Recent content by noc_81

  1. N

    New Dell Monitor Specs Leaked

    Just makes the new Samsungs look better and better...
  2. N

    The Next Wave in Home Tech: Quick-Start Systems

    More than 3 years ago, this article might have proved relevant -- let alone interesting... Albeit, it's probably perfectly fitting for the NY Times, but on an enthusiast site..?
  3. N

    Albums Unnecessary in Digital Age

    The more credence you give to the unholy all-digital solution, the more credence you grant to DRM and heavier licensing restrictions... At least with a cd, I still technically have the right to copy it to my pc and any portable devices under my possession. ITunes is a decent enough solution...
  4. N

    Apple Finally Gets Patent On OS X Dock

    Oh, so does that mean I'm free to patent the wheel, then..?
  5. N

    Creepy Speakers

    Whatever happened to form following function... Knock-off, though... seen the same concept before.
  6. N

    Latching Sata Cables FTW!

    Not really 'hot news', is it? Latching connectors were part of the SATA-II specs, it's just not many OEM's provide them as SATA-I spec'ed cables work the same for less cash....
  7. N

    Rockin’ The BSOD

    Obviously part of the act... as that's not a real BSOD... Though, wasn't part of the act when I saw the show a few weeks ago... Incredible tour, though it has nothing on the Beside You In Time and Fragile tours.
  8. N

    Psystar Responds to Apple Suit, Will Countersue

    But then I can't buy a mac and call myself a DJ... :D
  9. N

    Politics & Tech

    Well, it's one thing to have a discussion... it's entirely another to have 20 strongly opinionated people ranting back and forth without any real comprehension of what a discussion is. I would be greatly interested in an actual back-n-forth about the tech aspect, but an open ending flame war...
  10. N

    Politics & Tech

    Just had to comment, as this is just so hilarious... I'm not too younger than Obama, and my medical history could be summed up in less than half a paragraph. On the other hand... a 71 yr old man like McCain..? He could release 10,000 pages, and I'm sure it wouldn't cover everything. It...
  11. N

    Politics & Tech

    And what the heck does Obama or McCain have to do with this discussion anyways? There's already plenty of flame posts to voice your generalities and ambiguities... In the meantime, how about we have a relevant discussion, such as the voting records and stances of certain political figures on...
  12. N

    Politics & Tech

    I wouldn't be too worried... it's just the product of a general naivete regarding technology that almost all old farts tend to posses. Everything has to be explained to them, and often the only ones who are there to explain are lobbyists. If you really care how your congress person votes on...
  13. N

    AMD Shanghai Processor to Ship in Q4

    Umm... we're talking server systems here... priorities tend to be energy consumption (that's why 45nm is a big deal) and performance, and price tends to be an afterthought. If you don't think AMD has been competing heavily in the server market, you must of never heard about the opteron...
  14. N

    Touch Tone Phone Skillz

    Wow... all I know is 'Mary had a Little Lamb' and 'Twinkle, twinkle, little star'.
  15. N

    Japanese Browser Maker Takes on IE, Firefox

    Actually, all the icons I spotted are pilfered from either Firefox, IE, or MS Office... Ironic, seeing as they claim to be the middle ground between IE and FF -- but to me it just seems like a crude merging of the two...