Samsung Magician reboots your system automatically AND with no warning


May 26, 2021
As part of the update for the new version of this software, I switched from standard performance to high performance. I got a message saying that a system reboot was necessary. Fair enough. I thought I could shut down Outlook and other applications and then manually reboot. Well, I was wrong. The system rebooted without any warning while I was reading email with Outlook. Outlook hates being rebooted while running. So now I have to waste time running Scanpst several times.

Thanks loads, Samsung. :mad:
plenty of things require a reboot after install and will immediately reboot when you click ok. this is normal and something you should have experienced since "forever" on PCs...
I have been around PCs since before DOS (and mainframe software since the days of System 360 MVT), and I agree that some software just reboots without so much as a la-de-da. But in the "modern era" of software, that usually doesn't happen. The typical situation is that at the end of an install (e.g. iTunes) you get a message saying that you need to reboot your system for the new install to take effect.

To me, at least, it's a matter of consideration for the user. I'll make the observation that in general good hardware companies are poor software companies, and the other way around. Of course there are exceptions, for example Apple. Samsung is a great hardware company.
dos didnt have this "issue"...
its always been that if you see the word "rebot" over and "ok" button you save/close youre shit 'cause youre about to reboot. yes, some word it differently but the "rule" hasnt changed.
dos didnt have this "issue"...
its always been that if you see the word "rebot" over and "ok" button you save/close youre shit 'cause youre about to reboot. yes, some word it differently but the "rule" hasnt changed.
He didn't say that dos had the issue. He said he's been around pc's since before dos. And samsung magician doesn't say it needs a reboot, it just does. And I just uninstalled samsung magician because anything that forces a reboot without warning is useless garbage and I won't tolerate it and will find an alternative that behaves itself.
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He didn't say that dos had the issue. He said he's been around pc's since before dos. And samsung magician doesn't say it needs a reboot, it just does. And I just uninstalled samsung magician because anything that forces a reboot without warning is useless garbage and I won't tolerate it and will find an alternative that behaves itself.
hey new guy, welcome to [H]. now go read the rules, pay attention to the one about uselessly necroing 3+ yr old threads...
dos didnt have this "issue"...
its always been that if you see the word "rebot" over and "ok" button you save/close youre shit 'cause youre about to reboot. yes, some word it differently but the "rule" hasnt changed.
I may be dating myself lol but actually I had a problem like this with DOS. If you ran the original Sidekick and had an AST Six Pack Plus with 640K total, it would restart at 1:00PM + X Minutes (X being the Day # The Month) every day, with no notice. Borland fixed it in a few days but I still remember that was the first software based error reboot I had come across.
I just installed magician and it told me it was rebooting within 20 seconds. Not sure why you didn't get that message. Maybe you did but didn't notice it?
