Recent content by buzzbomb

  1. B

    The Supreme Court Has Refused to Vacate Net Neutrality Ruling by Lower Court

    *facepalm* Does this make sense? "If ATT, Verizon and the like are pushing for something then you know it is good for the consumer."
  2. B

    Rooms at Marriott Complete with Spying Devices

    That's one hell of an "if"...if you're that paranoid, stay home.
  3. B

    Bluehole Buttholes

    ITT: nubs crying cuz they can't git gud
  4. B

    Prototype Radeon RX Vega 64 8gb

    I love you.
  5. B

    You Get ADAM Assets! And You Get ADAM Assets! And You Get....

    Looks to me like he's been pretty busy, and not very silent about it.
  6. B

    What's 2 + 2? Don't Ask the Titan V

    And what are computer graphics but a hell of a lot of math? So what if a graphics card can't do math, can it do graphics?
  7. B

    Mazda Rotary Engine Returning in 2019 as EV Range Extender

    Mr. nightanole, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read it. I award you...
  8. B

    Iptorrent Invites

    I have three invites, PM me your email address to get one.
  9. B

    Two New Meltdown/Spectre Variants Found

    Are you saying we should punish the security researcher that pointed out the exploitable weakness before the "bad guys" could get ahold of it, or the CPU designer that first implemented branch prediction?
  10. B

    Der8auer Gets Epyc Working on X399

    It doesn't have to be anything oriented...I thought this was an enthusiast site, why are there so many people crying about market segments and (unbelievably) too many cores?
  11. B

    Ethereum Way Up This Week

    I'm not crying, you're crying.
  12. B

    FT/WTB: Have LTC/crypto, Want best AMD GPU I can get

    Guess I should post some proof that I'm legit, maybe that will help my cause.
  13. B

    $100 Billion in Crytocurrency Vanishes

    I want to see the same story when the DJIA plummets, erasing billions of "actual" money. Sooo, just like any currency? Currency trading is the metagame.
  14. B

    FT/WTB: Have LTC/crypto, Want best AMD GPU I can get

    Building a new Ryzen-based PC, and I already have a FreeSync 1440P monitor - would really like an RX Vega 56/64 or RX 580 to power it. Let's make a deal! LTC in hand, can possibly convert to a different crypto as necessary/desired.