2001FP, adjustable annoying as F&^*


Apr 19, 2003
I swear, I can't get this monitor to just sit on my desk and be pointed strait at me, it always is slightly crooked and so the image on the screen is all slanted or pointing another direction, for me, this is the downfall of this monitor, that and that faulty backlight for which I'll be receiving the replacement tomorrow......... :(
I've had no problem with mine staying put, it must be an isolated problem. Your replacement will probably be ok.
i love the adjustablity of mine and it stays where i put it... I had one LCD that only tilted foward and back.. I hated it.. This one has Fulll range of motion.. im in love
Did Gateway hire you to talk trash about this monitor? I'm sorry you've been having problems, but this is getting ridiculous. The monitor doesn't face you?!!? Maybe your desk is uneven. I am in no way trying to insult you but man, bad experiences seem to follow you around and you don't waste any time being vocal about it.

My 2001FP faces me fine. Or I can tilt it, twist it, raise it, lower it, slide it, push it, spin it, and turn it off.

for me, this is the downfall of this monitor,

First is was the color, then it was the backlight, then it was the weight, then it was the brightness, then it was the slanted-facing. . . return it, and buy another monitor. That is 100% pure honest advice. You obviously don't like it, and haven't ever liked it it seems, so just get rid of it. If they offer to take it back, take them up on it. I hope your replacement is overly perfect.
Originally posted by AR
Did Gateway hire you to talk trash about this monitor? I'm sorry you've been having problems, but this is getting ridiculous. The monitor doesn't face you?!!? Maybe your desk is uneven. I am in no way trying to insult you but man, bad experiences seem to follow you around and you don't waste any time being vocal about it.

My 2001FP faces me fine. Or I can tilt it, twist it, raise it, lower it, slide it, push it, spin it, and turn it off.

First is was the color, then it was the backlight, then it was the weight, then it was the brightness, then it was the slanted-facing. . . return it, and buy another monitor. That is 100% pure honest advice. You obviously don't like it, and haven't ever liked it it seems, so just get rid of it. If they offer to take it back, take them up on it. I hope your replacement is overly perfect.

while Zeke does remind me of a water faucet (runs hot, runs cold, runs hot, runs cold................), you have to remember that it is his every right to bitch and complain about something.

we all have that right. but I do agree with you about how he should get rid of it cuz he obviously has had NUMEROUS complaints about it.

as for myself, I wouldve bailed on this LCD a long time ago if I only had half of Zeke's complaints.
my only complaint now is the defective back light, which deserves a replacement, well, the replacement had the EXACT same problem..... I think I'll try to get 1 last replacement, that will be my 2nd replacement, 3rd monitor. If that one is defective I'll get 100% of my money back and buy a good LCD later this year when they start coming out with the 12ms ones...... Or maybe I'll get a Viewsonic VP171B, though I've heard some negative things about them.... I think waiting would be the best idea... oh, and thanks for being such dickheads guys :)
I think my Dell has 1 pixel with a 17ms response time and not the stated 16, This monitor sucks.Its return time for Dell:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Ramfart
I think my Dell has 1 pixel with a 17ms response time and not the stated 16, This monitor sucks.Its return time for Dell:rolleyes:
I can't believe all the bitching about Dell that goes on and on and on on this thread. I know contacting their customer service and trying to communicate with someone in bum f*ck Egypt is a royal pain, but geez, they do go out of their way to try and make people happy. What other company would replace a monitor three times for something like a dead pixel? None that I know of. Time and time again I read that hords of people are doing this crap, threre has to be a point when one comes to the realization of who is screwing whom. No wonder their stocks been in the tubes the last three years.
Zeke- I think the best thing you can do is return the monitor and get your money back or simply swap it for a Dell crt. You have and never will be happy with this lcd so why torture yourself?
it's a defective back light, back lights dying are what make LCD's "stop functioning" essentially. I will be happy when I get a 2001FP without a defective backlight , so far I've gone through 2 with defective back lights...... Who knows though, I may end up going with that NEC 2141, it seems pretty delicious...
Wow. Zeke, you're still here complaining about the FP2001? I mean, I haven't come back here since I got mine a few weeks ago. I learned to live with the one dead pixel (and several ones I can't see unless I put my nose against the screen) and really found reading the constant complainings by people who realized that putting your eyes against the screen lead to seeing problems. If you are looking for something to be wrong, invariably you will find something wrong.

Now if your backlighting is bad, then I'm sorry that's happened to you on two monitors. Then again, as I recall, the first time I saw you posting was complaining loudly that someone should tell you if it would fit in this particular size. Someone had to tell you right away or else. Then it was something else. Then it was the color. The color is crap on the monitor. The color can't be adjusted properly. The color sucks. Dell sucks. I hate the color. (Maybe I like the monitor, but the color's off.) Now I come back and its the backlighting.

You really are looking hard for something to be wrong. Since its not perfect "enough," I think you should stick with another monitor that clearly won't be the wrong size, be the wrong pallette, and have the slightest hint of bad backlighting, eh?

There comes a time when you must admit defeat. Dell has defeated you, wasted your time, and given you monitors that just aren't up to the standards you hold them to. Is it their fault? Is it your standards? I don't know.

But I ain't seen one person on this forum complain about so many differing issues over the course of the weeks since we got as much as you. So just admit it. The new 20" Dell LCD is not for you.
Zeke, pay attention to this:

A white patch from your backlight is irritating but does not mean your unit will die early. This is simply a problem with how the backlight is located within the monitor. IT DOESN'T SPECIFICALLY MEAN THE BACKLIGHT IS PHYSICALLY AT FAULT AND WILL FAIL PREMATURELY!

Others have said this to you many times, pay attention for the love of (insert your idol).
Originally posted by cambio
What other company would replace a monitor three times for something like a dead pixel?

Best Buy
Circuit City

-should I go on?

dont make it sould like Dell is doing us a favor by replacing a technically "defective" monitor cuz you can bet $800 (the price I paid for my 2001FP) that I damn sure dont feel that way.