Recent content by jtzako

  1. J

    Disable Windows Defender in Vista while gaming?

    Defender wont do anything while you're in a game unless you happen to also be downloading files that could contain software. I have been gaming during defenders normal "scan the computer" time and it waits until the PC is idle.
  2. J

    Why do I want to get back into SWG?

    The current game can be alot of fun.. and there are TONS of people playing if you get on a good server. SWG has added expertise to all classes as well as the new Beast Mastery stuff (which is pretty cool) and Crafter changes. I had stopped playing for quite a while but came back recently...
  3. J

    Nostromo N52 + Vista?

    It works fine in Vista x86, its the issues specific to x64 that I've had issues with. The only way to get it working and keep it working is to always boot to F8 and select driver override.
  4. J

    Pile of Vista networking woe

    I have Vista on a PC also using the Abit 650i chipset. I had no issues with it working once I installed the Nvidia software (directly from nvidia site) for that mobo. If that isnt working for you it sounds like something corrupted your OS install. Best bet would probably be to get the Nvidia...
  5. J

    Lord of the Rings Online unseats WoW

    LOTRO isnt bug free, but the bugs that exist dont really break anything related to gameplay. It is far and away more stable and bug free than any other MMO I've played at launch. (obviously the more mature MMOs have had more time to fix those bugs and polish) The June update, which includes...
  6. J

    May 9th windows update, crashed hard ( VISTA )

    By far most of the updates I've seen come through (individual update #s) do not require reboot. Unfortunately since patch Tuesday frequently includes at least 1 update that DOES require a reboot you get to do so anyways.
  7. J

    Lord of the Rings Online

    You can always solo but not *all* quests are soloable (duh). If you do just the solo quests and also kill soloable enemies you can level as far as you want. You can also do the fellowship quests solo but depending on their difficulty you may have to wait until its green/gray to do it.
  8. J

    Just bought a 8800 GTS EVGA 320, having fps problems.

    Vista itself isnt likely the issue but the Nvidia drivers for Vista are still poor performing in *some* games (but oddly not all games) and WoW is one of those games. EQ2, LOTRO and SWG are also affected in the MMO world. Possibly others are but I havent tried recently. There are also some...
  9. J

    My realization of how much a drug WoW actually is.

    WoW (and other games) are addictive to some extent. Playing them can produce endorphins etc that act as drugs do. People can get withdrawal symptoms if they stop once they are heavily addicted ( most people are never quite that badly addicted though). I think MMOs are more of a problem...
  10. J

    LOTRO for casual players?

    LOTRO does require you to go "online" but you certainly dont have to group/raid. There are tons of soloable quests and content. Some of the "main" story quests require a group but you could always skip those.
  11. J

    vista 64bit, are you having problems with it?

    I havent had any issues other than lack of decent Nvidia drivers. I do get some random game crashes but I think its not Vista causing that but rather the game doing something it should not be doing.
  12. J

    Video "hitching" in Vista on 8800gtx???

    After playing again last night I can confirm the hitching is still there and just as bad as always.
  13. J

    Gaming in vista 32bit vs 64...

    Every game I have tried works.. There are *some* that crash but they are playble. I personally have played EQ2, LOTRO, SWG, WOW, Might and Magic (new one), Battlefield2.
  14. J

    LOTRO impressions?

    I like it so far. Its actually a pretty large Land Mass for such a new MMO. Most people havent gone much outside their "Home lands" yet. Keeping in mind, we are in one relatively small "region" of the Middle Earth map. Eventually we will have the whole thing, which will be very huge. I...
  15. J

    Gaming in vista 32bit vs 64...

    I dont have any problems gaming that I can attribute specifically to Vista x64. Some games (mostly MMO types) have some memory related issues though. At random points those games try to access restricted memory addresses and crash out. Usually its pretty rare but if you go into very high...