Recent content by Vermillion

  1. V

    New Windows AI feature records everything you’ve done on your PC

    Shit like this makes me so happy I ditched Windows years ago. From MS FAQ: What could possibly go wrong?
  2. V

    Adventures in Self-hosting and attempting to divorce Google as much as possible

    So after a few days with Immich I can say I'm very happy. Sadly my son's laptop is too just a tad too old for me to pass through the Nvidia card for the hardware accelerated machine learning. However, the facial recognition and library function is quite nice even without. Backups work very...
  3. V

    Adventures in Self-hosting and attempting to divorce Google as much as possible

    *Full disclosure* - I'm not here to bash Google and call them evil. I'm simply a person who cares about his privacy and his families privacy and there's less and less privacy nowadays. So if you're in this thread to Google bash please go elsewhere. Google sucks. Apple sucks. Samsung sucks...
  4. V

    Linux Suggestion

    So I swapped NVME drives in my laptop and installed Nix. Holy shit...just amazing. I love Arch but man Nix is cool. Learning curve is up there a little bit but now that I've got my head wrapped around how the config file works it's simply awesome. I'm learning even more about Linux by doing...
  5. V

    Linux Suggestion

    I've been a loyal Arch user for years, however recently I've been reading up on NixOS into to better understand it and it's package manager. I think I will be moving to NixOS in the near future. Very cool distro.
  6. V

    xz-utils backdoored

    Which is exactly why systemd was changing it.... lol
  7. V

    xz-utils backdoored

    He ran the binary, saw the lag and then investigated by looking at source code and tarballs. With closed source code he most likely would have shrugged his shoulders about the lag and moved on. You have a very high opinion of code review. If you think code review for closed source is any...
  8. V

    xz-utils backdoored

    There's a lot of information about this backdoor that is missing in this thread and it adds a lot to the discussion. Before i get into that though: I don’t understand how anybody sees this backdoor and thinks that open source is insecure. This level of social engineering could easily have...
  9. V

    What's the best way to optimize windows after a few years when your pc is slowing down

    All the years here on [H] and this is the thread I'm most disappointed in. Not a single person gave the right answer. You should all be ashamed. While I understand that rebuilding is a pain in the ass, with Windows there's only one answer. :)
  10. V

    Kernel confusion

    Yep. You can have multiple kernels installed. Ubuntu LTS does the same thing if you enable the Hardware Enablement kernel. It gives you a later kernel version than what ships with the LTS. You then get updates for the old kernel and the HWE kernel. You can remove the old kernel though if...
  11. V

    pfSense and DNS servers

    I add many of the lists from Developer Dan. I find that between the default list and DD lists I'm covered very well. Recently I did add a few more that is probably a lot of overkill, but my children are getting adventurous on the Internet so I have a...
  12. V

    SAP Concur Authenticator App? How to avoid using my phone?

    You haven't been paying attention to the BYOD way the world is going have you? And if the sword you're going to die on is over an app like Aegis having to scan a QR code to give you a 6 digit code then you're in for a rough time ahead I think as remote work continues to pick up steam (for...
  13. V

    SAP Concur Authenticator App? How to avoid using my phone?

    You're way of thinking is archaic. You're opening yourself up to way too many security risks. Not wanting an app because it holds an OTP code for work? Really? The only thing worse than that is your desire to use SMS or a second factor. Worst possible 2FA ever. I constantly send emails...
  14. V

    Google gets its way, bakes a user-tracking ad platform directly into Chrome

    Not a horrible video, but he's not telling the whole truth either. Your profile resets every 7 days which makes it impossible to build a profile on you because the interests you get ads for will change every 7 days.
  15. V

    Any Tailscale gurus here on [H]?

    Direct IP over a specific port. On my old pure Wireguard setup it worked perfectly. But on Wireguard it was directly hitting the Plex server IP. So http://plex.ip:port You can set additional IPs in the Plex config. So I set it to the Tailscale IP and the corresponding port but while it...