MS Edge Help...


Limp Gawd
Jan 15, 2019
Hey guys. So like 2 days ago this just started. So i open edge this i go to click on anything and i get a full page pop up and i got to close it then re click on the link again. The same is for any other web site i am on, if i click a link or anywere on a site a pop up comes.
I allready mad sure all options in microsoft for the blocking and stuff for the internet is turned on but it is not helping...

Hey guys. So like 2 days ago this just started. So i open edge this i go to click on anything and i get a full page pop up and i got to close it then re click on the link again. The same is for any other web site i am on, if i click a link or anywere on a site a pop up comes.
I allready mad sure all options in microsoft for the blocking and stuff for the internet is turned on but it is not helping...

what on the pop up?
could try "reset settings" in the settings menu