Recent content by Kreiger5

  1. K

    WoW [H]ard Guild

    Second this After i have another job, i'll be picking up the game and playing more full time (i have the trial currently)
  2. K

    Would you join a WoW [H] group on either Firetree or Spirestone?

    bringing back a dead thread! somebody make a new vote.. see who votes now
  3. K

    eVGA SLI motherboard problem

    The only time i get a 7f error is if i don't have an HD that has an operating system on it as master. In only one of those pictures do i see a hard drive connected, and it's on an SATA. perhaps try reinstalling windows on the sata drive? Or using an IDE drive to test.
  4. K

    Is it true 360 uses directx 10

    /me shuts up.
  5. K

    FS: Lian Li PC-65

    no, you are teh suxxors zenzog! everybody! zenzog got me pregnant and then left to start an internet company. :p Bump for a friend.
  6. K

    What are your FEAR settings?

    I've specifically turned it ON. Also, i forgot, i'm on at 1280x1024 with all the candy. 1600x1200 looks better, but i can't have all the candy on, so it's a toss up.
  7. K

    Dual core opterons

    dude, look on these same forums. You may have to go back a couple pages, but the opteron dual cores got MOBBED with stats, and how people did. Just run a forum search for opteron overclock Seriously, bro.
  8. K

    What are your FEAR settings?

    Mildly stupid question.. how will i know if soft shadows is on or not? I've looked at the game with it on and off, and i don't see much of a difference. Maybe i'm not looking at the right things? But my outline still seems solid, no fading or anything. rig in sig.
  9. K

    What Are Your Most Memorable Gaming Moments?

    In no particular order: 1: First time i saw a strider hl2. 2:Halo, when the door opens and the big tank guys come out, along with an army of smaller guys.. a definite oh-shi moment. took me forever to beat. 3: I have to agree, metroid prime was awesome, and hard. 4: F.e.a.r. Anytime...
  10. K

    Help choosing monitors (crt)

    I do, i'm in bergen county (montvale). I'm actually heading down to teaneck now to pick up the monitor. heh. my aim is beneaththenoise fyi. After i snag my monitor, maybe you can come by and laugh at it when you have your new high end whatever yer getting. lol.
  11. K

    Help choosing monitors (crt)

    I just got off craigslist, and i'm in the process of buying a NEC MultiSync P1150 for 20 bucks. (21 inch AG) another monitor, also craiglist, is a Quantex AT1097F (19 inch shadow mask) i figure these two will tide me over for awhile until i can get some better stuff (or till SED and such...
  12. K

    Help choosing monitors (crt)

    my 1280x1024 monitor doesn't maintain a solid white. it's tinted either red or blue, depending on the tempature i have the monitor set at. (and yes, i have played with color correction in nividias control panel. the best i can get is a very, very very pale blue since i don't get pure white...
  13. K

    Help choosing monitors (crt)

    I'm currently looking for a new monitor (or two, my current ones are dieing) The "plug and play"ness of crt's is attractive, as well as the fact that i know nothing about lcds, or have ever used one. Anyway, i found this site, and i was wondering if you guys could give me some advice. The...
  14. K

    3dmark question

    yeah, i dropped a monitor (figured couldn't hurt) and let coolbits detect the best oc. it put my card at ... 492/1.16 not sure how good that is... i'm watching the temps and it's at 46 now. i don't know much about gpu overclocking, so i think i may count my blessings and enjoy the gains...