AMD RAID 1 Critical.. cannot access data?

Evil Scooter

[H]F Junkie
Sep 22, 2000
So system was booting slowly and I was having issues opening files on the RAID1. Come to find RAIDXpert2 says my RAID 1 is in critical status. One of the 4TB spinning drives has gone bad. OK. Odd thing is I cannot access any of the data on the remaining good drive. I have removed the offending drive and done a check on the remaining drive to assure it's fine. No bad sectors or issues found. Yet when I try to open files on the drive the window just hangs for a few seconds and closes itself. I've never had this happen on a RAID1 before. I've used about 2.5TB of the available space. If I pull the good drive and put it in a SATA caddy it shows a 1.6TB partition and 2 smaller partitions of unused space??? On every Intel based RAID I've owned a pulled RAID 1 disk data is all accessible as a stand alone drive. Am I going nuts or does AMD have a "special" way of doing software RAID?

I've ordered a duplicate replacement drive and am hoping I can access the data after the RAID rebuilds.
Bumping this to find out what happened. I'm used to Intel's RAID where you can just take a mirrored drive to another Intel system and see the drive even in AHCI mode.

I don't think AMD RAIDXpert2 is like this though so I'm curious as to what happened...I need to break an AMD RAID mirror and was hoping to not to have to do backup and restore to new separate none raid drives if I didn't have to.