how can i fix this?


Hardforum Moderator-in-Chief
Oct 12, 2001

This is just the first page so far the rest are all being redone.

How can i fix the bottom footers so they dont overlap on 800X600? they look good on 1024x768 and seem to be ok on higher resolutions.
um try not using absolute positiong :rolleyes: make it fluid so that it doesn't look bad if people (like me) have a bigger font size

at least it validates
what would you recommend? remove position all together? or change to reletive or something?
I'm still learning css this is my first site like this.
you can try this. i just kinda thought of it so i'm not sure it would work.
enclose everything except the footer and copyright notice in a div called allcontent or something. then put the footer and copyright div's below that and position them with margins.
i have no idea if that will work but you can try.
Originally posted by Stinn
you can try this. i just kinda thought of it so i'm not sure it would work.
enclose everything except the footer and copyright notice in a div called allcontent or something. then put the footer and copyright div's below that and position them with margins.
i have no idea if that will work but you can try.

I was thinking something similar to that effect but not sure if it would work. Putting a main div with all the divs inside of it so that the footer is 1px from the bottom of the main div instead of what appears to be 1px from the bottom of the browser window.

Anyone know if that would work? I dont want to put positioning from the top because some pages are gonna be longer than others.