Recent content by JimmyChunX

  1. J

    HOT! MCE IR keyboard OEM $35.95!!

    No... it doesn't appear to be pick up says, "For in-store pickup: please call store location for availability"... I take that as if you want to pick it up call first.. also... i went through all the steps of the checkout except for confirm and no problems...unless it just let's you...
  2. J

    My Next-Gen for sale thread

    u got pm
  3. J

    WTB: Socket A CPU...

    No thanks... i'm looking for 3200 speed without OCing... then I'll decide if I want to try to OC it... thanks though
  4. J

    Which case?

    I've read reviews on the p180 and have been convinced to buy it for my next case. All of the reviews say that it is well built, sturdy, and thought out. The 2 main things this case goes for is lack of volume, and temps... and every review I've read say that it accomplishes it very well. With...
  5. J

    WTB: Socket A CPU...

    and... bump again...
  6. J

    WTB: Socket A CPU...

    bump again
  7. J

    WTB: Socket A CPU...

    bump yo
  8. J

    WTB: Socket A CPU...

  9. J

    WTB: Socket A CPU...

  10. J

    WTB: Socket A CPU...

  11. J

    WTB: Socket A CPU...

    I'm doing what I can with my old pc and possibly trying to use my spare parts that are sitting around to build another pc... I want to upgrade my cpu to an Athlon XP 3000+ barton or better... If anybody has a 3000 or 3200 barton or comparable socket A cpu they wouldn't mind parting with, pm...
  12. J

    BFG Tech Hot Deals!

    seriously... everytime!!!
  13. J

    Stargate SG-1 Seasons 1-9@Fry's $19.99 ea.

    gotta love SG... both sg-1 and atlantis... where's the dedicated sg thread?!!!
  14. J

    WTB: sckt A CPU + pc3200 (400) ram + PSU

    repeat... I'm looking for a 3000+ or better... oh... and bump ;)
  15. J

    AGP 7600GT's IN STOCK!

    the XFX XXX edition of the 7600gt agp was in stock earlier today when I bought mine for $200 from the egg... 580/1500 and I've heard conflicting reports on whether the x1950x agp will ever really exist and whether or not it's just a rumor... though I haven't put any real research into it...