Recent content by NickOfTime

  1. N

    Formula Boinc 2019 Strategy

    I see we are in First Place for MOO now..., I'll keep my 290x's on it until the Summer heatup anyways... (Not a wide selection for ATI cards in boinc...)
  2. N

    Vote: DC'er of the Month: February 2019

    Hmm, Lots of W.Feather Trash on this thread...
  3. N

    1B Target

    There is no "overkill." There is only "open fire" and "reload." :)
  4. N

    100 Million Point Challenge

    Hmm, Folding is team [H]ardOCP, and SOB displays as 3P which their > 100M probably cannot handle...
  5. N

    100 Million Point Challenge

    Hmm, according to, I have 4 projects above 100m, With SOB being the highest at 2,767,283,210,665,980
  6. N

    1B Target

    My System was paused for part of the day for gaming, GxG instances started back up again... Tomorrow I will build/clone some Win10 Vm's on the the desktop machine...
  7. N

    1B Target

    Ok, Well 800 Running now, looks like approaching the limit of my internet speeds 1.2mbps upload - at least it is unlimited... (6.2 down)
  8. N

    1B Target

    Oh, What are the limitation of W10 in a VM without a extra license? I thought only xp was allowed since W7-10 had xp emulation mode...
  9. N

    1B Target

    I added 490 clients yesterday, not sure what daily production rate that will add thou, I guess I can spin up a few more XP vm's, thou they only seem to handle 60 clients before tasks start failing...
  10. N

    GoofyxGrid Multi-client setup

    Hmm here a startup.cmd file that has a pause for each instance starting... : Echo off FOR /L %%A IN (%1,1,%2) DO call :doit %%A goto :eof :doit start "BOINC_%1" /MIN "c:\Program Files\BOINC\boinc.exe" -allow_multiple_clients -dir c:\multiboinc\BOINC_%1 -gui_rpc_port 50%1 timeout /t 5 /nobreak...
  11. N

    Formula Boinc 2018 Strategy

    Hmm, it's is cool enough to start up the 4 core cpu - 4 * 290x box..., Any project recommendations? and also for the 660 and 690 on the other workstation? (24 cpus are crunching wcg at the moment)
  12. N

    Titan V - 110 TFlops

    Hmm, only 15tflops single precision, and 7 double... 110 tflops is for tensor calcs... (AI) So not very cost effective for folding/crunching yet...
  13. N

    Titan V - 110 TFlops I wonder about FAH and Boinc compability.... So who is planning to Upgrade Soon and Test? :-)
  14. N

    FormulaBoinc 2017, Threats/Opportunities

    I'm Have all my CPU's on WCG, Now if they only had GPU work...
  15. N

    DC Vault 2

    It did, until my Windows 8 Imploded itself, Once I re-install windows again, I can start up the VM that it is setup in... Hmm, I can trigger the Old version to run Manually Thou...