Recent content by Kvothe

  1. Kvothe

    The Division 2

    That's kinda where I'm at. I guess I'm conditioned by enough years of non-raiding WoW to be okay with lower end gear but still good enough to have an enjoyable experience. Anyhow, it's proven over and over again that GS isn't everything when you take into account all the other variables.
  2. Kvothe

    The Division 2

    Well looks like those of us who have been sidetracked by all the shiny have a few weeks to catch up for the raid. Major re-balancing incoming it looks like.
  3. Kvothe

    The Division 2

    If you guys with the crashes are running Win 10 Fall Creators update, you might look into this utility: I was having the horrible stutters/crashes and gave it a shot and it's resolved them almost completely. I still have the crashes...
  4. Kvothe

    The Division 2

    Good to know my procrastination isn't going to catch up to me. :D
  5. Kvothe

    The Division 2

    So random question, once you hit 30 do you have an opportunity to finish all the side missions, etc? I'm probably going to hit 30 tonight and due to some prolonged exploring, I'm way behind on the side missions, haven't touched strongholds, or finished the story missions.
  6. Kvothe

    The Division 2

    I've been doing this too, same with the "hidden" air drops on the buildings/trees. I've managed to get a small pile of dyes from those, but for some reason the control points seem like they're only interested in giving me shotguns and SMGs over and over and over..... :grumpy:
  7. Kvothe

    The Division 2

    After a long hiatus from Div 1, I decided to come back to Div 2, and it hasn't disappointed so far. Once the clan gets up and running add me as well. Kvothe - TheKurgan57
  8. Kvothe

    The Division - officially announced for PC!

    That it did, but its nothing that Massive couldn't take a massive lessons learned from. The big things I see where they could pull from is the progression system and loot revamps. If anything upping the percentages of quality drops would go a long way and maybe make some of their other...
  9. Kvothe

    The Division - officially announced for PC!

    Yeah, the thing I find more aggravating than anything is the crap the DZ drops give. Other than the HEs got get off the guard boss, it's probably going to be purples that you get. That alone is all the disincentive I need to bother. Then just knowing that I need to get to DZ 75 for the good...
  10. Kvothe

    The Division - officially announced for PC!

    This completely. I understand the nature of RNG but right now there's no incentive to bother hunting for drops. Everything is too low GS so crafting is still the way forward, but factor in the crafting mat requirements and it takes forever to get something even remotely considered an upgrade.
  11. Kvothe

    The Division - officially announced for PC!

    You can, you've just gotta make a storage character. Get them out of Brooklyn and to the BoO and then send them your gear for them to keep in their backpack. Or you know, just find some of us. I'm only 180-182 depending on loadout and haven't been shunned by any [H] 'ers yet.
  12. Kvothe

    The Division - officially announced for PC!

    Well, just ran through the DZ for the last hour to finish off my weekly and I was pleasantly surprised. I'm not sure if it's because it was early but I was able to run through, get my objective and extract a few times without any mystical gankings. So maybe some of what they've done has worked.
  13. Kvothe

    The Division - officially announced for PC!

    Take a laptop and make sure your destination had good wifi. :p
  14. Kvothe

    The Division - officially announced for PC!

    I'll be really interested in seeing how far this goes into cleaning things up in game. I'd soured on bothering with the DZ but was at least still enjoying PvE stuff. If I could do DZ with legitimate rogue battles, etc, I might actually consider going in again and spending some time in there.
  15. Kvothe

    The Division - officially announced for PC!

    Farm the living hell out of Lexington challenge mode. So if you see some of us online, I'm pretty sure we can get you in and blow through there in about 10-12 minutes a shot. You get 30 pxc just by completing it each time regardless of it being a daily and the boss drops a few as well.