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  1. Mr. Bluntman

    9950X and 9950X3D is going to be terrific.

    The 9900X is very tempting. I love how it's a 120W and not 170W part, too. I might hold out until the end of that generation though before upgrading because in all honesty I really don't need to upgrade my platform/CPU yet. More frames in Oxygen Not Included would be nice (a game that craves...
  2. Mr. Bluntman

    $2,500 RTX-5090 ( 60% faster than 4090 )

    I thought that leak came from Chiphell? Eh, doesn't matter. We'll all know what's up when Jensen gets on stage and announces cards and pricing this fall. I for one will reiterate that I hope the rumor is true. Power consumption and form factor (read: size and weight) has gotten out of hand...
  3. Mr. Bluntman

    $2,500 RTX-5090 ( 60% faster than 4090 )

    Pics or shens. :ROFLMAO:
  4. Mr. Bluntman

    $2,500 RTX-5090 ( 60% faster than 4090 )

    Leaker Kopite is saying that the RTX 5000 series is going back to more sane profiles. 2-slot 2-fan max, even for the 5090. I hope this is true. 3-4 slot wide behemoths are too much GPU for little 'ol me.
  5. Mr. Bluntman

    Windows 11 24H2 will enable BitLocker encryption for everyone - happens on both clean installs and reinstalls

    Ooof... A small bump is all it took with those things. Like with LGA pins in installing CPUs today, you really had to mind how you mounted your heatsink then after you locked that PGA socket lever. I certainly don't miss lifting up my heatsink to see a corner or two of the die was rounded off...
  6. Mr. Bluntman

    Choosing the game of the year from 1981 - 2023 and beyond...

    Metroid is my jam, yo! It's a game I've played so much I can 100% it in my sleep lol
  7. Mr. Bluntman

    Windows 11 24H2 will enable BitLocker encryption for everyone - happens on both clean installs and reinstalls

    Not in the days that Thomas Pabst ran it himself. You got quality content like this:
  8. Mr. Bluntman

    Windows 11 24H2 will enable BitLocker encryption for everyone - happens on both clean installs and reinstalls

    This part here is high octane nightmare fuel... I for one don't want to go back using a 16/25/33MHz Intel i386 - I don't care if you include the i387 FPU or not... lol
  9. Mr. Bluntman

    Microsoft Reportedly Readies $16 Billion Bid to Acquire Valve / Steam

    I could easily see Microsoft shuttering the Steam client and storefront quickly and thus shoehorning in everyone into the MS/XBL Marketplace ecosystem instead to pump their numbers. This would be nothing but bad for the health of the PC gaming ecosystem.
  10. Mr. Bluntman

    How can I do clean Install on this old Nvidia card?

    When in doubt, DDU it. :ROFLMAO:
  11. Mr. Bluntman

    WTB: AM4 X570 motherboard

    EDIT: found.
  12. Mr. Bluntman

    X99 combo (Motherboard + CPU + RAM), 5700XT 8GB

    Soooo tempting... But I know a friend who needs a new PC. This would be perfect for him. Bump for looking
  13. Mr. Bluntman

    The Post Your Old/Retro Builds Thread

    I finally bit the bullet and opened one of my GTX 295 cards up for some PM. It's a lot less scary than I thought to do once I found some instructions on disassembly, but still took forever to do - making sure not to rush a single step. The stock Shin-Etsu paste was strong (and thick) with this...
  14. Mr. Bluntman

    XGI Volari Duo V8 Ultra AGP 256MB GPU Retro

    You mean the card with SM2 vertex shaders but SM1.3 pixel shaders and with price/performance that basically made it dead-on-arrival? Yes. Also, surround gaming with CRTs and dongles!,482.html Matrox had some innovative stuff here and...
  15. Mr. Bluntman

    $2,500 RTX-5090 ( 60% faster than 4090 )

    It would not at all surprise me if that were the case.
  16. Mr. Bluntman

    What Is Your Personal Favorite Video Card of All Time?

    I bet working with Crossfire dongles wasn't fun, either...
  17. Mr. Bluntman

    What Is Your Personal Favorite Video Card of All Time?

    That's pretty sick... Always wanted to play around with 8800 GTX cards but never bothered... I should rectify that in the future.
  18. Mr. Bluntman

    9950X and 9950X3D is going to be terrific.

    That's amazing if these numbers are true. It'd definitely push me over the edge to do an upgrade. It certainly doesn't hurt that I already have someone I can sell my existing platform to, as well.
  19. Mr. Bluntman

    What Is Your Personal Favorite Video Card of All Time?

    I kinda get it... Unboxing my *used* nVIDIA GPUs from the Titan X Pascal on have been a treat. The RTX 3080 FE I have now definitely has that "premium feel" in your hands. For as much as nVIDIA charged for it, though, it had god damn well better...
  20. Mr. Bluntman

    The Post Your Old/Retro Builds Thread

    I may have posted this system 3 years ago but I didn't get a whole lot of time to play around with it. Today, I remedy that. Just need to figure out where I put the optical drives for it and install drive cables...
  21. Mr. Bluntman

    What Is Your Personal Favorite Video Card of All Time?

