Running different speed XP's in dual rig


Dec 16, 2003
got one XP1700+ @ 2.26ghz that's been in SMP before without issue and tested upto 2350 in the dually board in single mode...and one XP2100 i bought that i L5 modded myself...the 1700 is bridge modded to 2.26 and pin modded to 1.85v...the 2100 hasn't been touched at all and pin modded for 1.85v...could the fact i forgot to pin mod the correct multi on the 2100 keep them from working in SMP? or should the board run in dual mode at the speed of the slowest chip.....or is my L5 mod bad? both chips were tested to work in a single board and i think i'll do that again just to make sure....any input greatly appreciated as i'd rather not re-plumb this bastard dual tower setup with 1/2" lines all over
You'll have to run them at the same speed and FSB for it to work. Running different speeds has been attempted with PIII's, but it was pretty horrid to use, let alone get working.
oh no....i wanted them at the same speed....i just wanted to know if that might be the difference between it recognizing 2 cpu's or not....but i put the 2100 in the socket by itself and was detected as XP meaning my l5 mod was i took it out and scraped it away and re-did it, this time insulating with super glue....