Recent content by RazorWind

  1. R

    Any keyboard recommendation for programmer and CAD user?

    I would think this would be more about preference than any objective ranking. I prefer Cherry MX blue switches and a numpad for my professional use (mostly programming, a little CAD), but others might like something else. The type of switches and general form factor are really the big...
  2. R

    a Novice's attempt at diagnosing faulty batch Sapphire RX 570 4GB itx

    I don't think the 3.3V rail would ever connect to the GPU directly. I could be wrong, but IIRC, on these GCN cards, there are three voltages that actually do connect to the GPU, and they're all 1.5V or less, with regulators on the board for each one. I'm thinking this is the result of a...
  3. R

    Asus Strix 1080 ti - fans not working

    First, do not "reflow" this card, assuming that by "reflow" you mean put it in a domestic oven. That's a good way to turn a working card into a dead one. The worst case scenario here is that you graft some case fans onto this thing. What I would do is get out an ohm meter and start probing...
  4. R

    Opinion, repair or not, 6900xt

    I’d have it repaired. Did they say what’s actually wrong with it?
  5. R

    Broken M.2 slot. Safe to boot?

    The [H]ard way, obviously. The cleanest way to deal with this would be to desolder the connector. It'd be pretty easy to do with a hot air station, but you could probably use a regular soldering iron and coax it off of there. Once you hand the mangled connector off, for bonus points, you...
  6. R

    Rx580 fans wont spin unless i touch the gpu

    This sounds to me like a BGA failure, or damage to the board. It's also possible that it's something like a cracked solder joint on some other component, but if it's intermittent, or it works if you press on certain components, it's probably something mechanical that's failed.
  7. R

    Bad GPU fans?

    Are any of the fan blades dirty? It's probably a combination of worn bearings and an imbalance in the fan blades. You can try cleaning them, but the real fix is probably to replace the fan harness with a new one.
  8. R

    My 1080 Ti completely stopped working mid game. Please help me!

    What was the result of removing the low side FET? Did that clear your short to ground? Removing the coils might help. That effectively breaks the circuit in half - you've got the VRM half on one side, and the logic side on the other. You can then check each side for a short separately, and...
  9. R

    Sapphire nitro+ rx580 SE , crashes under load etc.

    I'd imagine resistance on the coils should be around 30 ohms, but I can't remember ever having measured a 500 series card. I've got one at home I can check later, if you need me to.
  10. R

    Sapphire nitro+ rx580 SE , crashes under load etc.

    What test did you do? Just measuring the resistance to ground on the coils? The software tests such as using TSserver are more relevant for a card that sorta-kinda works.
  11. R

    Sapphire nitro+ rx580 SE , crashes under load etc.

    Yes. BGA = ball grid array. This is the type of solder technology that's used to attach the GPU and memory chips, with a grid of tiny solder balls on the underside. It's pretty common in older electronics for the solder joints to crack, or pull the pads off of the board, and the behavior...
  12. R

    Sapphire nitro+ rx580 SE , crashes under load etc.

    Probably a BGA failure of some kind, but another possibility is something like a faulty bootstrap capacitor which is causing one of the phases to run super hot. You'd check for that with a thermal camera, freeze spray, etc. If you've got one phase that's way hotter than the others...
  13. R

    My 1080 Ti completely stopped working mid game. Please help me!

    I really meant just the low side FETs, which are the ones that stand between the switch node and ground in the buck converter (you should really read about how a buck converter works before you do anything else). Each "phase" in the VRM has two transistors - a high side, which switches the 12V...
  14. R

    My 1080 Ti completely stopped working mid game. Please help me!

    In this situation, that's likely to make things worse, and not better. Hardgfg's card has experienced a failure in the memory VRM that's created a fairly high resistance short to ground. This isn't an issue of the BGA solder joints failing - something else on the board has most likely melted...
  15. R

    My 1080 Ti completely stopped working mid game. Please help me!

    Generally yes, but it doesn't always work, especially when the short is still fairly high in resistance, as yours is, and thus doesn't flow much current. The best tools to locate the warm spots on the board are, in this order: 1. a thermal camera 2. freeze spray 3. isopropanol 4. your lips 5...