Recent content by Derfel

  1. D

    lag with surfing

    I hear the "mouse lag" is worse if you are using the usb ports on the side of the monitor. But it could just be you feeling the 40ms of display lag that these panels have.
  2. D

    LCD input Lag problems: new tests of 2405fpw and 244t

    Agreed! And well put. I think I am sending my 2405 back due to lag, its a tough decision but these monitors cost too much money to be sub par.
  3. D

    3007 vs 24T input lag comparison photos - virtual stopwatch pro.
  4. D

    Dell 2007 fp/fpw Banding issue.

    Maybe you just have bad eyes and cant tell banding when you see it. If it was one poster I might agree with you, but 90% of people are saying that there is banding on these monitors.
  5. D

    3007 vs 24T input lag comparison photos

    Several people have recreated it. And I like many others swapped which port the CRT and the lcd were hooked to. The 2405 was always lagging no matter what port was used.
  6. D

    3007 vs 24T input lag comparison photos

    You don't see it, but you feel it. I obviously didnt return my 2405 so its not too bad for me (I dont play FPS's) but I would still like to know if it is present on the 2407.
  7. D

    Latest (Apr06) 2405 Revision Banding?

    It's hard to notice 40ms in anything. 40ms is not even bad enough to make the voice not sync with the picture on movies. But its there, and I still have yet to hear any decent explination for it. Other lcd's dont have it, but this specific model does.
  8. D

    Cold-Dell Coupons might be drying up...

    I was just playing the devils advocate. I think dell is starting to fall apart in all aspects of the game. If the 2407 is any indication, quality has gone completely out the window.
  9. D

    need a link to the LCD testing program...

    And since the lag issue is there, - For Virtual stopwatch.
  10. D

    Latest (Apr06) 2405 Revision Banding?

    Download Virtual stopwatch pro and snap a picture of the two monitors. You will see the displayed time on the 2405 lags 40 ms behind that on a CRT.
  11. D

    3007 vs 24T input lag comparison photos

    yeah, I would like to see a 2407 lag tested against a crt.
  12. D

    Latest (Apr06) 2405 Revision Banding?

    I couldnt tell any lag with mine at first, but something just didnt feel right with the mouse. I ran the stopwatch test with my old crt and the difference was 40-50ms. I will probably still keep the 2405 due to the increased size, and just hope that I eventually get used to it. My days of...
  13. D

    Latest (Apr06) 2405 Revision Banding?

    You mean everything is fine except the lag right?
  14. D

    Cold-Dell Coupons might be drying up...

    Or could it be that people are returning the first 5 LCD screens they get on dell's dime because there was 1 bad pixel or "backlight bleeding" ?
  15. D

    Latest (Apr06) 2405 Revision Banding?

    I just recieved my 2405 last week, but mine is a March version and I do not have the banding. I do have the input delay of 40-50 ms. Can you test your new 2405 and tell us if you experience the input delay.