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  1. OFaceSIG

    Russia Says It's Assembled a Lithography Machine, Will Make 350nm Chips

    LOL... Being the birthplace of the work political system in the history of man is finally coming home to roost. What a joke 350nm lol
  2. OFaceSIG

    My wallpaper thread.

    Just scrolled through this entire thread. Seeing the EVGA ones made me sad.
  3. OFaceSIG

    Windows 11 Market Share Keeps Declining

    Maybe that will work at home. But in the Business world, and Cyber Insurance world, there is a legal concept called "contributory negligence". If you do something that you know will but you in a spot that could contribute to a cyber attack, ransomware, etc they could deny your cyber insurance...
  4. OFaceSIG

    Some Intel CPUs lost 9% of their performance almost overnight

    This is no different that Diesel gate with VW. Do WHATEVER you need to do to win. Even if it means doing something ridiculous like zero power limits. It's sad that Intel's last place of dominance was on the upper end desktop CPUs. Now? They have even tarnished that. If Dell Latitude's...
  5. OFaceSIG

    No thread about the framework laptop?

    Just upgraded to the February driver pack for the Ryzen 13 and BIOS 3.05. So far so good. My pre-OS environment times are much shorter now. I used to see the Windows 11 "circle thingie" while booting. Now it barely shows or not at all before I'm at the log in prompt. Pretty nice!
  6. OFaceSIG

    New AMD Mobo BIOS - Update AMD AGESA for Next Generation Ryzen™ processors support.

    My system is running just fine. I'm not messing with BIOS to gain support for processors that have yet to even be released to the public.
  7. OFaceSIG

    9950X and 9950X3D is going to be terrific.

    Unless the new design has 3d vcache on both CCDs I don't see how this is going to overcome the latency issues.
  8. OFaceSIG

    The Apple Vision Pro goes on sale in the US on February 2 for $3,499

    I've said this out loud and I'm immediately an old crotchety boomer for saying it. VR is like 3d movies. Anytime you need to put something on your face to enjoy it the appeal will diminish quickly. I'm so effing tired of people always jumping on the new fad and thinking it's going to change...
  9. OFaceSIG

    Target joins Best Buy and discontinues sales of DVD's and Blurays

    holy crap... I didn't realize you could even still buy tape decks. But Amazon is loaded with them!
  10. OFaceSIG

    Microcenter is coming back to the Bay Area!!!

    If Miami with all it's sketchyness turns out to be a great location I can't fathom Orlando not getting one. Orlando is a solid town with a lot of upper middle class residential.
  11. OFaceSIG

    Power outage monitor that works? Known reliable from personal experience?

    It's just on the circuit. The freezer is plugged into a normal outlet.
  12. OFaceSIG

    Microcenter is coming back to the Bay Area!!!

    I know you were most likely joking. But I'd rather go without. I hate waiting in line for anything.
  13. OFaceSIG

    Microcenter is coming back to the Bay Area!!!

    Microcenter isn't perfect but I try to give them business when I can. Having zero local retail parts available can be a pain at times. My 990 Pro and 7800x3d in my current build were sourced at MC.
  14. OFaceSIG

    Rainsing Canes gift cards for over 30% off.

    Still active.
  15. OFaceSIG

    Fastest VPN? (Torrenting)

    I also signed up for the free Proton. I have a vpn at home that tunnels me home. But to access content from other countries VOD services I too am thinking about expanding to the paid option.
  16. OFaceSIG

    VPN real protection for websites?

    I have DoT configured on my pfsense for all clients in my house. Web filtering DNS over TLS from cleanbrowsing specifically since I have little kids. I too really dislike DoH going direct from browsers.
  17. OFaceSIG

    WiFi Printer Networking Question

    FYI, I know this wasn't the direct quetion, but extenders are garbage. Never use them. Either use a single router or a mesh system if you don't want to deploy your own APs.
  18. OFaceSIG

    Nautilus Laptop to Desktop

    Did you watch the video?
  19. OFaceSIG

    Rainsing Canes gift cards for over 30% off.