    The GeForce 9800 GX2, yes. There was also a 7900 GX2 that was OEM only, and a consumer 7950 GX2 as well. The card that followed the 9800 GX2 is behind it: the GeForce GTX 295. :cool:
  22. Mr. Bluntman

    What Is Your Personal Favorite Video Card of All Time?

    My personal favorite? The nVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT 512MB. It was the first GPU that allowed me to turn everything to max settings in the shader model 3 era. And it was the last enthusiast grade single-slot GPU from nVIDIA. Apologies if I've already posted. Disregard the old one if I have.
  23. Mr. Bluntman

    [DEAD] 7900X3D $391.49 @ Amazon

    I don't need a top tier CPU, no, considering my GPU is a 3080 FE (which is listed in my signature) - and later this year I'll be swapping it for a 3080 Ti FE. I'll be doing a good deal of video encoding and 3D modeling in addition to gaming and streaming, so the extra cores will come in handy...
  24. Mr. Bluntman

    [DEAD] 7900X3D $391.49 @ Amazon

    From what I've seen in the leaks 16 core CCDs will only be a thing on Epyc CPUs. On desktop it's still staying at 8 cores per CCD die.
  25. Mr. Bluntman

    [DEAD] 7900X3D $391.49 @ Amazon

    A dual v-cache part is something I would love to see. That way I don't have to worry about which CCD a thread gets assigned to because they all have access to v-cache. I'm happy with my 5900X as is, but I'd be lying if I said the extra performance of even current gen parts wasn't alluring to me.
  26. Mr. Bluntman

    Billy Mitchell Now Suing Karl Jobst

    Same here. Karl Jobst can be a bit grating, anyways. Still, it's bullshit what Milly Bitchell is doing to him.
  27. Mr. Bluntman

    Ryzen 9 7900X3D: Y'all were right...

    I won't lie, I was disappointed with the results. But it's still faster than the non v-cache parts by a margin as bobzdar pointed out. And since I do much more than just game on my PC the 7800X3D isn't the best fit. AMD needs to drop the price on the vanilla 7800X, 7900X, and 7950X. There's...
  28. Mr. Bluntman

    Ryzen 9 7900X3D: Y'all were right...

    It's why I ignored Intel and went AMD for my current build. I didn't want to deal with that P/E core crap, either. EDIT: at least, for now.
  29. Mr. Bluntman

    Ryzen 9 7900X3D: Y'all were right...

    And see... I do not just game, but I do a fair bit of video encoding, streaming, and I'm going to start on the long road to learning Blender soon and start doing some 3D modeling. Saying that I wouldn't prefer the 7950X3D would be a lie, but the reality is to someone like me that extra $180 is...
  30. Mr. Bluntman

    Ryzen 9 7900X3D: Y'all were right...

    The point was, pre-price drop, I understand why everyone just went for the 7950X3D or 7800X3D instead based on some of the results where the 7900X3D was falling a bit behind the other two X3D parts. But you're right, coming in third counts for something.
  31. Mr. Bluntman

    Intel Core i9-14900KS

    I'm certain that it was the GTX 980 that launched in November/December 2014 at an equivalent of $719 in today's money. $799 IMO is a reasonable price for the 4080 vanilla if all was said and done. But no, nVIDIA charged $1,200 for an 80 series card this generation. 50% more expensive? It's...
  32. Mr. Bluntman

    Ryzen 9 7900X3D: Y'all were right...

    Hardware Unboxed did a review of the Ryzen 9 7900X3D after a year of the part being out: In the past, I expressed the desire to get one here on the forums. However, I was advised it'd act like a 6-core X3D part in gaming. Well... Guess what? LOL...
  33. Mr. Bluntman

    Intel Core i9-14900KS

    Isn't it? 10 years ago an 80 class card cost you between $500-600. Now it's literally double that. I'm reasonably sure inflation hasn't been quite that bad.
  34. Mr. Bluntman

    New ZenHammer memory attack impacts AMD Zen CPUs

    Great. Another vulnerability that requires software mitigations that may impact performance. As if we didn't have enough of them already... I'll be glad if I'm wrong about that, though.
  35. Mr. Bluntman

    Denuvo/Irdeto "TraceMark for Gaming" Introduced at GDC 2024

    Interesting that the most notorious DRM today is playing catch-up. That shouldn't be hilarious but it is I'm certain there is a degree of overlap of it being poorly implemented or on titles that are shit, so you're not wrong lol
  36. Mr. Bluntman

    Denuvo/Irdeto "TraceMark for Gaming" Introduced at GDC 2024

    Tracemark sounds like fucking cancer. As if Denuvo wasn't malignant enough on it's own... Way to be, punishing the legitimate customer. Sounds like this could be abused to take down "Let's Play" or fair use video uploaders as well.
  37. Mr. Bluntman

    Horizon Forbidden West

    Definitely the Last of Us. Also Arkham Knight a few years before. It was a choppy, stuttering mess at launch. I may be remembering wrong as you said...
  38. Mr. Bluntman

    Horizon Forbidden West

    I thought it was Iron Galaxy that did the port and Guerilla had to come in after them?