How is the [H]ardForum holding up since [H]ardOCP closed shop?

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Aug 7, 2011
In preface I would like to say that I have been pleased that the [H] forums still seem pretty active and that there are still reasons for myself and others to still read and post here every day. But, that being said, I will readily admit that my interests may be kinda narrow and it may be that everything only looks hunky dory from where I sit, so it got me to thinking...

How exactly ARE the [H] Forums holding up? Are they busier, less busy, or about the same as when [H]ardOCP was active? How do FrgMaster and the other admins feel about the activity of the Forums, and about the... direction(?) things are going? How do the regular Forum users feel about these things? Heck, what is Kyle up to nowadays (are things better with the health of his family, for example)?

I think it would be very awesome to get a kind of "State of the [H]" post every year or so...

Posted here, because it seemed to be the best fit.
Old Bennett posted a forum numbers break down a few months ago (I tried to find the thread, but failed) and they were doing good then.

As for the state of things - I haven't noticed a huge difference. Forum still feels active, everybody still fights their fights, politics are still nasty - I do miss the [H]ardOCP content, though. My review needs are mostly met through FPSreview, HardwareUnboxed, OC3D, and GamersNexus now - but I miss the HardOCP editorials. And the stuff Old Bennett hints at once in awhile going on in the industry, I'm sure there's juicy stuff he could write about.
Ya, Forum still seems to be as active as ever, but the reviews not there any more do stink as it was the go to for me for many many years!
I imagine videos reviews did a number on the non video side of the business, but youtube comment section isn't a place many people want to be, making it possible for a forum like this to survive.
I imagine videos reviews did a number on the non video side of the business, but youtube comment section isn't a place many people want to be, making it possible for a forum like this to survive.

Yar, I imagine video killed the text-based review (at least for the majority). I still think there'd be a place for a podcast-style 'audio-only' review format. When I load up Spotify for something to listen to, I rarely find tech reviews, it's usually previews or a roundtable-style editorial. Would love to be able to listen to a review on the drive to work, for example.
Not sure if I just don’t remember clearly. But 20 years ago this forum was way way busier.
Not sure if I just don’t remember clearly. But 20 years ago this forum was way way busier.
Yes it was about 3X busier then, and it was almost all conversation that had nothing to do with hardware. All off-topic for the most part.
With the old site now gone, it's interesting to consider the legacy. Thought it was neat that not more than a couple months ago, Gordon "Freemand's Mind" lamented the loss of an old DirectX 9/10 comparison.
I would say it is the quality of folks onboard that brings them back over and over again. It is also the appreciation of the audience not to be a targeted with endless adds like so many other sites. The ease at which you can post images etc. for showing how to do something, configuration and so on. Elite club? Feels more like that then a typical forum at least in my experience. Anyways Kyle just removed one of my post, being off topic, he is as adamant as before to keep the forums on target, while not understanding fully the logic at times I appreciate the active participation in this project. I do feel many have been inspired to build something better, experience something better and helped each other out. So the forums from my view is live and well. Now if one is not helping Kyle and company for this, I highly recommend some Pateron donations to keep things as smooth as possible.

I don't even see a Pateron link here any longer but just go to Pateron and search
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