Running a program that requires admin rights at startup (Coretemp)


May 1, 2007
This is happening with Windows 8, but probably applies to 7 too.
So as part of setting up a new OS, and spured on by the fact my windows login is tied to a microsoft account, I decided to be 'good' and switch my day-to-day windows account to a standard user and set up a separate, offline 'Admin' account (this is a new account, not the built in 'Administrator' account).

I'd previously had Coretemp autostarting with windows via task scheduler, and that still worked after the upgrade from 7, but after I changed permisions it wanted the admin password after I logged in.

Not supprising, since the 'author' of that task no longer had the rights, so I logged into the admin account and set up a new task, following the instructions here:

That worked when I logged back into the admin account, but when logging into either of the 'standard' accounts on the PC it would fail to start.

According to the task history it refused to start unles 'admin' was logged on (despite the triger being set for any user logon). Changing it to start regardles means coretemp.exe runs and appears in task manager, but the temperature readout (the whole reason for running it) doesn't appear in the tray.

Any idea how I can get this program to work?
(An alternative to coretemp would also do)
Instead of using a scheduled task, enabling to start with windows in options > settings should do the trick
Instead of using a scheduled task, enabling to start with windows in options > settings should do the trick

I've not tried it with the current version yet, but I originally used the task scheduler because using that option triggered a UAC prompt every start up for non-admin users.
Worth trying it again I suppose.
Edit 1: Checking the start with windows box only works for the current user (Admin). Loging into a standard account, it doesn't start up. Running it manually triggers a UAC prompt that requires the admin password, which gets you the admin users settings in the program, not the current (standard) user.

Thanks, I'll try that when I get home.
Edit 2: No joy with this one either unfortunately it just automates the 'right click+run as administrator' option. I created a shortcut to the exe in C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp and set the compatibility to run as an administrator for all users (while logged in as admin) but it still triggers UAC and doesn't automaticaly start when logging into a standard user (despite showing in the startup section of the task manager) and manualy running it requires the admin password.
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I've managed to do almost all what you want. I just don't know if the settings are taken from correct user.
I've added two tasks, using admin account: A.
One was setup to start when user A is logged in, using A account to log in and with "Run with highest privileges" (I don't know how this option is described in English, because I'm using Windows in Polish).
The second task is scheduled to start when user B (not admin) is logged in, using B account to log in and also "Run with highest privileges".
I stopped all CoreTemp processes, logged out and logged in to A account and CoreTemp appeared in the tray. I switched to B account and CoreTemp was there also. But there were two CoreTemp processes, but I think that isn't a problem because it doesn't require too much resources.
Last thing: I've done this on Windows 7 64-bit, so I'm not 100% sure if it will work on Windows 8.

Edit: It didn't work if I first logged in into B account. I need to go to work now, I'll try to have a look at it in the evening.
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Ok. It seems that I've managed to do this (it took so long because I'm not using this computer very much lately). So as I've written previously, it seemed to work because I first logged into A (admin) account and then into B account. But if I was logging directly to B account after fresh start it didn't work. There was some error about some drivers.
So I thought that it should suffice to start CoreTemp on computer boot under A account and start second process when user B is logging. But it also didn't work. CoreTemp started on B account, but showed 0 degrees. So I wrote AutoHotkey script that is scheduled to run on Windows startup under A account. The script starts CoreTemp, wait 3 seconds and closes it. And I've left those two previously created scheduled tasks, to start CoreTemp when user A or B is logged.
And this is the script code:
Run "C:\Program Files\CoreTemp\Core Temp.exe", , , NewPID
Sleep, 3000
Process, Close, %NewPID%

Create CoreTemp.ahk file somewhere on your disk.
Modify the script's source, if needed.
Download and install AutoHotkey.
Compile the script.
You'll get CoreTemp.exe file.
Create new scheduled task which starts the exe on windows startup under admin account.

And I think that would be all.
What bothers me is when you set applications to run as administrator in the compatibility tab, it prompts for credentials, yet you must be an administrator to set it. It would be very helpful if you could set certain applications to run as admin, while logged in as admin, then switch to standard user account and run them without issue.
Most of these type of programs (coretemp, realtemp, cpu-z etc) need admin rights to load the driver.

If you install the driver and remove the admin manifest from the executable so you're not asked for admin rights then they can be run from userland without any other special requirements.

Last time I looked, quite a while ago, coretemp used a driver called "ALSysIO.sys".

Of course things can get messy if newer versions do not use the exact same driver so some housekeeping might be required.
I know that this is a reply to a 10 year old thread, but this was the first thread on google.

I reformatted and reinstalled windows 10.
Main user (admin) installed CoreTemp
Second user (non-admin) couldn't start CoreTemp w/o admin credentials and it didn't start manually

Here's how I fixed that issue:
As admin, open Task Scheduler > Task Scheduler Library > Core Temp Autostart <username>
General Tab: click button [Change User or Group...] > add this user in the box: SYSTEM > OK > [x] Run with Highest Privileges

You should be able to press OK here, but validate that the trigger is correct for 'any user'
Triggers tab: Trigger - at log on --> details: at log on of any user > enabled
Press OK
I know that this is a reply to a 10 year old thread, but this was the first thread on google.

I reformatted and reinstalled windows 10.
Main user (admin) installed CoreTemp
Second user (non-admin) couldn't start CoreTemp w/o admin credentials and it didn't start manually

Here's how I fixed that issue:
As admin, open Task Scheduler > Task Scheduler Library > Core Temp Autostart <username>
General Tab: click button [Change User or Group...] > add this user in the box: SYSTEM > OK > [x] Run with Highest Privileges

You should be able to press OK here, but validate that the trigger is correct for 'any user'
Triggers tab: Trigger - at log on --> details: at log on of any user > enabled
Press OK
doesnt come close to the oldest necro in the top ten list, it adds new info/solutions, i think youre good. (y)
welcome to [H] btw!
edit: top 10:
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Just use HWiNFO64. It's better than Coretemp and has an option to "start with Windows".
There's no benefit to using a non-admin account. Everything runs with standard account privileges unless you approve the UAC prompt. If your account is non-Admin, the UAC prompt asks for an admin username and password. An admin account does not display any less UAC prompts than a standard account. It's not like using the built-in Administrator account with UAC disabled, or the root account on Unix.