memory questions


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 1, 2004
its been a while and i am starting to save for a 64 system. my question is this...

if i was to run a amd 64 at stock speeds 400mhz with 3200 ddr ram... would my performance be the same with lets say pc 4200 memeory? what i mean is if i don't overclock, but buy faster memory, doesn't it have the same performance because i did not change the bus speed?

or can i run my memory at the higher speed (with those seperate speed motherboards) and leave the cpu at the same speed, and see improvements? if so what amd 64 motherboards support running ram at faster speeds but the cpu at the stock bus speed. please just name a few.

thank you for your repsonses, sorry for my grammar.
in theory RAM meant to be run at a higher speed would be able to (maybe) run tighter timings at lower speeds. If those tighter timings you were able to reach were better than whatever 3200 RAM you got, there could be some performance increase, but unless the timings are majorly better, you probably won't see much.

Also, I don't know if the 64bit side allows asynchronous fsb, but it's been looked at on the regular 32bit AMD side and I believe everyone found that running async fsb didn't work out so well performance wise.