Recent content by Charon

  1. C

    nforce4 Ultra chipset (cooler) sucks ? (MSI K8N Neo4 Platinum)

    OK i orderd a DFI Lanparty nforce4 blah Ultra ...1 less pci 4 less sata than MSI...nothing i miss anandtech previewed a DFI that broke theyr own OC-record Well i dont trust reviews of handselected Samples that get send to the reviewer. My...
  2. C

    Leaked Capacitors, MSI 6367

    If thers still warranty..RMA it again ...write a letter to them ! what else ? And if they dont fix it next time demand a new one.Its no favior..its included in the prize when you buy payed for it
  3. C

    Max memory timings on Gigabyte SLI board?

    mainly depends on the chips on your Ram-modules. Unless you have some gay Reseller-Ram-Module with fancy unremovable "Heatsink" you can easily read the chips Brand and type. Good Ram-Producers like Samsung have all the Data/Timing/Parameters for all theyr chips on theyr Website. example...
  4. C

    nforce4 Ultra chipset (cooler) sucks ? (MSI K8N Neo4 Platinum)

    can be you got a bit disoriented with posting ? The Chipset fan is my problem..its 3 times as noisy as my Gigabyte 6600GT (4.0 Sone !) A Noise like a Waking clock btw.. less loud (hole case is vibrating from it)..but constantly on..sometimes changing Frequency for 30 sec and then back. This...
  5. C

    nforce4 Ultra chipset (cooler) sucks ? (MSI K8N Neo4 Platinum)

    manipulating the fan is no option for me as warrancy is gone then. ..aswell funny is that then Northbridge temperature isnt high ..33 C° atm.(Bios) cpu 32 C°(Bios) MSI`s own "OC-tool" "CoreCenter" reports the actual fanspeed of my Zalman 7700b right in Windows (1318 rpm atm.) Athlon +3000...
  6. C

    nforce4 Ultra chipset (cooler) sucks ? (MSI K8N Neo4 Platinum)

    Bought me an MSI K8N Neo4 Platinum, NVIDIA nForce4 Ultra. Decent Board sofar...but weak OC (only till ~240 HTT unstable above it doesnt even boot )..nice features on Board but BAD OC (FOR AN CHIP CALLED "Ultra"). My Ram btw. ATP "AG64L64T8SQC4S" lowcut ( Samsung K4H560828E-TCCC) (NOT...
  7. C

    Can I clean my mobo with isopropyl?

    Best/savest clean with compressed air..i belive professional electronic people do it with buyable compressed air in tins..(100% dry..not like directly from compressors). dont use water or alcohol and alike..(Results: shortcut or funny looking plastic parts) Condenser like to blowup on...
  8. C

    nForce4 Mobos...keeping an eye out at the major national distributors

    MSI K8N Neo4 Platinum, (NVIDIA nForce4 Ultra) 140,49 € in stock in Germany at (orderd one today..lets wait and see) MSI K8N Platinum SLI, (NVIDIA nForce4 SLI) 174,00 € in stock in Germany at Cheapest major reliable* eshop in Germany ...
  9. C

    3500+ winnie and Neo2 Platinum. What memory?

    Just watchout with "resellers" like Crucial, Mushkin etc. etc. There is no real guarantee you get a module with Samsung TCCD ic`s unless you buy Samsung original. "resellers" dont hide the ic`s behind unremovable "heatsinks" for nothing.
  10. C

    THE Memory FAQ

    Exactly..TCCD are Samsung Chips ! Dont buy RAM modules from companies that dont produce chips themselves !!! Corsair, Geil, Kingston, Mushkin OCZ etc. buy parts from Samsung, Micron, Mosel Vitelic, Infineon, and others. A waste of money ! It has become a habbit of some companies like...
  11. C

    major prob with k8n neo 2 mb

    Dont buy RAM modules from companies that dont produce chips themselves ! Corsair, Geil, Kingston, etc. buy parts from Infineon, Samsung, Micron, Mosel Vitelic, and others. It has become a habbit of some companies like Corsair, Geil, etc. to handselect (as they call it) or in other words...
  12. C

    ETA on DFI NF4 boards?

    SLI SLI ultra anywhere..makes you wonder.. Seeing the mass of posts about trouble with nforce4 SLI, one might think the nforce4 isnt actualy "ready for market" realy. I bet its going to take some additional time (2-3 Month) to make nforce4-MoBo`s that have no "bug" issues anymore...
  13. C

    GIGABYTE "GA-K8NF-9" NVIDIA nForce4 4X

    It has a HyperTransfere of only 800 (x4) and uses nforce4 nonultra. Aswell the "normal" nforce4 dont have the Hardware Firewall ! If you want to OC, you shouldnt start with a "low-coast" version. If you check around a bit, you will find there are no "ultra" chipsets of nforce4...
  14. C

    Nforce4 still Beta-chips ?

    oops error, rpm a German ..sorry..but hey i can learn :D Right..i didnt buy one yet ! (i learned :p) And seeing the SLI-Gamesupport issue now, i wont buy any SLI. Btw. where are the Nforce4 ultra`s ??? ( !!! ) To the hardware: I doubt its only here, but German...
  15. C

    Nforce4 still Beta-chips ?

    Oh yes it does ! A chipset that has "Ultra" in Name should be "Ultra" not because its fan have to go 8000 tours but the chipset doesnt do more then its "nonultra" version wich only misses the HW firewall compared. A Bios that has OC-options should OC (especialy when its sold for such a high...