PSP 2200mAh Battery, Worth it?


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 25, 2004
I've been looking into buying the 2200mAh battery for my PSP, it says it adds up to 20% extra life. Does anybody have one of these, how much of a difference is it compared to the standard 1800mAh battery.
acascianelli said:
I've been looking into buying the 2200mAh battery for my PSP, it says it adds up to 20% extra life. Does anybody have one of these, how much of a difference is it compared to the standard 1800mAh battery.

I'm sure it's more life.. probably not 20%.. but close to 20% i'm sure.. something like 15% probably would be a more true number..
On cameras, that differs a whole lot. 1800 mAh would only take 90 pictures while 2200 would take 150 or so. That's a huge gain. In other words, it's worth it. It's only $10-15 dollars and is a cheap investment.

GeForceX said:
On cameras, that differs a whole lot. 1800 mAh would only take 90 pictures while 2200 would take 150 or so. That's a huge gain. In other words, it's worth it. It's only $10-15 dollars and is a cheap investment.


that battery only costs that much?? that's cheap.. i'd go for it.. hell.. i think i'm gonna get one lol..
Yup. I strayed away from buying it for so long and when I saw the price tag, I thought to myself, "Why did I not buy this a long time ago...?"

As for hardware accessories, does anyone know when they released the 4gb HDD?
Where are you guys seeing that battery for sale for $10-15, its like $40 everywhere I see.
acascianelli said:
Where are you guys seeing that battery for sale for $10-15, its like $40 everywhere I see.
Froogle helped me a bit...though some of the "smaller" online shops that had it are now out of stock.

Hell, for $40 it's still cheaper than the official battery.
MasterShredder said:
If you use a third party battery, it might void your warranty.... just double check.

I'll get the Sony one for sure, I've seen a 2600mAh battery floating arond but its not Sony brand.

The 3600mAh is just too damn big.
GeForceX said:
Hmm, what kind of battery size does the PSP use? AA?


it's like a custom battery pack i believe.. i'm gonna guess it's a lithum ion maybe?? I'll have to look at mine..