Recent content by bleep

  1. B

    [H]ardOCP PSU Reviews List

    Thanks Updated. Now, a bit more of a general comment, after the new year, planning to take another look at what I can add to this list. I'd be open to suggestions, but for the time being im thinking of dates of the reviews, whether a psu is 80+ certified, possibility still of a...
  2. B

    [H]ardOCP PSU Reviews List

    Possibly, i'll take another look tonight.
  3. B

    [H]ardOCP PSU Reviews List

    Considered that actually, but decided it against it for the time being. Its significantly more time consuming to keep track of all the crap power supplies that get released. No doubt it would be of use though. Ha, nothing like that. For consistency, stuck to only listing power supplies that...
  4. B

    [H]ardOCP PSU Reviews List

    Have seen people asking for something like this so hopefully this will be of some use as a resource for anyone looking for a new psu. All Gold and Silver rewarded reviews up to this date 12/20/08 are listed. Power Supply reviews will be broken up in a specific watt range with gold and silver...
  5. B

    Need a good PSU $40-80ish

    Good deal indeed, have its smaller brother the 500w that has worked quite well. Also the above(650) did receive a good review from jg.