Need help finding true 8 or 10 bit monitor to AVOID FRC/temporal dithering (also no pwn)


Nov 26, 2023
As title says I need help finding a true bit monitor with no pwn. I have severe dithering sensitivities. Even interested in laptops that don't dither too
The reason no one has responded to this is because there is a heck ton of them out there. And you need to be significantly more specific.

It might take just as much time to list all of the monitors that are true 8 or true 10 bit than list the ones that aren't. Either way, no person is going to go out and list 100's of monitors for you.
So either get a lot more specific on your specs and your price or get digging and do a lot more of the searching yourself.

If you have tons of money to burn and want to shut off your brain, literally every OLED monitor and TV manufactured in 2023 is 10bit. So if you want a bullet proof set of options that have the best image stability, best response rates, best color fidelity, and doesn't use FRC, etc, then plop down $1000+ on an OLED display and move on.