Recent content by j8x

  1. J

    What Is Your Personal Favorite Video Card of All Time?

    The 8800 GTS 640 back in '06 had me hook line and sinker. I made the big jump to Windows Vista 64 bit, 8 gigs of ram, that card and an Athlon 64 x2 just so I could play Crysis. (I think I got the intel Quad 6600 soon after) I bought the card the first week they were available in my area at a...
  2. J

    Hey just sending a message that I was reading though the post about Quake and read your post...

    Hey just sending a message that I was reading though the post about Quake and read your post about coming from the Amiga. Much the same experience as mine, seeing it rendered in hardware 3d for the first time. I loved my Amiga stuff but the 3d games pulled me over to the dark side, lol...
  3. J

    Linux Mint Debian Edition I've been checking out the different "distros" at this site. Basically after a long while I'm getting my "feet wet" before I jump back in....... if I jump back in. I either burned the iso to a disk or to a USB stick to save on disks. In my case I need to see which one...
  4. J

    What is the Operating System you loved to use the most?

    Ironically, the Toaster 4000 was at the school that I started working for (in the TV studio) in the mid 90's after the Amiga was on it's way out. Before that it was a long road of small upgrades to my A1000, 500 and a couple A2000s. That was the fun of it. Always looking out for good deals on 1...
  5. J

    What is the Operating System you loved to use the most?

    Amiga OS. I've owned pretty much every Amiga (Even a Toaster 4000), except the 1200. Way back in the early 90's when I first started using the Amiga OS it felt like a REAL, WHOLE, USEFUL and FUN computer, if that makes sense. This was after coming from DOS and the first versions of Windows...
  6. J

    What's the oldest game you keep going back to play?

    Starflight 2 for the Amiga. Circa 1992 .........on an Amiga emulator.
  7. J

    Hyperion and Amiga Inc settle

    I loved the Amiga and owned a ton of them. Still have an A4000 with the "Video Toaster" installed in it. I can't bear to get rid of it. If you don't remember what it is then just Google it. And that's my point. The "new" Amiga will never do anything unless they have some sort of special "niche"...
  8. J

    BF2/2142 and Vista 64?

    Well since I just got mine working again I figured I'd chime in here. It ran fine for me on my Vista 64 machine then it just stopped a while back but forgot about it since I don't play too much anymore. I started messing around with it today but soon just ended up reinstalling it and it started...
  9. J

    4870 GX2 shares RAM

    "You saw a little of that with the 3870X2, but the bridge was a simple PCIe switch. The real magic this time is a bridge that shares memory, GDDR5 in this case. Yup, you will have 2 GPUs with one set of memory." ...from the article
  10. J

    better OC: ASUS P5K-E vs. GIGABYTE P35-DS3R

    I was at a comp show a couple weeks ago and ended up buying the P5K-E. I wanted the Abit IP35 Pro but couldn't find one and the P5K-E was sitting there @ $160 bucks so I gave in and bought it. I figured since it's an Asus and if I had any problems at least I had a place I could take it back to...
  11. J

    Best Gaming Forums?

    .....cuz everyone's so accepting.
  12. J

    The best fighter pilot game out to date?

    Meh...true, it is, but it's still a blast. Didn't see what the OP considered a real fighter game.
  13. J

    The best fighter pilot game out to date?

    What, no love for Desert Combat from anyone yet? An awesome mod for BF1942 and the jets are a blast to fly, once you've gotten used to them. I have three words just in case somebody hasn't tried it.....NO FLY ZONE.....discuss.
  14. J

    Orbiter: Space Simulator

    I just downloaded it and installed. Not bad for a sim and free, at that. The graphics are a little old-school but I think I'll install it at the school where I work. Good find,
  15. J

    Burr Brown vs National Semiconductor

    No harm, no foul. Just saying one statement though, which doesn't add anything to the thread, can be taken many ways. And you did the tongue sticking out face or whatever at the And why should it not be over your head? The OP was asking a broad question about two specific op-amps...