Recent content by merach

  1. M

    G5 Laser mouse problems in windows XP 64bit SP2

    I'm not 100% sure this would work, but I know that the "CPL Mouse fix" that I've used in 32-bit since I found out about it seems to have acceleration smoothing regitry values for both axis. Look on google for Also, have you tried tweaking the options for smooth mouse in...
  2. M

    World of warcraft issue (Video attached)

    No ideas thus far?
  3. M

    World of warcraft issue (Video attached)

    So, this has been happening randomly for the past 6 months. I've gotten new twice, and used several variations, so I know thats not it. The temps on the cards are pretty consistant (~80 degress C) and nothing is overclocked. My systems specs are below. This is a video of what randomly happens...
  4. M

    AMD Athlon 64 FX-62 Windsor VS Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 Conroe 2.4GHz

    Ok over at i'm comparing the 2 and the Intel bests the AMD in more catagories than I wanted to see. Stats: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 Conroe (2400mhz/266 FSB?<-- Can anyone verify this?) AMD Athlon 64 FX-62 Windsor (2800mhz/200 FSB? Read above) 3d Studio Max 8 -...
  5. M

    AMD Athlon 64 FX-62 Windsor VS Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 Conroe 2.4GHz

    I thought that for 300 getting an FX processor was going to rule. (I havn't upgraded since I made the mistake of buying a brand new 3800+ X2 so I havn't been following the scene.)I'm an AMD !!!!!! so i'm posting in the AMD forum BTW. My buddy said that the 2.4 core duo is overclockable to 3.5ghz...
  6. M

    The Official Test Your Badge Thread

    *Loud sqeeling sound* oh god did it work?
  7. M

    WD Raptor long formats?

    I recently upgraded my mobo and proc from an MSI K6N with a 2600+ barton to a MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum with a 3800+ A64 X2, I had some inital issues getting windows to install (mixing memory trying to using dual channel) after removing one memory module everything installed fine, I havn't gotten...
  8. M

    ==>NEWEGG.COM Hot Deals 8/10

    Damn you new egg! I just took out an advance an ordered one
  9. M

    Gateway 9310XL [H] Evaluation

    Ok to answer the question about the anti virus software. Mcaffe is mearly Mcaffe anti spyware with the control panel installed, It doesn't have the firewall or virus scan. Norton internet security is also installed, Trust me, Having 30% of your overall call volume being because of spyware and...
  10. M

    Gateway 9310XL [H] Evaluation

    It's nice to to read posative statements, or anything that doesn't start with "Gateway sucks because." Really an OEM is an OEM. If you don't know how to build a PC or what you need to buy to be able to do what you want, OEM is a great way to do things. Gateway is moving slowly but surely into...
  11. M

    What processor should my laptop have if I have a budget around 1500 bucks?

    Gateway 7426GX notebook = 1500$ Athlon 64 3700+ 100gb hd 1gb memory radeon mobility 9550 (runs CS:S Pretty good)
  12. M

    What processor should my laptop have if I have a budget around 1500 bucks?

    Gateway 7426GX notebook = 1500$ Athlon 64 3700+ 100gb hd 1gb memory radeon mobility 9550 (runs CS:S Pretty good)
  13. M

    gateway laptop factory software

    On the gateway systems you have a number of options for factory software installs, the ghost image they use also has the ability to reinstall single drivers and applications, also you burn the recovery media when you get the system, it's packaged with blank CD-R's to burn them, and you can...
  14. M

    Gateway 7422GZ

    Double post newb -_-
  15. M

    Gateway 7422GZ

    Or disable intel speedstep in ths bios ;)