Recent content by B^gD^ddy~CF~

  1. B

    7970's and Other parts at rock bottom prices

    Yeah thanks to all you HardOCPers who participated. I did get what I was looking for to pay the bills. I only ended up having to sell the GPU's and Power Supply in order to do so. I had no idea that this post could initiate such a debate among people. My original question was for more items...
  2. B

    3 24" 1920x1200 TN Panels starting @ $120-$150

    Hey HardOCPers I have to make some money to pay bills due to some instability in my working environment as of late. Please let me know if you think these items are not in the correct pricing range. Monitors: BenQ G2400W 24" Flat Panel LCD TFT Monitor Minimum:$120...
  3. B

    1200 Watt BFG PSU starting @ $102.50

    Hey HardOCPers I have to make some money to pay bills due to some instability in my working environment as of late. Please let me know if you think this is not in the correct pricing range. Power Supplies: Minimum Bid: $102.50 BFG Tech BFGR1200WEXPSU 1200 watt PSU original box and...
  4. B

    7970's and Other parts at rock bottom prices

    I'm not raising the prices on any of the items guys...I'll let the market determine what the price should be and/or whether my initial prices are fair or not. I based the minimum price based on what I was seeing similar items or the exact items selling for on ebay and other sales sites. My hope...
  5. B

    7970's and Other parts at rock bottom prices

    Hey HardOCPers I have to make some money to pay bills due to some instability in my working environment as of late. Please let me know if you think these items are not in the correct pricing range. GPU's Saphire HD 7970 original box and accessories 925 Mhz GPU 1375 Memory Minimum: $180...
  6. B

    Cant get new 7970 running

    weird Dan I stayed on 12.4 for a long time not upgrading until 12.6 and 12.7 came out and have experienced no issues other than finding a hydravision version that works with 12.7. Might take a look next time I reload my OS but that's usually a year in before I feel the need to put myself...
  7. B

    Brightness Control

    Are you trying to match brightness between monitors? If so about the only option you really have is something like the Eye1Display2 colorimeter. Something cheaper like say the Huey pro will help you match color gamma between monitors but not luminosity.
  8. B

    Cant get new 7970 running

    hmm weird the 12.7's work perfectly for me. Then again I did a driver sweep(latest free version, since it has now gone paid under another name). I had problems moving from two 5870's to two 7970's and the only thing that fixed it was reinstalling windows. I would try that before RMAing the...
  9. B

    Does an HDMI/DL-DVI splitter designed for PC use exist?

    not that I know of man, it would have to be a powered device. You could theoretically split the one lane coming out and mirror it across two or more outputs but like I said it would have to be a powered device to run the chip that would do the duplication into double or more lanes that are...
  10. B

    Uninstalled Catalyst and no Usb.

    only thing i would be able to suggest is press F8 while system is booting up and choose something like last working settings
  11. B

    Anyone experiencing hard locking?

    Yeah I'm getting some hard locking here lately but haven't been able to track down what the culprit is. atikmpag.sys is usually what appears on the blue screen but BlueScreenViewer usually points to dxgkrnl.sys. Almost always atikmpag.sys, dxgkrnl.sys, and dxgmms1.sys are listed in pink as the...
  12. B

    The NSA Is Building the Country’s Biggest Spy Center

    no actually the best thing you can do is encrypt material that has no defense/intelligence value. Think of it as a small particle of dirt that gums of the gear works of overreaching government. If they've grown beyond accountability to the people they can still be made to be ineffective in their...
  13. B

    Crossfire different 7970s

    You should be fine I have almost that exact setup except my XFX black edition is complete reference. I haven't had any issues that I could tie down to running different brands. The only thing you might run into is a problem with is using some monitoring software if the cards have different...
  14. B

    AMD Catalyst 12.2 Are Now Available

    These driver still appear to be missing the atipdl64.dll and the atipdlxx.dll. Possible that they moved that functionality elsewhere. Looking at a WinMerge comparison. The display driver package .dll files are identical The installer for the display driver package is newer and...
  15. B

    The TSA Responds To Body Scanner Security Flaw

    Well I'll give you that his comb over is a bit much but what about him made him "sound a bit like a nutjob" to you? I thought he was very distinct and clear in what he was saying. Was it being critical of the government that made him sound like a nutjob? My point being that there is a lot of...