. (Intel Pentium M being the exception)

I would sure hope the X1800Xt would be faster then the 7800 GTX. By the time the fucking thing comes out nVidia will have another new card on the market.
Stereophile said:
You would think not since it's on .09 micron vs. .11 :confused:

Remember, the ATI card is clocked at 625MHz vs. 430MHz for the NVIDIA product. This prediction comes from the fact that the X1800XT has a dual-slot cooler, vs. the single-slot cooler on the 7800GTX, and the fact that the ATI product is clocked 45% higher.
Zinn said:
So if he lives down the hall from you, then you're probably still living on campus. And if you're still living on campus, then you're probably a brand new freshman. And if you're a freshman, then, well, I don't need to say anything more. ;)

But maybe you're onto something.

Do a reverse DNS lookup on my IP and you can even find which residence hall I'm in ;) :
>the X1800XT has a dual-slot cooler

remember, ATI started puting these on not because the thermal really needed the help but more for the enthusiast crowed (which are the people who buy them), i wouldn't rely on this as a clear indicator of it NEEDING it

plus it loooks cool
Luckily you were vague enough for no one to get mad.

The X1800XT better be faster than the 7800GTX since they have had so long to work on this POS, no offense
thylantyr said:
I did a google search recently and found a hardware site that
has X1800 vs. 7800 game benches. Why are people speculating
when the info has been in cyber for a while?

Nvidia scores higher, and the moon is made of green cheeze

A board partner* has informed me that the X1800XT will be exactly 86.5% faster than the 7800GTX in Quake 4


and If I am wrong by the time it comes out and it is that much faster... I give [H]'s moderator or whoever to ban me :p
the x1800XT damn well better be faster then the 7800GTX

i mean its a whole half a generation higher the 7800, right? :confused:
yeah... if its not faster than the gtx, ati's gonna lose a lot of face to the enthusiast crowd. im not saying they're gonna go under, but if its not faster this time, the next time they release after nvidia, nobody's going to wait for ati to release theirs before choosing, they'll just get nvidia's right away if they want to upgrade.
Nidhogg said:
the x1800XT damn well better be faster then the 7800GTX

i mean its a whole half a generation higher the 7800, right? :confused:

A whole half? Hahaha! Nah it's more like a whole quarter..... :p
bsoft said:
Do a reverse DNS lookup on my IP and you can even find which residence hall I'm in ;) :

I'm sending a group of men to gang rape the nerdiest kid in that hall.

Kidding. Interesting predictions, nothing too wild out there except the quake 4 comment, which is clearly a joke.
ChronicTrees said:
I'm sending a group of men to gang rape the nerdiest kid in that hall.

Jima13 said:
Originally Posted by thylantyr
I did a google search recently and found a hardware site that
has X1800 vs. 7800 game benches. Why are people speculating
when the info has been in cyber for a while?

Nvidia scores higher, and the moon is made of green cheeze


Stop lying to people! The moon is made of yellow cheese, not green. It's a nice chedder/monteray jack combo, everyone knows that.
Erasmus354 said:
How do you know the Xenon does not outperform the GTX ? The Xenos (not xenon) is a very powerful chip, especially if you are running 4x AA. The 10MB EDRAM on the chip lets it do up to 4xAA with virtually NO performance hit. I bet running at 4xAA the Xenos is more powerful than the GTX possibly more powerful than the RSX.
I will have to go find where I read this. It was in an interview with someone that works for Raven. I think I read it on Gamespot.
Lazn_Work said:
Hmm perhaps AMD.. nope the .09 draws close to the SAME AS the .13

claw is 89w.
winchester/venice/SD is 67w
manchester is 89w
toledo is 110w
FX is 110w
lithium726 said:

claw is 89w.
winchester/venice/SD is 67w
manchester is 89w
toledo is 110w
FX is 110w

Well true, but look at manchester vs toledo, no die shrink but significant power savings, and look at the FX vs the Clawhammer, a die shrink and a power increase...

So my point of power savings vs die shrink at .09 not being directly related still stands.
