DPI's latest activity

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    DPI reacted to Shoganai's post in the thread Windows 11 Market Share Keeps Declining with Like Like.
    I don't use Google. I use either Brave search or DuckDuckGo and they work for 99.99% of things. For when I need to look up businesses or business reviews, Google is the only option. Also, Waze is owned by Google. Microsoft is balls. Yes, Google...
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    DPI reacted to DukenukemX's post in the thread Windows 11 Market Share Keeps Declining with Like Like.
    The problem is just getting away from Google search. Nothing else is as good. I would suggest Waze because it's really good as picking up cops. Microsoft left it's own ecosystem, multiple times. Remember Games for Windows Live? Remember when...
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    DPI reacted to M76's post in the thread Windows 11 Market Share Keeps Declining with Like Like.
    Nice made up story, too bad it is not true. Just because I prefer 10 over 11 doesn't mean I can't still prefer 7 over 10. As I've said 2 steps back, one step forward: The Microsoft way. Even 7 had changes in it that were inferior to how things...
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    People choosing to trade privacy for convenience features on Android or iPhone does not entitle Microsoft to anything. If you let a neighbor borrow your lawnmower, is that a green light for any neighbor to help themselves to anything in your...
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    This whole thread is full of entitlement with people telling you that you should not buy something that you can afford in order to somehow force a price drop so that they can now afford it.
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    DPI reacted to KazeoHin's post in the thread $2,500 RTX-5090 ( 60% faster than 4090 ) with Like Like.
    Says the guy making chips for the companies worth LESS than Nvida....
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    DPI reacted to HockeyJon's post in the thread Windows 11 Market Share Keeps Declining with Like Like.
    Remember back in the day when we used antivirus programs to hunt down and eliminate spyware that were tracking our every move and sending data back to the mothership, completely invading our privacy? And then Microsoft saw that spyware and...
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    Accurate. "Off" was removed from their UX design vocabulary long ago because it has a quantitative value. There's no ambiguity. The shift in language to "Minimal", "Minimum", "Basic", etc was devised and focus-grouped to create the illusion of...
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    DPI reacted to GoldenTiger's post in the thread Nvidia set to be featured on 60 Minutes with Like Like.
    Yep, this isn't a gamer podcast, it's an investment interview.
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    DPI reacted to LukeTbk's post in the thread Nvidia set to be featured on 60 Minutes with Like Like.
    There talks about humanity being in something possibly akin to the industrial revolution in something that could be a 10 trillion industry that could take 80% of the new electricity demand in the US.... but lets talk about some controversy...
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    DPI reacted to emphy's post in the thread Copilot or else! (for OEMs...eventually) with Like Like.
    Not to mention that we're talking about the company that is dark patterning users into upgrading entire operating systems. There will be a strategically placed (as in: where normally a cancel button would be) "no thank you, I would prefer to keep...
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    Underperforming sales of AMD GPUs, not underperforming AMD GPUs. MSI doesn’t care how the GPU performs, they care how it sells. Which brings me to your second point, because the Claw is an absolute piece of crap that isn’t selling well, and the...
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    DPI reacted to GoldenTiger's post in the thread Nvidia set to be featured on 60 Minutes with Like Like.
    Was an overblown marketing initiative bandwagoned by the press as many things are, and ancient history by now. Lol... What's wrong with good profit margins for a corporation? That's a good thing. Overpricing? Compared to who? They have the best...
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    DPI reacted to TheHig's post in the thread EK in hot water again? with Like Like.
    Looks like Steve and GN have flipped the EK burger for some more grilling.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8A7cykj0pCg
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    https://www.neowin.net/news/new-version-of-tiny11-builder-lets-you-debloat-any-windows-11-build-or-version New version of Tiny11 Builder lets you debloat any Windows 11 build or version That about tells you all you need to know there...
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    DPI replied to the thread EK in hot water again?.
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    PC gamers have yet to regret going to steam and destroying that industry. Straight digital sales were biggest margin ever in that industry (90%), they absolutely loved them, that a case of the customer forcing their hands like the music...
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    Nice. Disabling that was one of the first things I did years ago when it first popped up in Windows 10. With a little luck I'll never even see this nag.
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    DPI reacted to Axman's post in the thread Linux Suggestion with Like Like.
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdC_qiFoHN4 A new player has entered the game.
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    DPI replied to the thread Linux Suggestion.
    I've been following Bazzite - it probably warrants its own thread. So far it's looking like the closest thing to a SteamOS for general desktops unless and until Valve-time ever releases the actual thing. It includes the SteamDeck UI experience...