    The two sites I use, Cardcash and Raise have a 45 day guarantees. I usually use the card up well before then.
  20. OFaceSIG

    Rainsing Canes gift cards for over 30% off.

    Done it dozens of times without issue. Now I use paypal.
  21. OFaceSIG

    Rainsing Canes gift cards for over 30% off.

    Good chicken ain't worth getting shanked over.
  22. OFaceSIG

    Are ghiplets the next evolution stage in GPU designs?

    Anything that leads to cheaper/more economical manufacture without adversely affecting performance is the future. So I would think ghiplets are most certainly in our future.
  23. OFaceSIG

    Rainsing Canes gift cards for over 30% off.

    For the fattasses amongst us (me) Cardcash has Raising Canes gift cards for over 30% off.
  24. OFaceSIG

    pfsense and 2.5gbps?

    Thank you, exact what I was looking for. I wouldn't run realtek in BSD. But knowing you have first hand experience with the 226 gives me confidence to run that on my next build.
  25. OFaceSIG

    pfsense and 2.5gbps?

    Anyone successfully running pfsense with 2.5gbps? I don't think I've found a post yes with details on how they got it running.
  26. OFaceSIG

    No thread about the framework laptop?

    That's awesome but I don't have the 16. I'd love a version of that just for the modules. 4 or 6 if you have the cycles to do it.
  27. OFaceSIG

    ISO b550 mATX board

    Anyone got an b550 mATX board they don't need?
  28. OFaceSIG

    DEAD - WD Black SN850X 4TB - $237 for Prime Members - delivery 4/3-4/5

    I have a 990 so this isn't a dig at Samsung. But aren't they very similar in performance? If someone asked me I would just tell them to get whichever is cheaper.
  29. OFaceSIG

    DEAD - WD Black SN850X 4TB - $237 for Prime Members - delivery 4/3-4/5

    yeah I bought a 990 Pro 4tB for 279 at Microcenter. I thought that was a great price.
  30. OFaceSIG

    No thread about the framework laptop?

    You got the big boy... Let us know how you are with it in a few months please.
  31. OFaceSIG

    Power outage monitor that works? Known reliable from personal experience?

    The GFCI that feeds my deep freezer likes to trip. I'd like to set up a monitor that texts me when it happens. I see tons of them on Amazon, but does anyone have personal experience with one that they know to be reliable? If so let me know, thanks.
  32. OFaceSIG

    X3d vs extreme single core speeds?

    One of the largest CSGO tournaments in the world just stated they are going exclusively 7800x3D for the next tournament. ;)
  33. OFaceSIG

    Two POE managed switches for a b550 mATX board?

    I have two TLSG108PE PoE managed switches local in Dallas area $30 each. that I'm willing to trade for a excellent shape b550 mATX board. I need one with four dimm slots. I have perfect heat.
  34. OFaceSIG

    current best air coolers

    I just got the new Artic Freezer 36 for the intro price for my 7800x3D. It came at $30.83 shipped on Amazon. For that price? It's awesome.
  35. OFaceSIG

    X3d vs extreme single core speeds?

    Yep, that's why I chose it. These days my rig is 95% games, occationally I'll virtualize something to play with. But that's it.
  36. OFaceSIG

    X3d vs extreme single core speeds?

    Hardware unboxed just released a video comparing the 14900ks vs the 7800x3d in games. All the reviews, not just theirs, *IF* we're talking about gaming, if we want to be really conservative they trade blows. However the 7800x3d does it at half the cost, and half the power consumption. I'm not...
  37. OFaceSIG

    No thread about the framework laptop?

    Been a few months now with the Framework 13 Ryzen version. I honestly couldn't be happier. Fit and finish is top notch. It does everything I need it to outside of gaming. But I have a dedicated rig for that. This is the ideal laptop for someone who wants a portable high quality PC laptop...