Popular Gadgets May Make Painful Gifts

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Get this, Reuters is running an article today that says that popular tech gadgets like the iPod and the Wii can be “painful” gifts that lead to repetitive stress injury. There you have it, when your family members ask you why you didn’t get them a present this year, you tell them that it was for their own good.

Sore thumbs, inflamed elbows and stiff shoulders are among the musco-skeletal injuries linked to excessive use of the popular high-tech games and gadgets that could be under the tree.
GG lazy out of shape gift receivers. That's the only thing I can decipher out of that article.
I know I have a sore thumb from my ipod......

Are they serious? Way to stick in the ipod and Wii to get hits for the article. I can somewhat see a Wii causing people issues, but it isn't ment for 5 hours of gameplay. I can't say I'm a fan of name dropping like this just to get hits on an article that shouldn't even exist.

You would get some of these same issues from pretty much anything with repetative motion. Playing Yahtzee, or cards for 5 hours straight causes you to do the same motions, and your hands can get sore. Doesn't sound like a very good article does it?
Blah blah blah, and we all continue to play Tennis, Basketball, Football and every other sport that leads to injuries and or other health conditions. Just add the damn activities to the list of things that should be done in moderation and stress the need for proper excersise etc and be done with it. These studies are annoying.
Blah blah blah, and we all continue to play Tennis, Basketball, Football and every other activity that leads to injuries and or other health conditions. Just add the damn activities to the list of things that should be done in moderation and stress the need for proper excersise etc and be done with it. These studies are annoying.

Where is the edit link?
My favorite quote was "The succes of the 360 will be based on what it offers people who DON'T go online.".That my friends is the biggest bunch of bullshit i have EVER heard in my life.The biggest thing hurting the Nintendo Wii right now is the lack of online/multiplayer support.Though it is coming in the spring, the abscense of it at launch didn't help sell the games very much.Some games like CoD3 that rely on online multiplayer aren't selling well just because it's missing that very element.If the 360 had the online presense of the PS3 now, a year after launch, the system would be a virtual failure and wouldn't have moved hardly any units at all.

Whoever wrote that article should be flogged for not getting any of their facts straight and instead filling it with untrue bullshit.
Hay kids! You know that soar painful feelin you get after playing your Wii? Its called EXERCISE!!!! I know its a new fucking concept for people, but its a GOOD thing. It goes away, and your better for it.