Recent content by paulomello2006

  1. P

    Question about Dirt 2 coupon included in Sapphire 5770

    If you have an steam account, you will download the game from steam, if you don´t have an account, you need download Steam from Steam website and install it, after install you will creat an account. website:
  2. P

    5770 in XP VS Win7

    5770 is a midend video card, not high end.
  3. P

    Anyone having problems with the Unigine Heaven Benchmark?

    I solved my problem... I tried the WinVista w/ SP2 and DX11 and the benchmark runs fine. When I go back to Windows 7, I tried to run benchmark again and at this time I waited for 35secs while Window Status showing "Not Responding..." so the bench mark starts normally. All problems are...
  4. P

    Anyone having problems with the Unigine Heaven Benchmark?

    I have problem to run the unigine heaven in DX11 mode with or without tesselantion The benchmark freezes after loading. In DX10 mode runs fine. All games and 3Dmark Vantage runs fine too. I´m using Windows 7 32bit Ultimate, using catalyts 9.10 and this one...